The Key to Business Success? Hunt Relationships

Hunt Relationships

Hunt Relationships! 

Interesting thought. 

Let’s explore. 

What is the key to becoming a successful entrepreneur or rock star salesperson? 

To be successful we all need strong sales. 

Therefore, we need to become the “closer of sales”. 

A (sales) force to reckon with. 

Well, I decided to dig deeper into the key to building a strong pipeline of sales growth. 

So I turned to a sales authority and expert. 

The response?

Two words. 

“Hunt Relationships”. 

Wait, what?!? 

That’s right! 

“Hunt Relationships”. 

This particular expert explained that by hunting relationships, you place yourself in position to become a trusted resource.

Furthermore, a reliable guide and confidant who helps customers accomplish their goals. 

John Buglino: The Hunter of Amazing Relationships 

So who actually delivered this slice of brilliance to “Hunt Relationships”?

My dear friend John Buglino.

John is a truly selfless leader, serving as Director of Marketing for Optessa.

Optessa is an awesome company that provides “optimized planning and scheduling solutions to manufacturers so they can work smarter.”

John is such an amazing guy. His title on LinkedIn is “Professional Dad and Marketer”. 

I had the honor of interview John on our weekly LinkedIn Live program where John declared, “Hunt Relationships”. 

The Go-giver. 

The connecter and problem solver. 

However, it doesn’t end there with John. 

John continues by dropping more golden nuggets. 

In addition to possessing amazing leadership skills, John also serves as a gifted team builder. 

When asked the secret to his success with team building and leadership, John’s response, “you don’t earn my trust. You GET my trust.”

How about that for concept?

John continues, “You also don’t have to earn my respect. You GET my respect. Something has to occur for a person to lose it. You don’t have to earn it. I’m going to give it to you right up front.” 

WOWZER! Is that a powerful statement or what?

As a relentless networker and incredible family man, John is all about trust, respect, nurturing relationships as well as delivering value. 

To learn more about the INCREDIBLE John Buglio, check out this video below: 

It’s the Season to Hunt Relationships

Instead of Hunting Sales, “Hunt Relationships” is such as powerful twist. 

So, how can you be the hunter and nurturer of relationships?

Let’s think about our own sales process. 

In the same vein, how about flipping the script? 

How often do you sit around saying…

  • “Gosh, I wish someone would either cold call, cold email, cold text, or message me on social”.
  • “Could someone please interrupt my day right now and try to sell me something? Especially a product or service that I have never heard of or that has no relevancy to me.”

With this in mind, lets all do ourselves a favor by taking a page out of John’s playbook to “Hunt Relationships”. 

Therefore, when contacting someone for the first time, enter their entrepreneurial journey or their story dedicated to help them move the needle.

Communicate that you have their back. That you fully understand their challenges and frustrations. 

Above all, that you have the solution to their problem. 

In conclusion, just remember that you are on a quest. 

It is “Relationship Season” and you are on the Hunt. 

Well done John Buglino. Deeply appreciate you Brother! 





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