Tag Archive for: Web Design

You have only one chance to make an outstanding first Webpression. 

Wait, what is Webpression?

So glad you asked.

Webpression is defined as “The judgment one makes when viewing a website for the first time”.

Actually I just made that up.

Well according to stats, studies, surveys, tests, as well as Ivy League researchers, high ranking officials, global think tanks, and a whole list of other smart people, you have a fraction of a millisecond to make a great first impression……..or something like that. 

Truth be told, without any stats, research or experts to confirm this, we probably all agree you only have a few seconds to make an outstanding first impression. 

Especially when it comes to your website.

Do we really need a scientific study or marketing expert to explain the importance of making an outstanding first impression?

According to the Cambridge Dictionary, impression is defined as an idea or opinion of what someone or something is like“.

It doesn’t matter if we like it or not, we are judged and sized up the second each of us walks through a door.

As an old bald guy, I am labeled the second I walk through the door. I am never confused for Tom Holland, Niall Horan or some other teenage heartthrob (even when I was young for that matter).

Well, the same goes for your website.

So an important question to ask: When a brand new prospect or a potential customer lands on your website, do you make a strong first Webpression?

Let’s dig deeper. 

Related article: 3 Step Approach to Scaling eCommerce for Manufacturers

Steps to Make an Outstanding First Webpression

A strong Webpression means you grabbed a potential customer’s attention right off the bat.

In other words, love at first sight.

You had them at “Hello” (thank you, Jerry McGuire).

I am NOT a web designer, so it is easy to be a critic.

When you go to a website either as a consumer or as a business buyer, how long does it take you to decide if this site captures your attention?

Typically within several seconds, you have determined whether this site can solve your problem or not.

What is the first thing that catches your eye? What triggers your first Webpression?

Especially as a manufacturer looking for a new vendor or supplier.

Think back to the last website that you made a purchase on or one that left you with a strong first Webpression.

What characteristics did that website possess that you found appealing?

Think of the trust factors that the website possessed which converted you into a captivated customer.

Related Article: eCommerce Checklist: Manufacturing eCommerce Strategies


A critical first step to make an outstanding first Webpression, establish trust. 

Think about the characteristics that you value strongly when seeking a new vendor or supplier. 

Do you look for the esthetics? Quality products? Price? Content? Videos? Social media activity?

Conducting research on an industrial product requires a different set of requirements as opposed to shopping for consumer goods.

Industrial products commonly require technical information such as drawings, specs, or a datasheet.

Manufacturers need to help educate as well as provide all necessary product and company information. 

As a manufacturer, your website is your company representative. It is the face of your business.

Your website serves as much more than just an online business card. It is your 24 hour sales representative.

Your website is the FIRST piece of information that a potential customer views. The first item of engagement.

Therefore, your website needs to be an absolute top priority. 

Furthermore, finding a quality web designer that you trust is also critical.

Partner with a web designer who will create a website that represents you and your company extremely well.

One who gets the company culture. Understands and clearly describes your expertise.

A web designer deeply dedicated and committed to creating that outstanding first Webpression that you desire and deserve.  

Your website needs to express that YOU are a company that gets the job done. Done well. 

That you possess the ability to solve the prospect’s problem. You resolve issues and create opportunities.

A website that shows your dedication to making your clients money. Thus happy.

 Related Article: Business Mission Statement: “BECOME THE BLANKIE”



Does your website look boring or does it deliver value?

Did you have your niece or nephew put up your site in 2005? While he or she was in college needing one more credit to complete an internship in order to graduate on time?

Your website needs to look modern as well as truly represent how you view your company to make an outstanding first Webpression.

More importantly, create a modern look that captures the attention and excitement of a new prospect. 

Think about this: if you are searching for a new vendor or supplier and they possess an awful website that is outdated, what does that say about the company? 

Doesn’t a neglected website create concerns about other areas of the company? Are they reliable? Dependable? 

However, do you need a sleek cutting edge looking site if your company is not sleek and cutting edge?

If you are targeting baby boomers, odds are you do not need the same look and feel like a hip clothing store targeting teenagers.

So who is your customer?

In the same regard, can you define or describe your ideal buyer? Have you conducted a persona exercise?

Create a website that resonates with your targeted ideal buyer. 

To make a great first Webpression, take a hard look at your website and consider each of these factors below: 

  • Company Logo
  • Contact info – easy to find
  • Search box
  • List your products and capabilities
  • Create valuable content: blogging, articles, updated company info, company awards
  • Social media activity
  • List staff and key employees 
  • Clearly and concisely explain what you do
  • KISS – Keep It Super Simple to navigate and explore your website
  • Visually pleasing to YOUR target audience

Related Article: Top 13 Reasons Why Manufacturers Struggle with eCommerce


What is it that you want a customer to do when they land on your website?

What action should they take? How can they quickly and easily engage with you?

More importantly, why should they connect with you? They are BUSY. Time is precious.

To make an outstanding first Webpression, your website needs to offer a clear call-to-action. 

Determine the action you want them to take that additionally helps solve their problem as quickly as possible. 

For example, below includes a landing page for Wire Harness Manufacturer, Falconer Electronics.

This particular page provides a clear and concise call-to-action. 

Actually they offer two options:



Option 1

The option on the left offers the opportunity for a potential buyer to click on a powerful software tool that the company created called the Wire Harness Estimator

This software tool allows a prospect to build or configure their own Wire Harness Assembly.

The program literally takes 60 seconds for a customer to configure a Wire Harness

The goal is to make it as easy as possible to connect and engage with the customer.

Solve their problems with speed and simplicity.

Option 2

Option 2 allows the customer to submit a CAD drawing.

This call-to-action also makes it as easy as possible for a customer to submit the proper product information. 

A large green box stating “Submit Drawing” cannot get much easier. 

The problem that the prospect is facing in this case: They need a quote as quickly as possible. 

Falconer Electronics solves that problem by offering two simplistic options.

Click Here to View the Falconer Electronics Wire Harness Landing Page



The next step in making an outstanding first Webpression: Landing pages. 

Do you guide a potential customer to the proper landing pages?

If you are using Google Ads, does the landing page match the particular keyword that you are targeting?

Think about how frustrating it is for you to search for a specific part or component that is tough to find.

Finally, you discover a search result on Google stating the exact rare part that you need. You click the link and it takes to a home page.

Even worse, you land on an ERROR page or NO LONGER FOUND.

Don’t be “That Guy”.

Consistently check to make sure that your landing pages are current. Going to the right spot.

Guide your customer to the appropriate landing page the answers a question or explains your core capabilities. 

Think about the buyer on the other end and their search process. 

They type a keyword (your core capability) into Google. 

You want them to land on a page quickly and preciously which helps that individual. 

Show your expertise and that you can solve their problem with a well executed landing page. 

Related Article: 25 Blog Topics for Manufacturers Eager to Start Blogging


Website navigation serves as another important factor in making that outstanding first Webpression. 

Does your website make sense?

This can be especially challenging for a manufacturer or industrial company.

Those in retail constantly think of customer flow with foot traffic. The direction and navigation of the store.

Where to place products? At the front of the store or back? Product displays. Visual appeal.

In the B2B world, manufacturers and industrial companies typically think of efficiency, quality, and safety.

They want to impress when giving a plant tour but they do not have to worry about dozens or hundreds of consumers walking through the door.

That’s the key. Allow the user to navigate through your website as if on a plant tour.

What would you show a potential new customer if they visited your physical site as well as your website?

A new piece of machinery? A production line where the product flows quickly and efficiently through your facility?

Bring your facility to the user.

To deliver that outstanding first Webpression, create an easy flow of your website allowing customers to find the information important to them as quickly as possible. 

Help them make a buying decision smoothly and efficiently. 

Show off your…..

  • Experience and expertise
  • Key employees
  • Machinery
  • Equipment
  • Case studies
  • Testimonials 

Sure, You Can Find that in Aisle 210999

To continue the importance of Navigation when striving to make an outstanding first Webpression, consider this thought…

Don’t you just love walking into a massive retail box store and you ask the clerk where to find an item and they point far out into the distance and say, “Check Aisle 210999”?

Miles and miles away. Into some faraway land. 

You don’t need binoculars. What you need is a high power telescope at this point as well as a NASA tracking system.

You make sure you have your cell phone in case of an emergency on the way.

More importantly, you check your pockets to see by chance if you brought a snack for this long trip.

Especially if you get lost.

Wouldn’t it be great if you could use SIRI, Google Maps or GPS when trying to find a tiny part in these monster stores?

Can’t the clerk just drop everything that they are doing at that very moment to hold our hands on this intimidating trek?

Climbing Mount Everest seems easier. At least there you can see your destination.

Anyway, once again, don’t be “that guy”.

To make an outstanding first Webpression, be efficient. Respectful of your customer’s time.

Help them find the product they need as quickly as possible.

Hold their hand.

Mobile-Friendly Webpression

A mobile-friendly website stands as another critical factor with making an outstanding first Webpression.  

A high-level scientific researcher performed an intense study and reported that people use their mobile devices……a lot.

Alright, I made that up too.

Yet, just look around. In a coffee shop. A traffic light. A restaurant.

Just look around your living room for that matter.

Isn’t it hysterical if you look at your family and everyone’s attention is buried into a mobile device?

Check out a high school or college football game. That’s even more fascinating seeing the number of people staring at their device instead of the game in front of them. (Confession: I missed a goal at a hockey game last night while checking the score of an NFL playoff football game on my iPhone – GUILTY AS CHARGED, YOUR HONOR).

Mobile search looks to continue its explosive growth. At least for the near future until the next technology replaces it.

It is imperative that your website looks appealing and functions smoothly on a mobile device. 

Even as industrial suppliers or manufacturers who think their buyers are all sitting at a desk browsing their PC. 

Engineers, new product developers, and procurement specialists are using mobile devices.  

They could be on a job site, on the production floor, or otherwise at a restaurant discussing a new project. 

Regardless, with every website change or improvement, make sure you are viewing changes on mobile. 

Just keep singing, “Going Mobile” (for any Who fans out there – remember, I’m old). 


Speed wins. 

Especially on your quest to make an outstanding first Webpression. 

I know, you are thinking, “thank you Captain Obvious.”

Yet, the faster your website the better. Much better.

Again, you have just a few seconds to make that great first impression (in case I haven’t hammered this point enough).

This includes a website that moves quickly.

Think about it. How long are you willing to wait for a webpage to load? I imagine not very long.

Moz, the SEO expert firm, defines Page Speed as “a measurement of how fast the content on your page loads“.

Keep in mind, there are no website traffic officers policing the internet, handing out speeding tickets. 

Customers who find your website crawling and moving slow are probably gone. Most likely, for good. 

You want your site to move FAST, FAST, FAST.

Speed definitely matters. From a user standpoint as well as from Google’s perspective with SEO.

SEO guru, Neil Patel offers outstanding insight on Page Speed in this helpful article below:

Speed Is A Killer – Why Decreasing Page Load Time Can Drastically Increase Conversions

Measure Your Webpression ROI 

Finally, how do you measure the Webpression of your website?

A few benchmarks to help determine if you are indeed making an outstanding first Webpression:

  • Phone calls
  • Email inquires
  • Sales leads
  • Conversions 
  • Requests for Quote
  • Purchased products on your eCommerce store

Keep testing. Keep growing. 

It’s an incredibly competitive global market out there. 

Deliver an amazing user experience for potential customers that they find impactful and helpful.

Take full advantage of that one chance to make an outstanding first Webpression. 

Wrapping It Up

Thank you for taking the time to read this post on making an outstanding first Webpression. 

For additional info, check out these helpful posts: 


Another incredible benefit that comes with embracing eCommerce for manufacturers: No major capital expenditures. 

For the record, I am CHEAP. Extremely cheap. 

Feel free to ask my wife, friends, family or even my 140 LB Rottweiler. 

Actually, I spoil my Rottie so he might not be the best to ask. 

Anyway, with that in mind, as an avid and dedicated eCommerce evangelist, eCommerce offers your company amazing opportunities at extremely low costs and no major capital expenditures. 

As a manufacturer, odds are you currently have a website.

Most likely, even a decent website that you are proud of showing new customers (hopefully anyway). 

When you are ready to take the eCommerce plunge and finding yourself cheap like me, there are many options to get you in the eCommerce game. Pronto. 

Related Article: eCommerce Checklist: Manufacturing eCommerce Strategies

Launching an eCommerce Store: No Major Capital Expenditures

capital expenditures

Buying a domain name typically runs $9.99 per year (check out GoDaddy). 

In addition, hosting your website runs approximately $120 per year (check out Bluehost). 

Odds are you already have a website which means you are already paying for both your domain name and hosting fees. 

Therefore, no additional expenses there. 

Next, you need a shopping cart. 

 As discussed, shopping carts are incredibly inexpensive. 

Tackling eCommerce adds little to nothing to fixed expenses.

Let’s take a look at a few eCommerce shopping cart options. 

Related Article:  3 Step Approach To Scaling eCommerce for Manufacturers


Do you love the word “Free” as much as I do?

WooCommerce offers a Free plugin (Click here). 

If you currently own a WordPress website, WooCommerce serves as an extremely reasonable and affordable eCommerce option for you to consider. 

What is WooCommerce? 

WooCommerce is an open-source, completely customizable eCommerce platform for entrepreneurs worldwide. Go beyond the confines of traditional eCommerce solutions, and be limited only by your own imagination.

WooCommerce is a wildly popular eCommerce solution. Click here to find out more about WooCommerce.

Discuss with your web developer about adding a WooCommerce shopping cart to your current website. 

No Major Capital Expenditures with eCommerce Shopping Carts 

There are plenty of options when selecting an eCommerce shopping cart. 

Each option delivers powerful resources without significant capital expenditures. 

Nearly all eCommerce shopping carts start around $20 per month. 

It truly comes down to the services offered and personal preference.

Most likely, your web designer will have a particular eCommerce store that they prefer or recommend. 

Let’s meet a few players within the eCommerce shopping cart software arena. 


“Founded in 1997, 3dcart is a complete and robust eCommerce platform designed to help online store owners thrive in a competitive market. With hundreds of features built directly into its software, business owners can effectively open, operate and maintain a successful online store with relative ease and efficiency. Today, we are an Inc. 5000 company, a Visa PCI Certified provider and a pioneer in mobile commerce and digital marketing.”

3Dcart pricing starts at only $17.10 per month with no transaction fees as well as unlimited products. Click here to view 3Dcart pricing


“BigCommerce’s mission is to help merchants sell more at every stage of business growth. Simply put, we are: Built for growth so merchants can realize their visions without compromise; Designed for powerful performance to enable businesses to scale seamlessly with technology they can trust; Efficient in both time and cost. We have the lowest total cost of ownership (TCO) in the industry enabling merchants to unlock profit and invest in customer acquisition.”

BigCommerce pricing starts at only $29.95 per month. Click here to view BigCommerce pricing


“Shopify powers over 1,000,000 businesses worldwide The all-in-one commerce platform to start, run, and grow a business. Over a decade ago, we started a store to sell snowboards online. None of the eCommerce solutions at the time gave us the control we needed to be successful—so we built our own. Today, businesses of all sizes use Shopify, whether they’re selling online, in retail stores, or on the go. Making commerce better for everyone. We help people achieve independence by making it easier to start, run, and grow a business. We believe the future of commerce has more voices, not fewer, so we’re reducing the barriers to business ownership to make commerce better for everyone.”

Shopify pricing starts at $29 per month. Shopify also offers credit card processing as well as discounts on shipping. Click here to view Shopify pricing


“It all started in 1999 when our founder, Kevin Sproles, then 16 years old, started building custom websites for clients. Talking to customers, and building their dream was a passion from the beginning. Doing it all, from sales to support, to product design, Kevin knew what needed to happen to be able to help more people, and soon the first version of Volusion was born: an all-in-one tool for people to run their business. From the beginning, it was easy to use, and we were there if you needed help. Today, that’s still true. Kevin and 200+ more Volusioneers are a phone call away, 24×7 to help you reach your goals. And product innovation is at the forefront. This is only the beginning… just wait, we’ve got even more great things in store for you to come.”

Volusion pricing starts at $26 per month with no transaction fees as well as unlimited products. Click here to view Volusion pricing.


“Our powerful technology allows everyone to get online with a stunning, professional and functional web presence. Whether it’s your first time creating or you’re a long time expert, you’ll find the features and solutions you need to build a professional website with true creative freedom. Our global user base, open SDK, and unparalleled design capabilities create a unique ecosystem. Partners, developers, web designers, and other online professionals can effectively market their Apps and services to millions through Wix.”

Wix pricing starts at $23 per month which includes unlimited bandwidth and also allows accepts online payments. Click here to view Wix pricing. 

eCommerce Web Designer 

Your biggest expense will most likely be the web design services to launch your eCommerce store.

If you have a current web designer, start there. Invite a constructive conversation with your web designer about their experiences with eCommerce. 

In case you do not have an active web designer or your current web designer simply has no experience with eCommerce, it’s time to start looking around. 

Depending on your taste, your goals, and the direction you are heading, creating a new eCommerce store could cost as little as a few hundred dollars all the up to tens of thousands. 

Remember, I am cheap! 

If you are just starting out and getting your feet wet, a minimum viable product most likely is the best route. 

Find a web designer that aligns with your goals and vision. 

Be clear and concise with your budget. 

Even though you cannot expect a Lamborghini on a Chevy budget, there is no reason you cannot have an impressive and professional looking website at an extremely low cost. 

Spending tens of thousands of dollars to “test the market” most likely is not the best strategy here. 

Creating a new eCommerce store is a onetime variable expense to launch the site along with maintaining a relationship with the designer for ongoing updates and additions.  

So, where do you find a web designer to help keep our capital expenditures as low as possible? 

Related Article: A Minimum Viable Product Helps You “Get in the Game” 

Resources to Find an eCommerce Web Designer

Below includes a list of 10 helpful resources to explore when seeking an eCommerce web designer: 

  1. Chamber of Commerce – Check your local Chamber of Commerce for recommendations. 
  2. Facebook – If you are an active Facebooker – turn to your Facebook tribe and ask for recommendations for an eCommerce web designer.
  3. Fiverr – “Find the perfect Freelance Services for your business”.
  4. Freelancer – “Hire expert freelancers for any job, online”.
  5. Google – Turn to good ole Google and conduct a few local searches (For example: “Best eCommerce web designer in my area”).
  6. LinkedIn – As a LinkedIn junkie, LinkedIn offers a wealth of opportunities and connections to connect with eCommerce web designers. 
  7. Local colleges and universities – Colleges and universities are an incredible resource and great place to connect with a young and hungry web designer who might be looking for an internship or spending money. It could also turn into a nice long-term relationship. 
  8. Twitter – I follow a bunch of SEO and eCommerce experts (fellow geeks) on Twitter which is an incredible resource to connect with eCommerce web designers.
  9. Upwork – “In-demand talent on demand. Upwork expertly connects professionals and agencies to businesses seeking specialized talent.”
  10. Vendors – Check with vendors if they have any web designer suggestions. Especially vendors already utilizing eCommerce. Those ahead of the curve or already executing eCommerce should have excellent recommendations for you.

Related Article: Two Options for Custom Manufacturers Implementing eCommerce

No Major Capital Expenditures with Online Marketplaces 

In case you decide that launching an eCommerce store is premature or simply not the right direction, no fear. 

Tipping your toe in the eCommerce world via an online marketplace might be a much better fit. 

In other words, testing the waters on an existing online marketplace offers an excellent alternative. 

Online marketplaces provide a powerful resource for you to enter the eCommerce arena with minimal investment. 

Additionally, did I mention that my favorite word is FREE? 

Well, with pursuing the online marketplace route, once again, NO major capital expenditures. 

It is completely free to add products to an online marketplace. 

Typically the marketplace simply takes a commission on your products. 

For example, several online marketplaces to consider include: 

Once again, this option also offers incredible opportunities with no major capital expenditures. 

Wrapping It Up 

Thanks for reading this post. 

Hopefully, you found this helpful for your eCommerce journey. 

For additional helpful links on eCommerce, check out these links below: 

Looking for a quality web designer? 


That is fantastic news that you have decided to upgrade your website. 

Possibly even launching your first website. 

Now the challenge, finding a quality web designer. 

Not sure where to start? We have your back. 

This post includes a number of excellent resources for you as you explore web design options. 

There is no particular order. Let’s just go with the flow….so here we go……..

1) SBDC – The Small Business Development Center

Connecting with your local Small Business Development Center (SBDC) makes lots of cents (and sense). If you have never utilized the SBDC before, there is no better time than the present.

The SBDC is an excellent place to start when searching for a quality web designer.

Also, when an advisor at the SBDC is asked to refer professional services, they typically will refer three names to keep an objective perspective. This prevents favoritism or the possibility of a conflict of interest.

The best thing about the SBDC, their services are……FREE (one of my favorite words).

That is correct! Small business consulting services from the SBDC are absolutely free. Also, engagement and counseling sessions with the SBDC are completely confidential.

With nearly 1000 centers located at universities and colleges, the SBDC serves as an amazing resource dedicated to supporting the American entrepreneurial spirit.

Advisors at your local SBDC deal with literally hundreds of local businesses. The SBDC is funded by the Small Business Association SBA.

Therefore, check with your local SBDC to discover that quality web designer to kick off your eCommerce journey. 

Click here to find the nearest SBDC 

2) Chamber of Commerce

The Chamber of Commerce serves as another excellent resource for discovering a quality web designer.

The Chamber of Commerce offers an abundance of activity for you to engage and connect within your community.

For example, the Chamber of Commerce offers networking events, membership directories as well as plenty of engagement on social media.

Check out your local Chamber website and go to their member directory to view local web designers.

Related Article: Manufacturing Website Call-to-Action Strategies That Work

3) Trade Associations

Many successful web design firms target a specific industry. They have knowledge and experience within that particular sector.

They speak the language and even know industry terms and lingo. Understand the nuances and culture. Know industry trends. They just get it.

Seems like every industry has a trade association if not multiple. If you are not a member of an association, check around to discover your options. Check out their website to see if they have a member directory.

A web designer or firm that targets your industry will likely have a membership or at least advertise on the site.

Here is a link to the Directory of Associations:


4) Friends and Family Plan

The friends and family plan serves as another excellent option when seeking a quality web designer.

For example, your brother-in-law’s uncle’s cousin’s step-sister’s niece might make an excellent choice as your savior for a new website. 

Check around. Ask around. 

You might discover a gem of a web designer by simply exploring your inner circle. 

Buy our New Book on Amazon: Stop Being the Best Kept Secret 

5) Vendors

Check out your vendor websites.

See one that is extremely appealing? Super cool? (btw – is the word cool still cool?)

Reach out to your vendor and ask them about their web designer.

If their web designer hit the ball out of the park for your vendor, it seems like healthy odds they would perform just as well for you.

As their customer, your vendor is going to provide an honest assessment.

The growth and success of your company are definitely in your vendor’s best interest.

That firm comes with a reliable referral. The web designer has experience in your industry.

6) Customers

Check out your customer’s website. This accomplishes several things.

First, it offers a better connection with your customers.

It helps you gain a vision of their culture and vision. It shines a light on the direction your customer is heading. 

Exploring their website offers clues on how you can better serve your customer. 

This also helps you understand THEIR customer which ultimately is YOUR customer just as well. 

In addition, this plays as an excellent taking point. A great reason or excuse to contact your customer and praise them about their website. 

People LOVE praise! You customer will cherish the opportunity to discuss their website which may be a source of pride and joy. 

They should be pleased to discuss the process they took to build their website and share the web designer who helped them. 

7) Google It

If you have still not discovered a quality web designer, let’s turn to our dear friend Google.

Google most likely starts out with paid ads. Check through the ads to see if any companies look appealing. Go ahead and click through a few to see if any sites stand out.

Next, Google typically posts local companies.

If necessary, get specific.

For example, do a Google search that includes your city (Quality web designer in My City, My State).

Another option: If you prefer using a certain CMS like WordPress, do a Google search for WordPress web designer.

Combine the two: “WordPress web designer in My City”.

One more tactic, try conducting a Google search with your industry.

For example try:

  • Quality web designer for manufacturers
  • Websites for manufacturers
  • Quality web designer for metal fabricators
  • Web design for CNC milling

As mentioned under trade associations, many web design firms find a successful niche. Targeting a specific industry keeps a concise focus. As opposed to trying to be everything to everyone, they laser focus on being the best in one particular field.

That web design firm could be a great fit. The concern or downside falls that this firm might serve a competitor. Contact the firm and have an open discussion on how they address this issue.

8) Freelancing It 

Still no luck so far with finding a quality web designer?

Ok. Let’s turn to professional freelancing options. Several websites offer excellent freelance services.

Exploring the sites below, many listings display solopreneurs seeking gigs. 

In addition, many of these freelance sites also list full-fledge web design firms. 

Our team enjoys numerous relationships with a variety of freelancers. 

Each website offers thorough detail on each freelancer.

Things to check for when sourcing freelancers: 

  • Overview
  • Hourly rate
  • Ratings
  • Skills
  • Portfolio

Below includes several freelance sites to explore: 

9) Social Media

Another excellent option with discovering a quality web designer, start with your favorite social media platform.

Do a search for quality web designer or web design firm on your social media platform of choice. Exactly as you would while conducting a search on Google.

10) Local Coffee Shop

Finally, do you have a local coffee shop where young hipsters hang out?

Especially since coffee shops serve as another fantastic resource for networking.

If you happen to be reading this in a coffee shop right now, just look around the room.

Odds are several web designers are within view right now (except probably wearing a mask or six feet away). 

11) Local College or University 

Colleges and universities are an incredible resource and great place to connect with a young and hungry web designer who might be looking for an internship or spending money.

It could also turn into a nice long-term relationship.

Contact your local college or university and ask to speak with the person in charge of posting internships or the job board. 

Colleges and universities serve as incredible resources for discovering fresh new talent. 

Wrapping It Up 

Thanks for reading this post. 

We wish you massive success on your eCommerce journey. 

For additional information, please check out these helpful articles. 

Hey Manufacturers, Being the “Best Kept Secret” is No Longer an Option

Like It or Not, Your Website is Your 24 Hours a Day Sales Rep