Danger Zone: This is How We Have Always Done It 

Always Done

When the words left my mouth, “This is how we have always done it”, I knew I was doomed. 

I just entered the danger zone! 

In other words, my business was doomed with my leadership. 

It was time for me to move on. 

Not only did I need to move on personally.

More importantly, the business needed to step away from me. 

Ever have your business speak to you? 

It is your baby, right? 

Well at some point, kids speak back to parents. 

Sometimes loved ones give us tough love. 

Words that we NEED to hear even when we do not want to hear it. 

They day I blurted out, “This is how we have always done it”, the sad reality sunk in. 

I was completely out of fresh ideas as well as out of gas. 

No longer possessed the skillset, talent or wherewithal to take this business to the level I had hoped. 

THANK GOD an angel was waiting in the wings to take the business to new heights. 

It was time for me to step aside to help serve others 

My eternal gratitude goes to my eventual business partner, Susan who then purchased the business

Remedies for This is How We Have Always Done It 

Below includes a helpful list of suggestions and remedies for:

  • Get Courageously Uncomfortable 
  • Niche Down Til It Hurts So Good 
  • Venture into the unknown
  • Become the “Right Knee” Guy or Gal 
  • Identify weaknesses that need improving immediately
  • Align with experts that can hold your hand through positive change
  • Create new systems and processes
  • Explore new technologies
  • KISS = Keep It Super Simple 
  • Tackle challenges with confidence and positive energy
  • Dedicate yourself and your team to a constant state of continuous improvement
  • Open your mind to new ideas
  • Research
  • Listen
  • Stay in the know & in the zone
  • Identify bottlenecks and constraints
  • Connect with a rigorous mentor
  • Find an accountability partner who keeps you on track
  • Take courses online or at local university
  • Find companies in other industries that have accomplished similar goals you seek and discover how they did it
  • Do competitive intelligence on your competition especially if they are using technology and techniques that you covet
  • Finally, tell yourself, “I embrace change, I embrace change…”

Just Keep Moving Forward

Always Done It

Most importantly, when it comes to change, take manageable bites. Just keep moving forward.

Remember, over analysis creates paralysis. Just keep moving forward.

One day at a time. One step at a time.

Just keep moving forward.

Take note of 3-4 things that you absolutely hate about your business or organization.

Those dreaded burdens or tasks that you deem as profit killers.

Processes or systems that you know hurt your business. Yet, no one knows how to change them.

The thought of changing is so overwhelming that nothing gets done.

Instead of creating a manageable plan, you keep doing things as they have always been done.

Sacred cows do not go away easily.

I once was on a successful team where our motto was “what are we doing today that we could make fun of six months or a year from now”.

You know the type.

Either a technology or process where down the road you look back and say “can you believe this is how we used to do this?”

To look back and say, “what a colossal waste of time when we did THAT”.

Thank God we had the stamina and courage to take the leap and improve. Take on the new technology. Embrace a new system.

Just Keep Moving Forward.


Ready to Stop Being the Best Kept Secret