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Powerful eCommerce Benefits exist for companies willing to embrace eCommerce strategies. 

This holds especially true for manufacturers. 

Even though manufacturers have been slow to capture the incredible opportunities presented with eCommerce.

If you have been contemplating how eCommerce could help your company, we put together a list of the Top 10 eCommerce Benefits for manufacturers. 

Top 10 eCommerce Benefits for Manufacturers 

eCommerce Benefits

Below is our list of Top 10 eCommerce Benefits for Manufacturers: 

  1. Open 24/7 = round the clock customer service & sales tool
  2. Find Soulmates
  3. Eliminate the cumbersome RFQ process
  4. No A/R
  5. Low cost marketing and sales strategy
  6. Market Research
  7. Stay in Wheelhouse = Right Knee Guy/Gal = SCALE!  (SKOL)
  8. Open doors that you never knew existed 
  9. International opportunities
  10. Scale your Proprietary Process

Let’s dig deeper…………..

#1 ) 24 Hour Sales Tool 

When my wife was in college, she lived across the street from a store called, “We Never Close”. 

A business that never closes certainly is convenient when you need something at 2:00 AM. 

A major eCommerce benefit for you to capture, your eCommerce store never closes. 

Your website is your 24 hour a day – 7 days a week sales tool.

Click on your website right now. How does it look?

Do you provide valuable information to help a new customer make a buying decision?

Your website is way beyond a simple online business card. 

Your website represents YOUR COMPANY. 

When conducting eCommerce workshops, I like to use the example, your website should allow the viewer to make a buying decision on Saturday night at midnight. 

Make it a top priority to provide all necessary information that they don’t have to wait until you open on Monday morning. 

Just remember, you have one chance to make an outstanding 1st impression. 

One Chance to Make an Outstanding WEBPRESSION

In other words, you have one chance to make that great first Webpression!

Would you allow a salesperson represent your company in a poor fashion? 

Disheveled. Outdated. Uniformed. Delivering partial or even wrong information.

Furthermore, unable to describe your expertise and product as well as the solutions that you provide. 

Incapable of explaining the company history, mission, processes and capabilities. 

Of course not. 

Treat your website like the most important representative of your company. 

Related article: You Have Only One Chance to Make an Outstanding First Webpression

Found in Search Results? 

If your website is not a top priority, here is an important question to consider: 

  • What is the first thing that you do when looking for a new product or service? Most likely, you rely on your good friend Google.

Your potential new customers rely on Google as well.

Therefore, are you coming up on a search for your core capabilities?

In other words, are you attacking your keywords? 

Go to Google right now and type your top capability in the search box. 

Are you anywhere to be found on the first page? 

If the answer is no, hopefully, you are mad. 

Do you see your competitors coming up in the search results? 

If the answer is yes, hopefully, you are now even angrier than before.  

Contact an online marketing specialist immediately. 

Stop being the best-kept secret. 

Make your website a top priority. Now. 

Be found and make that Great 1st Webpression! 

Treat your website as one of the most important employees on your team and give it everything you’ve got. 

#2) Find Soulmates

Another factor on the list of eCommerce benefits: Discover your Soulmate (aka: Your ideal customer). 

When executing eCommerce strategies and creating a website that attracts new customers, I like to refer to those ideal customers as “Soulmates”. 

You know the type. That coveted client who would completely change your business.  

For comparison, where does a single person find their soulmate?

Single? Possess an insane schedule? Not into the bar scene?

Online dating is now the norm. It’s almost surprising when a new couple meets outside of an online dating site or social media platform.

The negative stigma of online dating is a thing of the past.

According to the statics portal, Statista, 30% of 18 to 29 year olds currently use a dating website with an additional 31% used a dating site in the past.

Online dating allows you to explore the personality traits, passions, interests, and hobbies of a potential partner.

It’s wonderful when you hear a friend or relative live out a wonderful success story by finding a companion and love interest.

Maybe you have your own success story to share.

Does your website make you look “Soulmate Worthy”?

Well, the exact same process works when a customer searches for a new supplier or vendor.

They seek a partner who represents reliability and trust.

Do you express your experience and expertise? 

Furthermore, do you explain your value to the market as well as demonstrate how customers benefit by partnering with you? 

A strong online presence and eCommerce both show how you deliver quality.

How you help increase the profitability of your customer as well as improve business. Dramatically. 

Make sure your website clearly and concisely demonstrates the problems you solve. 

Implementing eCommerce creates an opportunity that you are truly a worthy soulmate. 

So take a hard objective look at your website. 

Would you want to date you? 

In other words, based on your website, would you do business with you? 

#3) Eliminate the Cumbersome RFQ Process = Close Sales Immediately

Another key ingredient on the list of eCommerce Benefits includes cutting down or even eliminating the RFQ process. 

For example, let’s say you receive a new lead. They send an email.

How did they find you? What keyword did they use?

Additional questions and concerns include is this company actually legit? Do they pay their bills?

Why are they contacting you? Who did they contract with before?

Plenty of unanswered questions.

As a manufacturer, odds are you have received plenty of requests for quotes that never develop into a sale. 

To maximize efficiency, eCommerce helps you nurture “Soulmates” and good leads as much as it helps weed out bad leads. 

eCommerce Benefits Manufacturers by Eliminating the Cumbersome RFQ Process 

So, let’s walk through the RFQ process: 

  • First, the prospect sends you a drawing.
  • You analyze and evaluate what it will take to complete the project.
  • Next, you do your best to estimate the amount of time, energy and resources necessary to complete the project.
  • You price out the raw material, parts, and components.
  • Contact vendors for lead time.
  • Estimate product delivery times to determine when all material will be at your facility.
  • Check the production schedule to determine when the project comfortably fits.

Finally, you type up the proposal. Then you send it off with confidence. 

Then you wait……….. Crickets……….. Did they receive the quote? Why didn’t they accept your bid? Price too high? Lead time too long? Was it a competitor just testing you?

Are you a good judge of character? Can you determine a quality lead from the time-wasters?

eCommerce Benefits manufacturers by improving efficiency

Embracing eCommerce helps create a sales funnel. It allows you to narrow your focus.

It also helps prevent the risk of chasing bad leads.

My father used to preach “chase profits, not sales”.

eCommerce benefits manufacturers by offering the opportunity to make the quoting pricing precise, efficient, fast and concise.

It removes the guessing.

Everything is already in place. 

For example, vendors and products already determined. Time frames and timelines as well as processes are known.

It removes the guessing and estimating as well as the ballpark pricing, the “I think”, or “one time we made something like this”.

Additionally, add in the completely depressing jobs that were flat our quoted wrong. 

Especially for the customer that insists on a production run prior to a prototype run. 

Halfway into the project, you discover that there is no way to meet the times. You are upside down. 

Every part produced is costing you money. 

Why do companies chase after jobs, projects, products, customers, opportunities that send them down an unfamiliar path?

The reason: Sales – revenue – money – keep the staff working. 

Yet, you never know your next favorite food until you try it.

The what if’s…….

What if this opens a major door? What if this takes your company to a high level? Best decision ever. Your company explodes.

On the other hand,  you find the project exhausting company energy and resources as well as completing wasting time. 

Furthermore chasing a total dead end a wasting profits. 

Time makes us look like a complete fool or a genius – usually nothing in between. Only time will tell.

He is an example of a company taking full advantage of eCommerce Benefits available by offering an instant quoting and estimating software tools for “Soulmates”. 

Take a look at two excellent examples: 


Falconer Electronics Instant Ground Strap Quotebuilder 




Falconer Electronics Wire Harness Estimator 



#4) No Accounts Receivables

eCommerce Benefits Cash Flow: You are paid BEFORE the product leaves your facility

One of my absolute favorites on the list of eCommerce Benefits: No Receivables! 

Well, truth be told, that’s like trying to pick a favorite child. 

However, can you imagine a life with NO receivables? 

Sounds like heaven, right?

I am pretty sure I would still have hair if I had never carried receivables while in my 20’s. URGH!

For example, I vividly recall many nights praying that a customer check would arrive in the mail the next day just to cover payroll.

Though it is too late for me, take full advantage of eCommerce Benefits available to you.

If for nothing else, simply to prevent your hair from falling out. 

eCommerce Benefits Cash Flow: Paid Before Product is Shipped

Well, can you imagine being paid before the product goes out the door?


An eCommerce store offers that exact opportunity. 

For example, a customer purchases your product on your website and PAYS for it at checkout. 

You haven’t even shipped it yet. 

As a manufacturer, there is a chance you haven’t even produced it yet at this point. 

Thus, a positive cash flow opportunity. 

Cash is King!

Strong, healthy and positive flowing cash creates options.

Positive cash flow creates tremendous opportunities along with plenty of exciting options.

You have an abundance of problems with running your business.

Lots of Stress.

Employee issues. Sales. Marketing. Vendor relationships. Taxes. Health insurance. All other insurances for that matter. Liability claims. Safety. Quality. The list goes on.

Thus, just think if you could eliminate one hassle, receivables.

This was a constant dream of mine and eCommerce answered those dreams.

Positive cash flow certainly provides peace of mind.

No dreaded collection phone calls to the customer.

No emails begging for money.

Implementing eCommerce also eliminates contacting your attorney to start the collection process.

It is said that money ruins friendships.

Well, money ruins vendor/customer relationships quickly.

You think that a customer is a friend until they stop paying you. 

On the other hand, for an experiment, stop paying a vendor that you consider a close friend.

See how fast that relationship sours. 

Always knowing that you are going to be paid for a job creates thriving business relationships.

#5) No Major New Capital Expenditures:

eCommerce Benefits include Low Cost – Low Risk – Minimal Investment



Check out this fantastic guide on eCommerce website development from Georgia Web Development: HOW MUCH DO ECOMMERCE WEBSITES COST IN 2020?


doesn’t work just close down the site. $19.99 per month – WooCommerce has free options.


– growth tied to variable expenses – goes straight to the bottom line

Ecommerce adds little to nothing to fixed expenses. As discussed, shopping carts are cheap. Hosting fees are nominal.

Fill capacity

Amazon & eBay

If you are uncertain of the direction to go or the cost of a new eCommerce store sounds too expensive, consider Amazon or eBay.

In particular, if you have proprietary products or finished goods.

Amazon and eBay might be an excellent method to get started with eCommerce.

The success of Amazon and eBay speak for themselves. We don’t need to go into great detail describing either company or platform.

Odds are you have purchased on either or both websites.

These MASSIVE online marketplaces deliver instant opportunities for potential customers.

Yet, just like trying to be found on Google, these marketplaces can be a needle in the haystack as well.

Factoring the cost of the website could be a safer alternative to consider.


#6 – Stay in Your Wheelhouse 

eCommerce Benefits


Strive to perfect your proprietary process

Put every strength in your corner for success

Reduce chasing sales and customers that fall outside of your expertise


Narrow the funnel.

Stay in your lane.

It is common that they are the tradesperson. The hairstylist or plumber. No one knows their product and process better than they do.

They have built a nice business and made a comfortable living for years relying on a few customers.

Unfortunately, the world keeps changing. Global competition becomes more fierce every year.

The internet and eCommerce have opened doors that 20 years ago never existed. Phone book ads have vanished. Trade shows are expensive.

Consulting with dozens of job shops, a consistent frustration shared with these small business owners falls on finding a reliable marketplace for new customers.

Frequently a client with receive a lead or a request for a quote on a product or process that is not particularly in their wheelhouse. Projects that fall outside their specific area of expertise.

Who wants to pass up on a sale? So the company throws precious time, energy and company resources into the RFQ chasing the sale.

Due to inexperience, the quote comes in below the competition. Parts, processes, steps are potentially overlooked. What now?

I have actually heard clients express, “What are we going to do if we actually land this bid?”

I call it “Going to Russia”. (Click here


#7 – eCommerce IS your market research: Test new products & new ideas

eCommerce Benefits

 eCommerce Benefits 

adding an eCommerce store to your current website is an outstanding method to test new products on the market. 


The market will let you know if your idea or product provides value or not. 

Some more quickly than others. 

Tackling eCommerce gets on the field. 

Don’t wait. 

Done is better than perfect

Just get in the game

LinkedIn founder, Reid Hoffman famously declared:

If you are not embarrassed by the first version of your product, you’ve launched too late.

Put yourself out there – fall down & pick yourself up – keep moving – keep testing

Pursue your goals relentlessly

If you have a finished good, place it on your website and see what happens. 

List your product on Amazon. 

Contact marketplaces such as Zoro. 


#8) Open doors to that otherwise never existed for you

eCommerce Benefits

– open doors to an industry or customers that you had no idea existed

Diversify your customer base – less reliant on a handful of customers – reduce the % of top one or two customers

Creates a back door revenue source

Sell existing inventory to new customers



#9) Go Global = Attract International Markets

eCommerce Benefits

I have two interesting client stories to share with you……….

Blixt New Zealand order

A client of mine owned a company founded in 1919. The current owner was a third generation local distributor of electrical products. Employed a staff of 20 with nearly $3 million in sales. The business service area comprised of a 60 mile radius for its 100 years history. However, the company had no online presence. This particular business was a perfect fit for eCommerce.

He invested $5000 in a new website which included an eCommerce store. The first week of launching the new website, the client lands a $10,000 order. Even more exciting, the order came from a customer in New Zealand. Here is a business that rarely shipped outside of its 60 mile radius who now opened an international opportunity. Priceless. Later that year, the client landed a six figure order for a new customer in Mexico.



Watch out for the scams

When you receive a lead with a generic email such as Gmail.com, Hotmail.com, AOL.com, Yahoo.com and others, this is a red flag.


#10) Scale Your Proprietary Process 



  1. Identify Your Core Strengths: In other words, the product where you deliver the highest value to the market. The product where you have created the strongest competitive edge over your competitors.
  2. Narrow the menu – 80/20 Rule
  3. Create several scenarios where a customer order at various quantities
  4. Calculate Customer Pricing – raw material – components – parts & determine time and cost on machinery – factor in labor cost – attach an overhead charge – add margin – exact same procedure had a customer submitted a new RFQ.
  5. Set quantity discounts as you would with any customer
  6. Discuss with your web designer if you could implement this into an eCommerce store. Simply adding non-tangible activity (labor, machine time, overhead and gross margin as units to be calculated in the shopping cart.
  7. Add eCommerce to your existing website
  8. Market the hell out of your website


11) No Cold Calls



12) Lucky #13 Online Marketplaces 

Utilize online marketplaces 



Wrapping It Up

Thank you for taking the time to read this post on eCommerce Benefits for manufacturers. 

For additional info, check out these helpful posts: 

Scaling eCommerce for the first time can be daunting. Intimidating. Frustrating.

However, it doesn’t need to be that way.

Once you have made the outstanding decision to jump into the eCommerce arena, it’s now time to roll up your sleeves and get started.

Yet, where do you start?

For example, how do you make a great first impression with your website?

Additionally, once your eCommerce store is complete, now what? 

You are still a needle in a haystack. Possibly even less. 

Today, let’s explore a strategic 3 Step Approach to Scaling eCommerce for manufacturers.

Related Article: eCommerce Checklist: Manufacturing eCommerce Strategies 

#1) Scaling eCommerce: Make an Outstanding 1st Webpression

Scaling eCommerce

First, when working with your web designer to build your eCommerce store, laser focus on your customer’s experience. 

You only have one chance to make a great first impression. 

Creating and launching your new eCommerce store falls under making that great first WEPRESSION.

You know, the WOW factor. 

Allow your website to become a powerful and effective 24 hour sales tool. 

Bad website, that customer is gone. 

A few questions to consider when Scaling eCommerce and striving to make an outstanding 1st Webpression (especially for those just starting out):

  • Is your current web designer a good fit and delivering desired results?
  • Does your website make it easy as possible for customers to purchase from you?
  • Do you offer easy access on your website to connect with you? (Phone, Email, Social Media)
  • Do you offer finished goods that can easily be purchased through an efficient eCommerce store?
  • Is your website built on responsive design? 
  • Do you have your SSL certificate? 
  • Do you offer multiple payment options? 
  • Does your eCommerce store show a clear and concise Call to Action on landing pages?
  • Does your eCommerce store offer a quick and simplistic check out process? 


Determine a comfortable financial commitment when entering the eCommerce market.

For example, it might be best to start with an annual budget.

To avoid frustration with your web designer, establish a healthy line of communication.

Ask plenty of questions!

If there is ANYTHING that you don’t understand or that doesn’t make sense, ask.

There are no dumb questions.

Go through the quote thoroughly with your web designer to make sure you understand every task that they are performing.

Stick to a strict budget.

Keep in mind, if items get added to the website throughout the project, the quote will go up. 

Project creep hits website design the exact same as a construction project. 

Stop Being the Best Kept Secret 

Scaling eCommerce

A common question once the new website is complete: “We have a new website, why aren’t we getting orders?”

Unfortunately, you are still the best kept secret and less than a needle in a haystack. Just with a phenomenal new website.

How do we change this problem?

Where do you start?

Have a conversation with your web designer on what best steps to take once your new eCommerce store is launched.

If they strictly only do web design, ask for a referral to an Inbound Marketing firm.

You need an aggressive marketing game plan and a solid strategy. 

John Wanamaker, 19th century retailer, famously stated that “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half.”

Well, you face the same concerns.

If you have an internal guerilla marketer, that’s fantastic news.

If not, you need to partner with a marketing team that you TRUST.

With Scaling eCommerce, communication is essential.

Find someone who speaks your language. Who sees your vision. Aligns with your goals. Understands your culture.

A solid marketing person or team is critical.

#2)Scaling eCommerce: Dominate Search 

Scaling eCommerce

Keep in mind, the process does not end once the eCommerce store is launched.

Once your new website is complete, now the party starts.

It’s actually just the beginning.

There is plenty of work ahead of you.

However, speaking from first-hand experience, Scaling eCommerce will hopefully be one of the absolute best business decisions that you have ever made.

Create an aggressive online marketing strategy to show off your new eCommerce store. 

Especially since the benefits of Scaling eCommerce are truly endless.

I have encountered numerous entrepreneurs who spent thousands upon thousands of dollars launching a brand new eCommerce store. Only to experience immediate frustration.

Unfortunately, they expected to receive an instant flood of orders once the site went live.

They mistakenly thought that the new website represented a spigot that was turned on with orders ready to pour in.

Scaling eCommerce requires an aggressive game plan as well as a deep commitment

The goal is to start attacking your keywords. Get your name out there.

Create an environment where you “own” the keywords that your customers are searching for.

In other words, “Dominate Search” for your products, processes, and solutions.

You want to be front and center for your strengths and core capabilities. 

However, much easier said than done. 

Yet, with many manufacturers, incredible keyword opportunities exist simply due to residing in a narrow niche.

Hit the Treadmill Hard & Consistent

A new website without a concrete marketing strategy is a recipe for a big disappointment.

It’s like purchasing a treadmill, never using it and then being mad at the treadmill doesn’t deliver results. 

A treadmill being used to hang clothes is probably not a good idea. 

No use = No results 

Hit the treadmill hard and consistent.

Creating content plays a critical role with any B2B marketing strategy.

For example, Blogging delivers powerful results for those on a quest to Dominate Search.

Blogging benefits include:

  • Tremendous SEO Value
  • Customer engagement
  • Educate customers
  • Inform potential prospects on your company, products and services
  • Convert content from blogs into social media post.

Related Article: 25 Blog Topics for Manufacturers Eager to Start Blogging

Since we need your website to appear where prospects are searching, below includes additional strategies to dominate search:

  • Google Ads
  • Google Shopping
  • Images on Google
  • YouTube videos
  • SEO: Fighting your way to gain first-page Google organic listings
  • Trade websites
  • Social media
  • Online Marketplaces such as Amazon, eBay, or Zoro

The bottom line, be relentless. 

#3)Scaling eCommerce: Get Offensive

Scaling eCommerce

Once you create a strong Webpression and start dominating your keywords, let’s get offensive.

In other words, go on the offensive to broadcast your products, processes, services, and solutions.

Catch the defense (competition) off guard.

Slide under the radar. You have been the “best-kept secret” for way too long.

The time is now for you to put yourself out there.

Let the market know the incredible products that you produce.

Introduce a broader market to the amazing products that your team produces on a daily basis.

Dominating search and making a strong first Webpression also helps establish authority and credibility.

You are blanketing the search engines by putting yourself out there. 

Start contacting companies that would benefit from your products and solutions. 

So Who is Your Customer Anyway?

Think about all of the potential customers that could use your products.

Who are your potential customers and where are they hanging out? 

As a business, many channels exist to consider:

B2B = Business to Business

B2C = Business to Consumer

M2M = Manufacturer to Manufacturer 

M2B = Manufacturer to Business 

M2C = Manufacturer to Consumer

M2G = Manufacturer to Government 

B2G = Business to Government

Identify top industries and targets and go on the offensive. 

Remember you are Scaling eCommerce and killing your category. 

With the treadmill analogy, Scaling eCommerce requires lots of sweat and hard work. Hit it hard and consistent. 

Wrapping It Up

Thank you for taking the time to read this post on Scaling eCommerce. 

For additional info, check out these helpful posts: 

You have only one chance to make an outstanding first Webpression. 

Wait, what is Webpression?

So glad you asked.

Webpression is defined as “The judgment one makes when viewing a website for the first time”.

Actually I just made that up.

Well according to stats, studies, surveys, tests, as well as Ivy League researchers, high ranking officials, global think tanks, and a whole list of other smart people, you have a fraction of a millisecond to make a great first impression……..or something like that. 

Truth be told, without any stats, research or experts to confirm this, we probably all agree you only have a few seconds to make an outstanding first impression. 

Especially when it comes to your website.

Do we really need a scientific study or marketing expert to explain the importance of making an outstanding first impression?

According to the Cambridge Dictionary, impression is defined as an idea or opinion of what someone or something is like“.

It doesn’t matter if we like it or not, we are judged and sized up the second each of us walks through a door.

As an old bald guy, I am labeled the second I walk through the door. I am never confused for Tom Holland, Niall Horan or some other teenage heartthrob (even when I was young for that matter).

Well, the same goes for your website.

So an important question to ask: When a brand new prospect or a potential customer lands on your website, do you make a strong first Webpression?

Let’s dig deeper. 

Related article: 3 Step Approach to Scaling eCommerce for Manufacturers

Steps to Make an Outstanding First Webpression

A strong Webpression means you grabbed a potential customer’s attention right off the bat.

In other words, love at first sight.

You had them at “Hello” (thank you, Jerry McGuire).

I am NOT a web designer, so it is easy to be a critic.

When you go to a website either as a consumer or as a business buyer, how long does it take you to decide if this site captures your attention?

Typically within several seconds, you have determined whether this site can solve your problem or not.

What is the first thing that catches your eye? What triggers your first Webpression?

Especially as a manufacturer looking for a new vendor or supplier.

Think back to the last website that you made a purchase on or one that left you with a strong first Webpression.

What characteristics did that website possess that you found appealing?

Think of the trust factors that the website possessed which converted you into a captivated customer.

Related Article: eCommerce Checklist: Manufacturing eCommerce Strategies


A critical first step to make an outstanding first Webpression, establish trust. 

Think about the characteristics that you value strongly when seeking a new vendor or supplier. 

Do you look for the esthetics? Quality products? Price? Content? Videos? Social media activity?

Conducting research on an industrial product requires a different set of requirements as opposed to shopping for consumer goods.

Industrial products commonly require technical information such as drawings, specs, or a datasheet.

Manufacturers need to help educate as well as provide all necessary product and company information. 

As a manufacturer, your website is your company representative. It is the face of your business.

Your website serves as much more than just an online business card. It is your 24 hour sales representative.

Your website is the FIRST piece of information that a potential customer views. The first item of engagement.

Therefore, your website needs to be an absolute top priority. 

Furthermore, finding a quality web designer that you trust is also critical.

Partner with a web designer who will create a website that represents you and your company extremely well.

One who gets the company culture. Understands and clearly describes your expertise.

A web designer deeply dedicated and committed to creating that outstanding first Webpression that you desire and deserve.  

Your website needs to express that YOU are a company that gets the job done. Done well. 

That you possess the ability to solve the prospect’s problem. You resolve issues and create opportunities.

A website that shows your dedication to making your clients money. Thus happy.

 Related Article: Business Mission Statement: “BECOME THE BLANKIE”



Does your website look boring or does it deliver value?

Did you have your niece or nephew put up your site in 2005? While he or she was in college needing one more credit to complete an internship in order to graduate on time?

Your website needs to look modern as well as truly represent how you view your company to make an outstanding first Webpression.

More importantly, create a modern look that captures the attention and excitement of a new prospect. 

Think about this: if you are searching for a new vendor or supplier and they possess an awful website that is outdated, what does that say about the company? 

Doesn’t a neglected website create concerns about other areas of the company? Are they reliable? Dependable? 

However, do you need a sleek cutting edge looking site if your company is not sleek and cutting edge?

If you are targeting baby boomers, odds are you do not need the same look and feel like a hip clothing store targeting teenagers.

So who is your customer?

In the same regard, can you define or describe your ideal buyer? Have you conducted a persona exercise?

Create a website that resonates with your targeted ideal buyer. 

To make a great first Webpression, take a hard look at your website and consider each of these factors below: 

  • Company Logo
  • Contact info – easy to find
  • Search box
  • List your products and capabilities
  • Create valuable content: blogging, articles, updated company info, company awards
  • Social media activity
  • List staff and key employees 
  • Clearly and concisely explain what you do
  • KISS – Keep It Super Simple to navigate and explore your website
  • Visually pleasing to YOUR target audience

Related Article: Top 13 Reasons Why Manufacturers Struggle with eCommerce


What is it that you want a customer to do when they land on your website?

What action should they take? How can they quickly and easily engage with you?

More importantly, why should they connect with you? They are BUSY. Time is precious.

To make an outstanding first Webpression, your website needs to offer a clear call-to-action. 

Determine the action you want them to take that additionally helps solve their problem as quickly as possible. 

For example, below includes a landing page for Wire Harness Manufacturer, Falconer Electronics.

This particular page provides a clear and concise call-to-action. 

Actually they offer two options:



Option 1

The option on the left offers the opportunity for a potential buyer to click on a powerful software tool that the company created called the Wire Harness Estimator

This software tool allows a prospect to build or configure their own Wire Harness Assembly.

The program literally takes 60 seconds for a customer to configure a Wire Harness

The goal is to make it as easy as possible to connect and engage with the customer.

Solve their problems with speed and simplicity.

Option 2

Option 2 allows the customer to submit a CAD drawing.

This call-to-action also makes it as easy as possible for a customer to submit the proper product information. 

A large green box stating “Submit Drawing” cannot get much easier. 

The problem that the prospect is facing in this case: They need a quote as quickly as possible. 

Falconer Electronics solves that problem by offering two simplistic options.

Click Here to View the Falconer Electronics Wire Harness Landing Page



The next step in making an outstanding first Webpression: Landing pages. 

Do you guide a potential customer to the proper landing pages?

If you are using Google Ads, does the landing page match the particular keyword that you are targeting?

Think about how frustrating it is for you to search for a specific part or component that is tough to find.

Finally, you discover a search result on Google stating the exact rare part that you need. You click the link and it takes to a home page.

Even worse, you land on an ERROR page or NO LONGER FOUND.

Don’t be “That Guy”.

Consistently check to make sure that your landing pages are current. Going to the right spot.

Guide your customer to the appropriate landing page the answers a question or explains your core capabilities. 

Think about the buyer on the other end and their search process. 

They type a keyword (your core capability) into Google. 

You want them to land on a page quickly and preciously which helps that individual. 

Show your expertise and that you can solve their problem with a well executed landing page. 

Related Article: 25 Blog Topics for Manufacturers Eager to Start Blogging


Website navigation serves as another important factor in making that outstanding first Webpression. 

Does your website make sense?

This can be especially challenging for a manufacturer or industrial company.

Those in retail constantly think of customer flow with foot traffic. The direction and navigation of the store.

Where to place products? At the front of the store or back? Product displays. Visual appeal.

In the B2B world, manufacturers and industrial companies typically think of efficiency, quality, and safety.

They want to impress when giving a plant tour but they do not have to worry about dozens or hundreds of consumers walking through the door.

That’s the key. Allow the user to navigate through your website as if on a plant tour.

What would you show a potential new customer if they visited your physical site as well as your website?

A new piece of machinery? A production line where the product flows quickly and efficiently through your facility?

Bring your facility to the user.

To deliver that outstanding first Webpression, create an easy flow of your website allowing customers to find the information important to them as quickly as possible. 

Help them make a buying decision smoothly and efficiently. 

Show off your…..

  • Experience and expertise
  • Key employees
  • Machinery
  • Equipment
  • Case studies
  • Testimonials 

Sure, You Can Find that in Aisle 210999

To continue the importance of Navigation when striving to make an outstanding first Webpression, consider this thought…

Don’t you just love walking into a massive retail box store and you ask the clerk where to find an item and they point far out into the distance and say, “Check Aisle 210999”?

Miles and miles away. Into some faraway land. 

You don’t need binoculars. What you need is a high power telescope at this point as well as a NASA tracking system.

You make sure you have your cell phone in case of an emergency on the way.

More importantly, you check your pockets to see by chance if you brought a snack for this long trip.

Especially if you get lost.

Wouldn’t it be great if you could use SIRI, Google Maps or GPS when trying to find a tiny part in these monster stores?

Can’t the clerk just drop everything that they are doing at that very moment to hold our hands on this intimidating trek?

Climbing Mount Everest seems easier. At least there you can see your destination.

Anyway, once again, don’t be “that guy”.

To make an outstanding first Webpression, be efficient. Respectful of your customer’s time.

Help them find the product they need as quickly as possible.

Hold their hand.

Mobile-Friendly Webpression

A mobile-friendly website stands as another critical factor with making an outstanding first Webpression.  

A high-level scientific researcher performed an intense study and reported that people use their mobile devices……a lot.

Alright, I made that up too.

Yet, just look around. In a coffee shop. A traffic light. A restaurant.

Just look around your living room for that matter.

Isn’t it hysterical if you look at your family and everyone’s attention is buried into a mobile device?

Check out a high school or college football game. That’s even more fascinating seeing the number of people staring at their device instead of the game in front of them. (Confession: I missed a goal at a hockey game last night while checking the score of an NFL playoff football game on my iPhone – GUILTY AS CHARGED, YOUR HONOR).

Mobile search looks to continue its explosive growth. At least for the near future until the next technology replaces it.

It is imperative that your website looks appealing and functions smoothly on a mobile device. 

Even as industrial suppliers or manufacturers who think their buyers are all sitting at a desk browsing their PC. 

Engineers, new product developers, and procurement specialists are using mobile devices.  

They could be on a job site, on the production floor, or otherwise at a restaurant discussing a new project. 

Regardless, with every website change or improvement, make sure you are viewing changes on mobile. 

Just keep singing, “Going Mobile” (for any Who fans out there – remember, I’m old). 


Speed wins. 

Especially on your quest to make an outstanding first Webpression. 

I know, you are thinking, “thank you Captain Obvious.”

Yet, the faster your website the better. Much better.

Again, you have just a few seconds to make that great first impression (in case I haven’t hammered this point enough).

This includes a website that moves quickly.

Think about it. How long are you willing to wait for a webpage to load? I imagine not very long.

Moz, the SEO expert firm, defines Page Speed as “a measurement of how fast the content on your page loads“.

Keep in mind, there are no website traffic officers policing the internet, handing out speeding tickets. 

Customers who find your website crawling and moving slow are probably gone. Most likely, for good. 

You want your site to move FAST, FAST, FAST.

Speed definitely matters. From a user standpoint as well as from Google’s perspective with SEO.

SEO guru, Neil Patel offers outstanding insight on Page Speed in this helpful article below:

Speed Is A Killer – Why Decreasing Page Load Time Can Drastically Increase Conversions

Measure Your Webpression ROI 

Finally, how do you measure the Webpression of your website?

A few benchmarks to help determine if you are indeed making an outstanding first Webpression:

  • Phone calls
  • Email inquires
  • Sales leads
  • Conversions 
  • Requests for Quote
  • Purchased products on your eCommerce store

Keep testing. Keep growing. 

It’s an incredibly competitive global market out there. 

Deliver an amazing user experience for potential customers that they find impactful and helpful.

Take full advantage of that one chance to make an outstanding first Webpression. 

Wrapping It Up

Thank you for taking the time to read this post on making an outstanding first Webpression. 

For additional info, check out these helpful posts: 


As a manufacturer, what is on your menu?

What is your specialty? You know, your signature dish.

In other words, what are you known for that customers eagerly line up to get a taste?

For many manufacturers, this may come as a loaded question.

As you explore and consider Manufacturing eCommerce Strategies, defining your menu plays a critical role. 

Especially for custom manufacturers that do not offer or possess a proprietary product.

Typically a custom manufacturer promotes its capabilities and services available.

They describe their facility, machinery, equipment, skills, experience, and talent.

However, they commonly find themselves treading into unchartered water when contacted by a new potential customer.

A customer submits a Request-for-Quote (RFQ) for a project that just doesn’t fit their business formula or “menu”.

Yet, how can you say No to a new prospective customer?

So you find yourself exhausting time and energy into a project that is not your “specialty dish”.

Most likely having been there before (I sure have), you know this can actually hurt your business and reputation.

Especially, when you are just starting out in business, there is a tendency to take on any business that comes your way.

Also, when a business plateaus or becomes stagnant is another scenario where businesses drift into unchartered water.

Accept any order. Keep cash flowing. Grab any sale to help cover overhead. Try to keep machines running and people working. 

Even if the new order or customer takes you in an “out-of-the-way direction”. Off to a foreign land.

That is how you grow your business, right? By diversifying.

However, that’s what I always thought until I realized being too diversified is not a strength. 

Related Article: “I’M DIVERSIFIED!” No, Actually You’re Doing Five Things Horribly

Manufacturer Playing Restaurateur


So if you are a manufacturer, let’s do an exercise.

Think about your business as a restaurant.

So what is on your menu?

Do you have a limited offering?

For example, do you offer just a few select items that you hit out of the park every day?

On the other hand, do you have a vast menu that includes a huge selection? Something for everyone?

Similar to a ubiquitous New Jersey diner with pages and pages of options that includes hundreds of items. (how on earth do these diner’s keep so much in inventory?)

Anyway, as you consider a plunge into eCommerce, is it better to offer a little bit of everything?

Something for everyone. Hoping that by luck or happenstance that someone stumbles on your website to view your broad inventory selection and makes a purchase.

Otherwise, would you achieve your goals quicker by focusing on your “signature dish”?

My suggestion and recommendation: Focus on what you are absolutely best at and give it everything you’ve got.

Let’s dig deeper. 

Related Article: Two Options for Custom Manufacturers Implementing eCommerce

Your Favorite Lunch Spot


Do you have a favorite local lunch spot that offers just a handful of items?

Where they focus on their specialty or Bread & Butter (sorry I couldn’t help myself).

A gem that locals rant and rave about.

The restaurant that ex-pats must hit every time when they visit home for a holiday.

The place where Mom will send you a jar of their special sauce just to provide a taste from your favorite restaurant back home.

Every city seems to have one. The restaurant that represents the local flavor.

The place that leaves you with an amazing experience. Tourists travel miles just to get a taste of their deliciousness.

In some cases, the “hole in the wall” or local dive becomes so successful that they even scale and expand.

You know the type.

Something that you would see on Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives with Guy Fieri pulling up to in his convertible.

The key to success for these incredible dining establishments?

A laser focus on delivering high value. An amazing food experience.

Think of some of the local favorites that find national recognition.

Here are a few that come to mind:

As your mouth is probably watering right now, you most likely have several places in mind.

You know the type. A restaurant that just “kills it” every day with their signature dish.

Related Article: A Minimum Viable Product Helps You “Get in the Game”

Pat’s King of Steaks


So, let’s zero-in on what are you absolutely best at.

For example, let’s take a look at Pat’s Cheesesteaks in Philadelphia.

Actually, their trademarked name is “Pat’s King of Steaks”.

Additionally, the company domain name is PatsKingofSteaks.com (https://www.patskingofsteaks.com/).

This is how they brand themselves, as the world’s authority of cheesesteaks. 

If Pat’s in Philly is the “King of Steaks”, does it make sense to start selling chicken wings or pizza for the sake to diversify?

Pat’s has a system. It doesn’t matter if it is the middle of January with temperatures below freezing.

You will still find a long line of raving fans lined up waiting for the best cheesesteak of their lives.

However, the line moves quickly.

Once you find yourself at the “gates of heaven” for your cheesesteak, a handful of deliciousness is yours in just a matter of moments.

Pat’s is laser focused on what they do best.

They are fast and efficient.

They take advantage of economies of scale by selling a high volume with a limited menu.

Pat’s delivers incredible value as well as superior quality.

I am fully aware that locals may disagree with me and say Pat’s is strictly for tourists and there are better cheesesteak options (my college roommate reminds of this every time I visit him). 

However, since I am a tourist when visiting Philly, I have stuck with Pat’s for over 35 years and they have never failed me yet. 

Heavenly each and every time! 

By the way, when you visit, make sure you are ready to order your cheesesteak “wit or wit-out”.

What is Your Cheesesteak?


How can you create an environment where customers line up for your product?

Can you narrow your menu down to a handful of items?

Does your business model allow you to put everything in your corner to be the best at that particular product?

Build the highest quality?

Deliver the best value?

Offer the most competitive price? (Note: not necessarily the cheapest)

Within your market, is there a particular item, product or process that you have built a unique opportunity?

Efficiency expert, Max Krug calls it, capturing your “Decisive Competitive Advantage”.

What needs to be done to separate yourself from the competition?

Can you start buying raw material, components or parts in larger quantities to lower the cost of goods?

Does the opportunity exist with acquiring specialized knowledge through training?

Can you and your staff gain certification to become recognized experts?

Is there equipment and machinery available that drastically improves efficiency, quality and lead times?

Related Article:  3 Step Approach To Scaling eCommerce for Manufacturers

eCommerce Helps Narrow Your Menu 

Let’s say you have every asset in your corner to become that “specialty” restaurant with the killer signature dish.

Now how do you market yourself?

Could eCommerce be your savior?

Offer your signature dish and limited menu on an eCommerce store.

Attack your keywords to let the market aware that there is no competitor that equals your level of efficiency and quality.

Allow the customer to view the product details on your eCommerce store

In addition, consider offering the opportunity where they can custom build their own product.

As a custom manufacturer, you always wait or hope that a customer contacts you to make the product that you are known for.

Either through word-of-mouth or with a sales rep.

With eCommerce, you now can offer your limited menu on an international basis. 24/7.

eCommerce is an extremely inexpensive way to explore, connect and find new customers.

Additionally, utilize eCommerce as your R&D to help determine what customers are seeking.

With eCommerce, find the markets and customers that are searching for solutions to the problems you solve.

Discover cracks in the market that you can exploit.

Broadcast the processes and products that you offer.

Especially for that customer who can’t find these solutions elsewhere. Not domestically. Not overseas from a cheap labor country. From you! 

If you find eCommerce or technology daunting, let’s break through these concerns.

eCommerce is simply a new revenue source for you.

Start small. Try a limited menu. Get your feet wet.

Choose the few items that you find yourself as a master chef.

Once you select your products to launch, contact your web designer to share your thoughts and vision.

Ask them how can you enter this venture as inexpensively and effectively as possible.

Then, go for it! 

Related Article: eCommerce Checklist: Manufacturing eCommerce Strategies

Wrapping It Up 

Thanks for reading this post. 

Hopefully, you found this helpful for your business. 

Check out these links for additional helpful posts: 

So you hate making cold calls? 

Join the club. 

Well, eCommerce perfectly suits the individual who loathes spending their time making cold calls. 

Especially for those manufacturers who are introverts. 

In many cases, a manufacturer or business owner is the widget expert

They thrive on operations and production. 

Give them a problem to solve, they are on it. No one tackles these issues better than a manufacturer. 

Let them speak freely about their business, no problem. 

They could talk for hours about the solutions they provide. 

However, hand them a phone and ask them to start making cold calls, this leads to a completely different story altogether. 

Yet once again, eCommerce saves the day! 

Embracing an eCommerce strategy delivers another powerful benefit for manufacturers, no more cold calls. 

Related Article: Seeking Soulmates: Does Your Website Attract Dream Customers?

Dreaded Cold Calls 

No More Cold Calls

It certainly takes a rare breed that welcomes making cold calls for a living. 

For example, think about all of those reasons that people dread making cold calls anyway:

  • Time restrictions 
  • Uncomfortable 
  • Unproductive  
  • Fear 
  • Nervous 
  • Rejection
  • Humiliation 
  • Lack of confidence 
  • Inability to locate the gatekeeper or decision-maker
  • Discouraging
  • Poor sales pitch 

Cold call success becomes a numbers game. 

For example, take all of the cold calls that you receive in a week or even in a single day. 

Cold calling industries typically include stockbrokers, insurance, and payroll services.   

These cold callers represent interruption. 

Not many of us sit around longing for an unscheduled caller to sell us something. 

On the other hand, can you think of an actual cold call that did indeed convert you into a customer? 

The sales reps that you currently work with at some point in time were new to you. 

How did they break through to earn your business? 

An introduction had to be made somewhere, by someone, at some time. Maybe even a cold call?

Though some industries still utilize cold calls to drive sales, it is different for manufacturers. 

For example, every business needs insurance and most likely payroll services as well. 

However, only specific businesses or industries need your product. 

Reaching your dream customers comes with challenges. 

Therefore, this is where eCommerce steps in to make your life easier by replacing those dreaded cold calls. 

Related Article: Two Options for Custom Manufacturers Implementing eCommerce

Stay on the Radar 

Though you add massive value, you need to discover methods to land on the radar of potential customers. 

Otherwise, you simply remain as the “Best Kept Secret”. 

Most importantly, implementing an eCommerce strategy narrows your focus and allows customers to find you. 

Especially companies that would greatly benefit from unearthing your incredible product line. 

Executing a coordinated eCommerce strategy combined with an aggressive online marketing campaign helps eliminate the need for making those dreaded cold calls. 

With an eCommerce website, you immediately create the opportunity to attract warm leads. 

However, as important as it is to locate quality leads, your eCommerce strategy also helps prevent bad leads as well. 

Google plays the role of a matchmaker as well as also helps screen customers that just do not fit your formula. 

Targeting your keywords and your specific core capabilities open lines of communication for healthy engagement with business owners and buyers seeking your products. 

It creates a conversation. Breaks the ice. Gets the party started. 

Remember, your eCommerce store also serves as your 24/7 sales rep. 

Dreading making cold calls certainly serves as a strong motivator to go full throttle with eCommerce. 

Kind of ironic, isn’t it? 

With eCommerce, customers cold call YOU! 

Related Article: Like It or Not, Your Website is Your 24/7 Sales Rep

Wrapping It Up 

Thanks for reading this post. 

Hopefully, you found this helpful. 

For additional information to assist you with your eCommerce journey, please click links below: 



Let’s talk about your CTA problem. Wait, what is CTA? So glad you asked. CTA = Call to Action.

As we continue our series on making that outstanding first Webpression, this post addresses the CTA on your website.

This is not a reference to the latest and greatest video war game.

A clear and strong Call-to-Action means the difference between a prospect leaving your site immediately versus the client intrigued enough to learn more about your company.

Barbara Corcoran of Shark Tank fame says attractive traits for investment include: “Save me time, make me money or make me prettier”.

Do you save your customers time, money, or at the very least make them prettier?

You solve problems every day for your customers. Your company brings years of experience and a seasoned staff ready to tackle any challenge.

Yet, how can you communicate a powerful message in 5 seconds or less on your website?

Think about your elevator pitch as you are actually riding an elevator with that true dream customer.

In other words, your soulmate.

How can you deliver a compelling website pitch, quick and effective in order to capture their full attention?

Related Article: You Have Only One Chance to Make an Outstanding First Webpression

Strong Call-to-Action Buzzwords 

Simply put, what action do you want a customer to take once they land on your website?

Browse? Buy? Call? Email? 

As we all know, trying to be everything to everyone typically leads to being nothing to no one. It creates confusion and frustration.

Therefore, make sure your website offers a clear and concise direction.

Quickly guide potential customers to the necessary information on your website to help them make a buying decision.

The goal with your website should always be that a potential customer has enough information to make a buying decision on Saturday night at midnight without needing to wait for you to open on Monday morning.

Remember, your website serves as your 24/7 sales rep. Communicate as though you are at a trade show in a room full of potential leads.

Avoid confusion. I have a saying, if you have to explain a joke, odds are it is not funny (which describes a majority of my bad jokes).

If you need to explain to a prospect how to use your website, odds are it is confusing.

Healthy communication plays a vital role with your website. Be short and concise with guiding users. 

Below includes a list of buzzwords in order to entice a potential customer to take action:


Related Article: Like It or Not, Your Website is Your 24/7 Sales Rep

Call to Action Headlines 

Call to Action

Below includes several helpful examples of possible headlines to encourage users on your website to take action. 

CASE STUDIES THAT WILL BLOW YOUR MIND: Check out these incredible case studies. The results not only blew away our customers, we were even taken back ourselves. 

DOZENS OF OUR HAPPY CUSTOMER RECOMMEND THIS PRODUCT: Committing significant investments and resources to our proprietary processes delivers the highest quality products in the industry. 

SAVE 18% WITH THIS POWERFUL TECHNIQUE: With our 30+ years of industry experience, we have discovered that your company saves you 18% on your Cost of Goods Sold with our state of the art equipment and unrivaled proprietary process. 

ARE CUSTOMERS HAMMERING YOU ON PRICE? WE HAVE YOUR BACK!: Hopefully, you are sitting down for this. We converted our proprietary process into a custom product line offering the lowest prices on the market. 

DRASTICALLY INCREASE INVENTORY TURNOVER & PROFITS: Inventory turnover improved dramatically for our customers joining our inventory management control system. 

99.9% QUALITY CONTROL RATINGS: Learn more about our 99.9% Quality Control Ratings and how our expert staff manufactures and delivers superior products.  

FREE QUOTES WITHIN 24 HOURS: Our team is deeply dedicated to your success. We know your time is extremely precious and at a premium. Submit your drawing here for a free quote. Turned around within 1 business day. 

SIGN UP FOR OUR EMAIL NEWSLETTER (we will even throw in a few jokes for you as well): Receive powerful tips and guidance for your business during these challenging times. 

RECEIVE OUR INDUSTRY RESOURCE GUIDE: With 30+ years of industry experience, our expert team created several Industry Resource Guides to improve throughput and workflow drastically increasing profits.

Related Article: Hey Manufacturer, Let’s Scale Your Proprietary Process with eCommerce

Take Action with Your Call-to-Action 

Below includes an example of a clear Call-to-Action. 

This a page for buyers at Falconer Electronics looking for a Braided Ground Strap

Click here to view the Falconer Electronics Instant Ground Strap QuoteBuilder 

Call to Action

The orange button drives the Call-to-Action, “Get A Quote Fast!”.

In addition, the video offers a guide to answer any questions.

Bullet points address other potential questions:

  • Are you fast and efficient? – Yes! NO RFQ Wait Time * Takes 60 Seconds or Less 
  • Will you save me money? – Yes! Buy Manufacturer Direct! NO Middleman! NO Additional Markups! 
  • Where is the product made & how long have you been in business? – Made in the USA Since 1985 
  • Do you offer many options? – Yes! Wide Variety of Lengths and Sizes
  • Is the product guaranteed?  – Yes! Lifetime Manufacturer Product Warranty 

As a result, this page plays the role of a 24/7 sales rep. 

The information provides a simple and clear message allowing a customer to make a buying decision completely on their own. At any time of day and any day of the week without help. 

No waiting for a returned email or phone call. The customer creates their own product as well as receives pricing immediately. 

Most importantly, customers find the tool fast, simple, and easy to use. 

Fortune 500 companies, manufacturers, machine shops, and industrial businesses all utilize this extremely efficient and helpful software tool. 

Wrapping It Up 

Thanks for reading this post. Hopefully, you found this helpful. 

For additional information to assist you with your eCommerce journey, please click links below: 




“Manufacturer Direct”! It certainly has a nice ring to it, right?

As a manufacturer looking to diversify, many exciting options exist for you to consider. 

Especially when it comes to selling direct to end-users or consumers. 

However, today we are going to discuss a couple of options to NOT consider. 

As an eCommerce evangelist, let’s take a look at two paths to avoid. At all costs. 

Related Article: 3 Step Approach To Scaling eCommerce for Manufacturers

Options for Selling “Manufacturer Direct” (NOT!)

no more cold calls

Prior to the internet or eCommerce, a manufacturer wanting to sell direct to end-users required heavy investment in a printed catalog strategy. Otherwise, they needed to open physical retail locations. Yes, brick & mortar. 

Hmmm…print or brick & mortar? 


Either option sounds about as appealing as…..A root canal without novocaine…Bamboo shoots under fingernails…Swimming with piranhas…Dipped in honey and jumping into a mound of fire ants…..Replaying the scene in “Raiders of the Lost Ark” with tarantulas crawling on your back…..

Ok, I think you get the point. 

Printed Catalogs? 

Seriously, why am I even typing about this?

Let’s not spend our time discussing all of the negatives surrounding a print catalog strategy such as the enormous cost of printing, postage fees, finding addresses of actual buyers, as well as all of the trees killed in the process. 

Therefore, I promise not to belabor the point to death on the colossal waste of time, money, energy, and resources involved in printing catalogs. 

Additionally, find a mistake after the final print of a catalog? Tough. You will have to wait until the next run. 

I definitely will not mention the fact that eventually 100% of the printed catalogs find themselves in the garbage. In fact, 99%, find their way to the garbage without a single reading. 

Also, can you imagine calling a vendor who you eagerly want to place an order with, and the response goes “we just dropped a catalog in the mail. Give us a call next week when it arrives to place an order.” WHAT?!?! 

In conclusion, you have my word that I absolutely promise not to continue on and on and on about why printing catalogs belongs in a conversation at least 30 years ago. 


The Retail Apocalypse 

So with that, you also have my promise not to hammer the list of reasons why opening a retail store for manufacturers seems like a poor investment as well. 

As retail stores continue to close by the dozens or even hundreds, opening a retail store certainly looks as an unwise business strategy. 

Ok, who are we kidding? It’s a horrible idea! 

Especially since the “Retail Apocalypse” is upon us. 

An expected 75,000 retail stores will close by 2026 according to a report by investment firm UBS

Opening a retail store requires heavy overhead with vast capital investment. Staffing issues. Inventory management. Additional utility expenses. Crazy retail hours. High rent. Theft and shoplifters. Store fixtures. Fees, licenses, and permits. Additional business insurance for liability (what if someone slips on your slippery floor). Lastly, lots of expensive marketing and advertising to attract human beings with credit cards in hand to walk through the door. 

I also promise not to mention the crazy seasonal demands during peak seasons and holidays. 

Finally, you have my word that I will not go on and on over what a colossal waste of resources, time, money, and energy that opening a retail store requires. 

eCommerce Comfort Zone

Phew! Thankfully that rant is behind me and I am back in my eCommerce comfort zone. 

Next week we will explore all of the tremendous benefits that “Manufacturer Direct” with eCommerce offers for you and your customers. 

Wrapping It Up 

Thank you for reading this post. 

For additional information to help you on your eCommerce journey, please click links below: