Entries by Curt Anderson

The Top 10 eCommerce Benefits for Manufacturers

Powerful eCommerce Benefits exist for companies willing to embrace eCommerce strategies.  This holds especially true for manufacturers.  Even though manufacturers have been slow to capture the incredible opportunities presented with eCommerce. If you have been contemplating how eCommerce could help your company, we put together a list of the Top 10 eCommerce Benefits for manufacturers.  […]

Do You Find Inspirational Quotes Help Conquer Tough Times?

Do you find inspirational quotes help you conquer tough times? Being an entrepreneur requires a consistent positive attitude. You need your game face on at all times – display constant determination – maintain a laser focus. Especially during times of stress such as battling those particular days when nothing seems to go right. Entrepreneurs need […]

Pre-Internet Influencers: 20th Century Management Consultants

Let’s take a look at Pre-Internet Influencers: 20th Century Management Consultants. Think about that. Can you imagine building your business or even branding yourself without the internet? In addition, how on earth did we conduct business or connect with others Pre-Internet? Or as my daughter likes to say, in the “Olden Days”. Management Consultants Who […]

Experts Offer a Cure for Those Suffering from “Sacred Cowitis”

Does your business or organization suffer from Sacred Cowitis? Are you thinking, what on earth is Sacred Cowitis? So glad you asked. Well, according to Webster’s dictionary, the definition of Sacred Cowitis (cow-eye-tis) goes as follows: Sacred Cowitis occurs within a business or organization gripped with fear and resistance to change. Particularly with outdated technology, […]

Alison Levine Takes You to Exhilarating Heights with “On the Edge”

Looking for inspiration? Motivation? Are you finding the challenges ahead of you similar to climbing Mt. Everest? If so, then you need Alison Levine in your life. Who is Alison Levine? Well, so glad you asked. According to AlisonLevine.com, she holds the following titles: Adventurer. Explorer. Mountaineer. NY Times Bestselling Author. Leadership Advisor. Beer Muse. Filmmaker. Story-teller. Dog-lover. […]

The Top 25 Blog Topics for Manufacturers Eager to Start Blogging

Blogging plays a critical role with any B2B marketing strategy. One major challenge though: Where to start? Creating blog topics that readers find helpful and educational certainly is not an easy task. Additionally, many small business owners question the value of blogging for their company. Especially for those in manufacturing. Common questions asked during discussions […]

Teaming up with a Sherpa to Climb the Entrepreneurial Mountain

Do you have a Sherpa in your life? In other words, a trusted guide to help you conquer the extreme challenges that you face. This is especially important for business owners and entrepreneurs. As an entrepreneur since 1990 (which just means I am extremely old), I can attest that climbing the entrepreneurial mountain certainly requires […]

INTEGRITY: “I’d Know, and I Wouldn’t Like Myself”

Integrity During a recent conversation on integrity with a close friend, he shared an outstanding analogy. First, let me explain a little history. I’ve been blessed with amazing friends. This particular gentleman has been one of my closest friends since 7th grade. He was the class president in high school. On the homecoming court. Played […]