11 Best Resources to Find a Quality Web Designer for Your New Website

quality web designer

Looking for a quality web designer? 


That is fantastic news that you have decided to upgrade your website. 

Possibly even launching your first website. 

Now the challenge, finding a quality web designer. 

Not sure where to start? We have your back. 

This post includes a number of excellent resources for you as you explore web design options. 

There is no particular order. Let’s just go with the flow….so here we go……..

1) SBDC – The Small Business Development Center

Connecting with your local Small Business Development Center (SBDC) makes lots of cents (and sense). If you have never utilized the SBDC before, there is no better time than the present.

The SBDC is an excellent place to start when searching for a quality web designer.

Also, when an advisor at the SBDC is asked to refer professional services, they typically will refer three names to keep an objective perspective. This prevents favoritism or the possibility of a conflict of interest.

The best thing about the SBDC, their services are……FREE (one of my favorite words).

That is correct! Small business consulting services from the SBDC are absolutely free. Also, engagement and counseling sessions with the SBDC are completely confidential.

With nearly 1000 centers located at universities and colleges, the SBDC serves as an amazing resource dedicated to supporting the American entrepreneurial spirit.

Advisors at your local SBDC deal with literally hundreds of local businesses. The SBDC is funded by the Small Business Association SBA.

Therefore, check with your local SBDC to discover that quality web designer to kick off your eCommerce journey. 

Click here to find the nearest SBDC 

2) Chamber of Commerce

The Chamber of Commerce serves as another excellent resource for discovering a quality web designer.

The Chamber of Commerce offers an abundance of activity for you to engage and connect within your community.

For example, the Chamber of Commerce offers networking events, membership directories as well as plenty of engagement on social media.

Check out your local Chamber website and go to their member directory to view local web designers.

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3) Trade Associations

Many successful web design firms target a specific industry. They have knowledge and experience within that particular sector.

They speak the language and even know industry terms and lingo. Understand the nuances and culture. Know industry trends. They just get it.

Seems like every industry has a trade association if not multiple. If you are not a member of an association, check around to discover your options. Check out their website to see if they have a member directory.

A web designer or firm that targets your industry will likely have a membership or at least advertise on the site.

Here is a link to the Directory of Associations:


4) Friends and Family Plan

The friends and family plan serves as another excellent option when seeking a quality web designer.

For example, your brother-in-law’s uncle’s cousin’s step-sister’s niece might make an excellent choice as your savior for a new website. 

Check around. Ask around. 

You might discover a gem of a web designer by simply exploring your inner circle. 

Buy our New Book on Amazon: Stop Being the Best Kept Secret 

5) Vendors

Check out your vendor websites.

See one that is extremely appealing? Super cool? (btw – is the word cool still cool?)

Reach out to your vendor and ask them about their web designer.

If their web designer hit the ball out of the park for your vendor, it seems like healthy odds they would perform just as well for you.

As their customer, your vendor is going to provide an honest assessment.

The growth and success of your company are definitely in your vendor’s best interest.

That firm comes with a reliable referral. The web designer has experience in your industry.

6) Customers

Check out your customer’s website. This accomplishes several things.

First, it offers a better connection with your customers.

It helps you gain a vision of their culture and vision. It shines a light on the direction your customer is heading. 

Exploring their website offers clues on how you can better serve your customer. 

This also helps you understand THEIR customer which ultimately is YOUR customer just as well. 

In addition, this plays as an excellent taking point. A great reason or excuse to contact your customer and praise them about their website. 

People LOVE praise! You customer will cherish the opportunity to discuss their website which may be a source of pride and joy. 

They should be pleased to discuss the process they took to build their website and share the web designer who helped them. 

7) Google It

If you have still not discovered a quality web designer, let’s turn to our dear friend Google.

Google most likely starts out with paid ads. Check through the ads to see if any companies look appealing. Go ahead and click through a few to see if any sites stand out.

Next, Google typically posts local companies.

If necessary, get specific.

For example, do a Google search that includes your city (Quality web designer in My City, My State).

Another option: If you prefer using a certain CMS like WordPress, do a Google search for WordPress web designer.

Combine the two: “WordPress web designer in My City”.

One more tactic, try conducting a Google search with your industry.

For example try:

  • Quality web designer for manufacturers
  • Websites for manufacturers
  • Quality web designer for metal fabricators
  • Web design for CNC milling

As mentioned under trade associations, many web design firms find a successful niche. Targeting a specific industry keeps a concise focus. As opposed to trying to be everything to everyone, they laser focus on being the best in one particular field.

That web design firm could be a great fit. The concern or downside falls that this firm might serve a competitor. Contact the firm and have an open discussion on how they address this issue.

8) Freelancing It 

Still no luck so far with finding a quality web designer?

Ok. Let’s turn to professional freelancing options. Several websites offer excellent freelance services.

Exploring the sites below, many listings display solopreneurs seeking gigs. 

In addition, many of these freelance sites also list full-fledge web design firms. 

Our team enjoys numerous relationships with a variety of freelancers. 

Each website offers thorough detail on each freelancer.

Things to check for when sourcing freelancers: 

  • Overview
  • Hourly rate
  • Ratings
  • Skills
  • Portfolio

Below includes several freelance sites to explore: 

9) Social Media

Another excellent option with discovering a quality web designer, start with your favorite social media platform.

Do a search for quality web designer or web design firm on your social media platform of choice. Exactly as you would while conducting a search on Google.

10) Local Coffee Shop

Finally, do you have a local coffee shop where young hipsters hang out?

Especially since coffee shops serve as another fantastic resource for networking.

If you happen to be reading this in a coffee shop right now, just look around the room.

Odds are several web designers are within view right now (except probably wearing a mask or six feet away). 

11) Local College or University 

Colleges and universities are an incredible resource and great place to connect with a young and hungry web designer who might be looking for an internship or spending money.

It could also turn into a nice long-term relationship.

Contact your local college or university and ask to speak with the person in charge of posting internships or the job board. 

Colleges and universities serve as incredible resources for discovering fresh new talent. 

Wrapping It Up 

Thanks for reading this post. 

We wish you massive success on your eCommerce journey. 

For additional information, please check out these helpful articles. 

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