Karlaa Gregory, Digital Marketing Manager at Sumitomo Drive Technologies, discusses using AI every day to maximize your marketing impact.

Stacey Curry discusses how IMEC helps to transform Illinois manufacturers to innovate, adapt, grow, and GO.

Paul Kiesche, will share strategies they use that help manufacturers build a website that is useful and attractive to buyers.

Wendy Covey of TREW Marketing talks about marketing to engineers and how you can reach your ideal buyers with the right content.

Jacob Sanchez, a Multi-Media Content Creator, discusses progressive growth for small and medium-sized businesses.

Gail Robertson – Chief Curiosity Officer, GailNow will discuss how curiosity can add a new dimension to your business success.

Sri Mahabir is dedicated to enhancing visibility for law and medical professionals through video, social media, and podcasts.

Jordan Yates from Jordan Yates Marketing will dive into the ways people can make their marketing content stand out and get noticed.

Gina Tabasso, CEO and President of Barracuda B2B Marketing discusses marketing strategy must-haves for your business.

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