Experts Offer a Cure for Those Suffering from “Sacred Cowitis”

Sacred Cowitis

Does your business or organization suffer from Sacred Cowitis?

Are you thinking, what on earth is Sacred Cowitis?

So glad you asked.

Well, according to Webster’s dictionary, the definition of Sacred Cowitis (cow-eye-tis) goes as follows:

  • Sacred Cowitis occurs within a business or organization gripped with fear and resistance to change. Particularly with outdated technology, systems and processes.
  • Sacred Cowitis is synonymous with the DREADED DISEASE of “This is how we have always done it… I hate change”

Well, Sacred Cowitis truthfully has not found its way onto Webster’s but I am working on it.

Well today let’s discuss those unfortunate sacred cows that hold a business back.

You know the type. Those stumbling road blocks that everyone fully recognizes, yet no one finds the time, ability or stamina to change. The obsolete rules, regulations and rituals that prevent progress.

Above all, the unfavorable circumstance where staff would rather continue performing existing tasks that are comfortably known versus attempting to tackle continuous improvements or change.

Unfortunately doing the same thing over and over while hoping for a different result defines insanity, right?

As a result, you cannot afford to allow your company to be victimized by Sacred Cowitis.

In other words, embrace change at all costs.

For example, the New York Times Best Selling Author and adventurer, Alison Levine, declares that “complacency kills”.

It takes courage, determination and persistence to break old habits.

What does it take to shatter the resistance?

Taking charge of a project or situation to allow a company to enter new technologies and processes. Especially at a small business.

Though more flexible than a large corporation, many small businesses lack the skills, experience and expertise to tackle a significant project. They just need a helping hand.

Asking the Experts on How to Cure Sacred Cowitis

Sacred Cowitis

Think of all of the corporate giants that fell victim to Sacred Cowitits.

For example, a short list of once powerful companies include:

  • Kodak
  • Toys R’Us
  • Blockbuster Video
  • Circuit City
  • Borders Bookstore

This list represents companies who’s commitment of “This is how we have always done it” weighed greater importance above embracing change.

Can you imagine being the corporate executive or board member at Kodak who disregarded digital photography?  Pounding the table and declaring “Kodak was built on print and we will die with print.” Very sad.

As these companies prove, ignoring changing customer behavior certainly invites fatal results.

So, what is the pulse at your company regarding Sacred Cowitis?

Are you embracing change and aggressively pursing new opportunities?

On the other hand, do you find it challenging to tackle new systems and processes?

To avoid following the footsteps of failure from once great companies, let’s turn to a couple of change experts.

Two individuals dedicated to curing Sacred Cowitis while creating a healthy competitive edge for your business.

Susan Tatum: Founder of The Conversion Company

Susan Tatum, Founder of The Conversion Company in Oxnard, Ca., offers outstanding advice and encouragement for her clients when it comes to embracing change.

For example, in a recent blog post titled, “Why yesterday’s LinkedIn tactics no longer work – and what to do about it“, Susan provides excellent tips for keeping current with your LinkedIn strategy.

In that post, Susan recommends the three T’s:

  1. Tighten (your focus)
  2. Tweak (your messages)
  3. Test (your approach)

This sound advice also translates extremely well with other aspects of your business. However, do yourself a favor read the entire post by clicking here to capture the details of Susan’s brilliant advice.

Additionally, click this link below for another fantastic blog post from Susan on executing effective LinkedIn Strategies:

“6 Critical Numbers for Your LinkedIn Business Development Program”

As a LinkedIn Expert, Susan offers 25+ years of experience running national and global marketing and corporate communications programs. In particular, Susan targets technology and professional services firms.

Throughout phone conversations with Susan, you gather a strong sense of passion, determination and dedication to delivering a high level of customer success.

“Our focus is to build trust among your ideal prospects. Our specialty lies in applying social media to complex buying environments.”

Devotedly building that trust allows Susan to help her clients break old habits while implementing new methods of engagement. Her primary focus targets designing strategic programs for LinkedIn Business Development.

If you find yourself in need of a quick and highly effective cure for Sacred Cowitis with customer engagement, contact Susan Tatum at The Conversion Company.  Connect with Susan on LinkedIn here.

Jason Ray: CEO of Paperless Parts

Jason Ray, CEO of Paperless Parts in Boston, spends his time passionately and aggressively helping manufacturers embrace change.

In particular, Jason and his dynamic team created a powerful solution for a significant hurdle and constraint that nearly all manufacturers face.

While searching for a manufacturing business to purchase, Jason identified a major problem: The quoting process.

For a majority of manufacturers, the quoting process is cumbersome, clunky, outdated and frustrating.

Ever spend days or weeks waiting for a request for quote (RFQ)?

Well the team at Paperless Parts works relentlessly to help eliminate the dreaded RFQ process.

Click link below to learn more about Paperless Parts:

Job Shop Manufacturing Software Built to Help Your Shop Succeed

During conversations with Jason, his contagious enthusiasm and passion spreads right through the phone.

“We are intentional in everything we do, gritty in the pursuit of excellence, and curious with a bias for action.”

Serving in the Navy for eight years, Jason brings a wealth of leadership experience and structure to this exciting new software solution.

Having personally gone through a demo of this extremely impressive software program, you will be blown away by the simplicity which makes a manufacturers life much easier.

Yet, though it is incredibly user friendly, Paperless Parts offers a highly sophisticated software program that lends a tremendous competitive advantage for its customers.

In conclusion, for any custom manufacturer or job shop who find themselves stuck with the same quoting process as 20 years ago – odds are – it is time for a change.

Jason Ray and the team at Paperless Parts are on a mission to cure Sacred Cowitis by “making manufacturing more accessible”. Well done Jason!! Connect with Jason on LinkedIn by clicking here.

Conquer Sacred Cowitis with LinkedIn

Sacred Cowitis

In conclusion, LinkedIn is loaded with amazing experts dedicated to helping your business fight Sacred Cowitis.

Please avoid letting the dreaded disease of “This is how we have always done it” negatively impact your business.

Take it from Susan and Jason who passionately conquer Sacred Cowitis one client at a time.

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