What If the “WHAT IF” Syndrome Kicks in?

What if Syndrome

A question to consider, What if the What If Syndrome kicks in? 

It’s tough to making a path when facing multiple options. Especially with those big life decisions. The “WHAT IF” Syndrome kicks in.

What is the “WHAT IF” Syndrome? 

So glad you asked. 


…I pick the wrong college? 

…end up dating the wrong person? 

…I select the wrong career? 

…Wear white after Labor Day? (just asking for a friend) 

In business, the “WHAT IF” Syndrome might look something like…


…I hire the wrong person? 

…Carry the wrong product? 

…Partner with the wrong person? 

…Offer the wrong product or service? 

…Buy too much product? Too little? 

…Sign the wrong lease? 

…Hire the wrong accountant or attorney? 

…Sell sushi to help diversify our pizza shop? 

Offering TOO MANY products and services that are too diverse will lead to trouble. 

Yet, picking a clear path or selecting the right cause is tough. 

FOMO kicks in. UGH!!! 

That’s right! 

The dreaded Fear of Missing Out on the party. 

Then the “WHAT IF” Syndrome becomes ISHOULDHAVEITIS. 

That darn phrase “I Should Have…” 

I Should have bought Amazon, Apple and Netflix stock in 2002. 

I Should have bet the house, the farm, the dog, my watch, my coveted 8 track collection (Google it) and every other possession I own on Bitcoin. 

Oh, the humanity. 

So many choices. 

So little time. 

Conquering the “WHAT IF” Syndrome 

what if syndrome

How on earth do we know when or if we are making the right decisions? 

We don’t. 

That’s what makes life SO MUCH fun and exciting. 

Making the right decision and picking the correct path can mean the difference between building the largest eCommerce business on the planet vs not building the largest eCommerce business on the planet. 

What am I talking about here? 

Let’s take a look. 

Jeff Bezos and I both launched an eCommerce business the exact same year. 

Somewhere along the way Jeff and I both took drastically different paths. 

Jeff Bezos had incredible vision as well as placed insanely wild bets on his business. 

I am typing this up in my pajamas, in my 200 square foot basement on my MacBook Air.

Something tells me Jeff Bezos is not hanging out in his 200 square foot basement wearing his pajamas. 

Well, maybe he is…

Anyway, we just simply do not know how the story is going to play out. 

Think of your all-time favorite movie. Did you just say the title out loud? 

WHAT IF you knew the ending beforehand? BORING! 

That’s why we get so mad at someone when they tell us the end of an amazing movie or book before we have watched or read it. 


We long for the end.

Sitting on the edge of our seats. 

The Thrill of Hope. 

In business, our Thrill of Hope falls on the knowledge, smarts, gumption, insight, as well as gut instinct to make the accurate choices. 

Bottom line: Go with you gut.  Stay focused and give it everything you’ve got! 

You Bet on You. 

Just think, WHAT IF you succeed beyond your wildest dreams? 


Wrapping It Up 

Lastly, thanks for stopping by. 

Check out these additional articles to help you on your entrepreneurial journey: 

Niche Down Til it Hurts…So Good

Ladies & Gentlemen, It’s All About the Right Knee Guys & Gals



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