So How do YOU Spell Succes? 


So how do you spell succes? Seriously?

I ask, due to the fact, for some reason I am unable to spell succes.


Ready for a hysterical story?

Here we go…

I enjoy putting out articles. 

My goal, or attempt anyway, is to create articles based around business, eCommerce or other motivational situations that cross my path.

This includes fascinating books, individuals, accomplishments, strategies, processes and succes stories. 

The articles find their way on my weekly blog

Then, the intention is to eventually post that blog on LinkedIn as an article. 

Well, one particular Friday, at six in the morning, I decided to post a recent article on LinkedIn

Due to other priorities or distractions, I had not posted on LinkedIn for nearly a month or so. 

As I pop onto LinkedIn to post an article, I notice that users can create a LinkedIn newsletter


That sounded interesting. Wonder how long this will take? 

So, I start the process. 

It is super simple and literally takes a couple minutes. 

WOW, I could not believe how fast and easy that was. 

I don’t remember the exact order but it went something like this….

I grabbed a recent article and decided for SEO purposes to alter the headline. 

The original headline was “Pull Your Finger Out of a Glass of Water and What Happens?” 

Well, it dawned on me, there are lots of immature guys out there just like me who might reply with a “Pull My Finger” comment. (Google “Pull My Finger” if that didn’t hit home).

Anyway, I decided to change the title to “When You Remove Your Finger from a Glass of Water, What Happens?” 

Manufacturing eCommerce Succes

I then created the LinkedIn newsletter which required a title. 


Well, it quickly hit me that everything we do is based around our tagline “Manufacturing eCommerce Success”. 

Our LinkedIn Live program, webinars, DWY training and even in my book “Stop Being the Best Kept Secret“, the term “Manufacturing eCommerce Success” is used. 

Basically, Manufacturing eCommerce Success is our mission, purpose, passion and war cry. 

Therefore, that was an extremely quick and easy decision for the title of the newsletter. 


It literally took 3-4 minutes to add the article and create the newsletter. 


Hit publish. 


Wow! What a nice sense of accomplishment. 

Move on the the next item on the agenda for the day and truth be told, creating the newsletter was even not on my mind for that morning. 

That was an extra bonus for the day. 

However, within two or three minutes a LinkedIn friend from England drops a note. 

“Hey Curt, Thank you for sending me the request to join Manufacturing eCommerce Success which I have done. However, I noticed that the title of the article on the glass of water has a typo in it.  I believe you should remove the “of” in the title so it scans correctly. Kind regards”. 

When I changed the title, I accidentally left an extra “of” in the new title so it read like this: “When You Remove Your Finger from of a Glass of Water, What Happens?” 


It is such a gift and blessing to have friends who have your back. 

After thanking this dear friend,  he replied, “I have spent my whole life watching for errors in my own work.  I have become very observant when I see it in others.  I would not have said anything if I did not class you in my close circle.” 

Oh boy, did I appreciate that! 

He is super busy, yet, took the time to point out an embarrassing mistake. 


Now time to move on with the day after the sweet taste of humility. 

Slow down. Process. Proof your work. Focus on quality. 

Then it hit me, how did he realize so quickly that I created the newsletter? 

Soon after comments started hitting the post on LinkedIn. 

One of comments stated, “Thank you for the invitation to subscribe to your LinkedIn Newsletter.” 

WAIT A SEC! Hold the phone!! 

I did not send out an invitation. 

Lo and behold, once you create a newsletter, LinkedIn sends out an invitation to your ENTIRE network. 

More Embarrassment 

Well that wasn’t the end of my embarrassment for the day…

After completing a fun-filled Friday and ready to hit the weekend another email pops in with the headline, “Your LI newsletter has Success spelled as Succes”


Hi Curt,

Happy Friday! Thanks for the invite!

I noticed that “success” is missing an “s”.

Just wanted to let you know.

Hope to talk to you soon!


Then after laughing hysterically at my blunder with “succes”, I immediately pop into LinkedIn to once again fix another error. 

However, this was after discovering that LinkedIn does not allow you to change the title of your newsletter. 

After chatting directly with LinkedIn while also following up several times, as of this writing, Manufacturing eCommerce Success is still spelled with “Succes”. 

As of this post, several weeks later and numerous requests, my mistake still shines bright. 

So seriously, how do you spell Succes?