How Well Do You Understand Your Customer’s Customer? 


How well do you understand your customer’s customer? 

The deeper you understand the needs, frustrations, challenges and goals of your customer’s customer helps take that relationship to an entirely new level.  

Here’s something to think about…

Let’s say you’re sitting in a packed audience. 

The speaker asks everybody to turn to the right. 

As you turn to the right, what do you see?

You are staring at the back of your neighbor’s head. 

Because what are they doing?

They are also looking to the right. 

Let’s say that person to your right is your customer. 

In the supply chain, the person to your right (aka your customer) is looking downstream at their customer.

They are looking out ahead at what problems, challenges and frustrations they face. 

Probably losing sleep, trying to figure out what storms are down the road ahead of them.

The only time that they turn around to look at you is when they need your product, service or solution. 

They might ask, “Hey, can you help me on this journey?  I’m looking down the path and it looks rough.”

Taking the time and energy to look over your customer’s shoulder delivers tremendous value with that relationship. 

When you dedicate yourself to helping your customer’s customer your customer will become a customer for life. 

Wow! That was a mouthful. 

So let’s run through an excellent example.

Understanding Customer 

My dear friends at Saniflow serve the market by manufacturing amazing Baby Changing Tables for public restrooms. 

As a manufacturer of baby changing tables, their ideal customer and buyer persona might be an architect, a facility manager, or potentially an interior designer.

However, though the team at Saniflow needs to fully understand the problems, challenges, frustrations, and motivations of their ideal buyers, looking out ahead at their customer’s customer plays an even more critical role. 

Though their ideal buyers might be leading the charge with a new building or renovation, Saniflow takes special focus on the customer’s customer. 

That’s right. 

They look over the shoulder of their customer to see the end-user.

Who is the ultimate target? 

Parents and their precious cargo who use the Baby Changing Tables. 

As a parent, what is more important to you other than your child? 

Especially when out in a public setting with a diaper that needs changed. Immediately. 

Finding a clean, safe and convenient spot to change a wet diaper brings relief and peace of mind to that parent and baby. 

Happy parents and a dry, safe and clean baby play a key role to success for Saniflow. 

The architects, facility managers and interior designer love the premium solutions that the team at Saniflow delivers on a consistent basis. 

Now that is a winning formula. 

So treat every order and buyer as though you dealing with precious cargo. 

Keep looking downstream. 

Make it your mission and purpose to deliver premium solutions with a relentless pursuit that your buyers adore and appreciate. 

Commit to understanding that customer’s customer and then enjoy your massive success. 

Wrapping It Up 

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