Now that you have a deep understanding of your Soulmate (Your Ideal Buyer), let’s take the next step and identify your Soulmate 100. 

Wait, what on earth is the Soulmate 100? 

So glad you asked. 

Let me explain the Soulmate 100.

You deeply and intimately have a clear understanding of your Soulmates

Who they are?

Where are they? 

What they are doing?

Related Article: Discover Your Soulmate: Yes, Those Ideal Buyers Are Waiting for You

Especially the type of challenges, problems and frustrations that Soulmates face on a daily basis. 

You provide the products, the services, as well as the solutions that they are seeking.

You also know here they hang out and the type of message that speaks their language. 

Well the Soulmate 100 are folks that would help create a thriving referral network to connect with Soulmates. 

Think about any organizations, agencies, peeps, other businesses as well as collaboration partners that can help you open a door to your Soulmates (your ideal customers).

Start identifying any person, agency or organization out there that can help you open the door to 5, 10, 20, 50 or even 100s of your Soulmates.

Shine a Bright Light on Your Soulmate 100 

For example, I love to use is the lamp analogy.

So let’s imagine we are manufacturing lamps, who would we most likely align ourselves with?

Well, obviously a lampshade manufacturer or how about the light bulb supplier?

Someone who would be an incredible collaboration partner or referral source.

Anyone who is also targeting the same Soulmate as you in a non-competitive nature.

So let’s change gears a little bit.

Another example, let’s say if you were starting out as a brand new real estate agent.

How can we create that strong referral network quickly and efficiently?

An excellent launching pad to build a vibrant referral network as a real estate agent would include this list of professionals: 

  • Mortgage Broker / Banker 
  • Insurance 
  • Attorney
  • Homeowners Insurance
  • Fence
  • Awning
  • Landscaper
  • Pool Company 
  • Garage Door
  • Home Builder
  • Contractor
  • Interior Designer
  • Drive Way
  • Roofer
  • Electrician

So how can you fiercely network and align yourself with other professionals that you find deliver tremendous value with high integrity and share also the same goals vision as you?

To create that strong referral network, aggressively pursue your Soulmate 100.

As the saying goes, rising tides lifts all ships.

A powerful solution to create that Soulmate 100 list, think about how could you dedicate yourself to helping these folks being a connector and community builder. 

Not just thinking how can they help us?

Get creative on how you can help them with their business to achieve success.

Start listing ways on how you can be that go-giver and dedicate yourself to helping them move the needle?

Commit to building a reputation as the trusted source help them accomplish their goals. 

The more sales that we can help drive to these folks offers a wonderful opportunity to build trust, strengthen that relationship and build a healthy vibrant referral network.

Get ready for lots of Soulmates coming your way, my friend. 




Have you heard the one about the “Right Knee Guy”? 

Neither had I. 

Well, please allow me to introduce you to the “Right Knee Guy”.  

Now being located in New York, the term “Guy” is interchangeable and gender neutral (Ex: “how you Guys doing?” “Hey Mom, are you guys coming over?”)

So to keep things PC and Kosher, moving forward I will refer to Right Knee Guy or Gals interchangeably. 

Previously, I was unfamiliar with the “Right Knee Guy” until a dear friend, Max Krug, introduced me.

Hopefully, you will find this story as impactful as I did. 

Here we go……..

Meet Max Krug 

Serving as a business advisor with the New York Small Business Development Center, I had the privilege of meeting Max Krug, when he attended one of my LinkedIn workshops at a local college in 2014.

Conducting live workshops offered the incredible opportunity of meeting amazing individuals. 

Especially since, with each and every attendee comes a fascinating entrepreneurial journey.

Hearing their stories certainly served as a thrill and blessing. 

In addition, workshops also created exciting opportunities to invite one-on-one consulting sessions afterwards. 

After this particular LinkedIn workshop, Max Krug scheduled an appointment to discuss his growing business. 

At the appointment, we immediately hit it off.

Related Article: Applying The Theory of Constraints to Your eCommerce Strategy

Theory of Constraints 

Having built a dynamic friendship with Max over the years, I now know he serves the market as a brilliant consultant. 

In particular, Max has built a hugely successful career as an efficiency expert.

He specializes in the Theory of Constraints by Dr Goldratt who authored of the legendary business book, “The Goal”

As founder and President of Future State Engineering, Max takes tremendous pride in solving massive problems for his clients (Click here to learn more about Max).

In particular, Max works with manufacturers. 

His target areas of expertise include maximizing inventory turnover, production scheduling, and ultimately dramatically improving cash flow.

Throughput is the name of his game.

Max is a tangible results driven guy.

Through our sessions, while explaining his theories and practices, he taught me tricks of his trade on efficiency that I still use daily.

What an enormous blessing and gift to learn from dynamic clients such as Max.

The main reason Max wanted to meet in the first place was he needed direction with branding, customer engagement, and a sales pipeline. Focusing on a specific target market.

So prior to understanding Max’s talents and area of expertise, at our first session, I asked Max to describe his business.

For me, it is crucial to fully understand where each client has been, their current position as well as understanding where they are heading. 

What is the goal as well as the vision? Understanding the dream behind the career and life’s work plays a critical role with helping each individual?

So, Max described his business.

He went into full detail on the Theory of Constraints and how he is a Dr. Goldratt disciple.

In addition, he specializes in the practice of operational excellence.

Then he dropped a bomb that was a game changer…

Related Article: Are You Familiar with “The Goal: A Process of Ongoing Improvement”?

Meet the Right Knee Guy 

I then asked what was the goal and vision for his company.

However, I frequently found many clients struggle with this exercise.

Having no direction seems to contribute to unmet goals and frustration for many entrepreneurs. 

Well, this wasn’t the case for Max. He knew exactly where he was headed. 

Max looks me dead in the eye and makes a statement that I will never forget and the exchange went like this: 

Me: “So what is your ultimate goal? Where do you see yourself down the road? Dream a little and share your Big Audacious Goal.”

Max: “Well, I want to be the Right Knee Guy”…..and he just continues on describing his business goals for the future.

I sat there processing to myself, “What did he just say? Did he just say ‘Right Knee Guy’?”

So I put my hands in a T formation to call a timeout and said:

Me: “Wait a minute, what did you just say”? Did you just say, “Right Knee Guy”?

Max: “Yes, the Right Knee Guy”! ( looking at me as if I am the complete idiot which I usually am).

Me: “What on earth is the Right Knee Guy”?

Life Changer

Max offers this simple, yet life changing story:

“Yes, I am striving to be the Right Knee Guy. For example, if you seriously injured or hurt your right knee, who are you going to turn to? A general practitioner or your family doctor? Probably not.

Especially if you are an athlete or at the very least an active person. You most likely seek a high level expert or a specialist of the right knee.”

Being that Max is a great athlete, the lightbulb went off and I finally realized where he was heading.

He continues, “Well, if I hurt my right knee, I want to go to the right knee specialist. The right knee expert! You know, the world-renowned authority of repairing the right knee.”

“The person who is working on local professional athletes. The doctor who possesses not just the highest credentials but most importantly the reputation for successful results. I want the guy or gal who can fix my problem, in this case, repair my right knee as quickly, painlessly and successfully as possible.”

Max continues, “The person who is so specialized and laser-focused that if you injure any other part of your body, they explain that they “can’t help you”. Even if you hurt your left knee, they are NOT the person for the job.”

BUT….if you have a problem with your right knee? I’M YOUR GUY!

You see, I strive to deliver the most powerful results possible for my clients. My future vision and big dream is to earn the reputation and label as the “Right Knee Guy” in my field of Theory of Constraints and operational excellence.

“That is exactly my big audacious goal.

“I want to be world-renowned on executing the Theory of Constraints. Thus, my right knee guy analogy.”

“My goal is to be viewed as The Theory of Constraints Right Knee Guy.”

Related Article: The Definition of Entrepreneurtude: “Do Whatever It Takes”


This analogy was brilliant! 

I was blown away by the simplicity of his analogy. KISS! Keep it super simple, right?

Max summed up his life goal with a single expression, “Become the Right Knee Guy” in his field. 

The person who delivers the cure and solves your problem quickly and efficiently.

The expert who gets you back in the game and on the field as if the problem or injury never occurred.

It doesn’t matter what the ailment is, any person would love to have access to the world renowned expert in the niche to solve their problem.

When you become viewed as a trusted source, an authority or expert in your field, you put yourself in a powerful position.

You can place yourself in high demand, find healthy revenue opportunities, charge a premium or at least a respectable rate for your experience and expertise.

Solve a small problem and you can close a sale. Yet, solve lots of problems and you can build wealth.


Related Article: “I’M DIVERSIFIED!” No, Actually You’re Doing Five Things Horribly

Right Knee Guys & Gals

What’s funny, the “Right Knee Guy” story became a regular and consistent part of my schtick.

Especially when clients seemed to be drifting away from areas of their own expertise or randomly throwing ideas on the wall to see what sticks.

I shared this with dozens if not well over 100 clients. It also became part of my LinkedIn workshops.

The light bulbs that went off as well as “Aha” moments created were truly mind blowing. 

This story and analogy just consistently hit a home run every time. 

The clouds could clear and clarity would set in. 

You could see the cartoon bubble appear, “Now I get it”. 

One particular client, a young woman who launching a new business. A millennial with a contagious free spirit.

We would meet and have outstanding conversations. At one point, I had not heard from her for months until one day I received a text that she wanted to meet up.

During our meeting while catching up, I ask her how is business?

She declares, “well you know, I’m trying to become the Right Knee Gal.”

I asked, “I told you that story?”

She says, “Of course you did! I think about it EVERY DAY! My goal is to become the Right Knee Gal in my market”

I had another client who was a fitness trainer. He LOVED the “Right Knee” story.

Every time we would meet he would describe how he was striving every day to be viewed as the Right Knee guy in his specific field of fitness training. 

Many years later, I needed professional photos of products for a project I was working on. This client popped up on LinkedIn and he was now promoting himself as an expert photographer. 

I contacted him and we met up. He described how his life brought major changes.

He was now married with two young children and the fitness training gig just no longer fit well with family life and fatherhood so he transitioned into photography. When I asked how business was going, his response? 

“Business is going great! I am now striving every day to the be “Right Knee Guy” of commercial photography.” 

The Right Knee Guy = Definitive Purpose 

In conclusion, Napoleon Hill in his legendary book, “Think and Grow Rich” called a concise goal the “Definitive Purpose”.

Others call it staying “Fiercely Focused”.

A specialized focus.

Targeting a targeted niche.

Niche til it Hurts SO GOOD.

Dedicating the time, energy, as well as all resources to know your product or service better than anyone else.

However, having a definitive purpose and striving for a specific goal offers the opportunity for dynamic results.

Spending hours upon hours (Malcolm Gladwell says it takes 10,000 hours) of research, learning, understanding a topic to attempt to become the expert or right knee guy.

Above all, be the BEST in your community, region, industry, or nationally.

What will it take for you to become THE Right Knee Guy or Gal in your field? 


Wrapping It Up 

Thanks for reading this post. 

Hopefully, you found this helpful as well as resourceful for your business. 

Finally, for additional articles, check out these helpful links below: 




Make it as Easy as Humanly Possible to do Business with You.

The less confusing the better. 

Especially since you know your product, service or solution better than anyone. 

On your journey, you developed a skill, talent or trade that people are willing as well as eager to pay you for your expertise. 

In other words, you know your solution inside out. 

Like the back of your hand.

You could even do it in your sleep. 

You get the idea…

People come to you for answers, solutions, as well as help and assistance. 

One thing to keep in mind, on the first point of contact, customers do not know your system. Your process. Your “thing”. 

By making it as Easy as Humanly Possible to do business with you helps your customers feel like a rock star. 

Making it as Easy Possible to business with you also drives powerful results. 

Helps to create raving fans. 

Let’s flip to a different perspective. 

Does it drive you crazy when people ask “Dumb” questions? 

Wouldn’t you love to say, “Sir, did you read the sign”? “Ma’am did you read our website?” 

Odds are they did not.

On the other hand, maybe your website is just confusing. 

Possibly they have heavy issues on their mind, way beyond the moment where your stars cross. 

However, make them feel like a genius, and you have a customer for life. 

Think of the wonderfully refreshing and rewarding customer service experiences that you encounter. 

When the person on the other side of the counter or other end of the phone, simply made your day. 

On the other hand, think of those “I’d rather have a root canal than go there” moments and experiences. 

Don’t you love when you walk into your local mobile phone store? 

Wait in line for an hour just to be told what an absolute idiot you are for not understanding or memorizing their 30 page contract that you signed 3 years ago? 

Ahhhh! Just gives me warm fuzzies even thinking about it (not really). 

How about when you stand in line at the DMV? 

Another awesome example, when you call your insurance company for a claim, only to discover your policy doesn’t cover your claim?

That’s right Sir/Ma’am, did you not memorize that the 173 page contract that you signed five years ago? The one that looks extremely similar to your mobile phone contract? 

Call the IRS in response to a “super friendly” letter with the word Audit across the top. 

You get the idea. 

Dealing with those dreaded occasions where the person on the other end gets beat up all day.

So by nature, they take an extremely defensive, maybe even offensive and condescending stance. 

More warm fuzzies (not really). 

What if we once again, let’s flip the script? 

Eliminate assumptions. Especially since we all know what happens when we assume.

Let’s make a pact. 

How about dedicating our very existence to making our customers lives as easy and pleasant as possible? 

What if we dedicated ourselves to making their lives smooth and stress-free when engaging and while making a transaction with our business?

Regardless of what is taking place in their lives at that moment, what if we create an environment, culture, and business that pours out positivity and simplicity?

Just think if you provided a customer experience base on excellence. Grace and poise. 

Like the most graceful figure skater. Poised Ball room dancer. That smoothest shortstop. Sweetest free throw shooter. You get the idea. 

Doing business with you is seamless, effortless, stress-free, as well as rewarding and refreshing.

New customers simply can’t wait to come back again and again. 

Thinking to themselves, “WOWZER! That was an awesome experience!!”


Check out this article: Walk Up to the Line of Scrimmage & Reveal the Play  


Stop Being the Best Kept Secret 





KISS = Keep it Super Simple 

Can we discuss a little secret? 

Just between us. 

Especially since we are now BFFs. 

Well…here it goes…

Customers are simply…

…not that smart. 

That’s right. I said it.

However, please keep it a secret though. 

For instance, let me share you a perfect example of a customer who is…well…just not very smart. 

You guessed it, that customer is yours truly. 

Today I had to hire a plumber.


It’s not that I am not real smart.

Truth be told, I am a complete idiot. 

For example, I have a severe allergy to any type of tools. 

A hammer, wrench, pliers as well as any other tool for that matter just do not fit very well in my hands without something extremely negative happening. 

Especially sharp tools. 

If someone sees me with a tool in my hands, they have been instructed by my wife to call 9-1-1 immediately. 

This includes my daughter, family, friends, neighbors, UPS driver, mail women, our dog and anyone else within visual range. 

Apparently the instructions go as such, “Call the police without hesitation if Curt is seen in the yard with a tool of any type.” 

The Sunday Plumber

Bottom line: I need help and therefore have to call an expert when it comes to any type of repair around my home. 

Well, one day we have a serious leak in our basement at the washing machine. 

Therefore, I needed to call a plumber.

On a Sunday. 

Two gentlemen showed up.

I gave the two minute speech on “I have no idea what I am talking about” and continue explaining how when I turned on the dishwasher, water was pouring out downstairs in the laundry room. 

They walk over to my kitchen sink.

Wait, it’s coming out underneath the washing machine downstairs. 

They politely explain plumbing 101 and probably wish I would just go outside to play in the driveway (or on a busy street). 

Consequently, they grab a mechanism out of their truck, the famous snake. 

Run the snake down the drain. 

“We got it”! 

Twenty minutes in total.

On a Sunday. 


Yes, I am reading your mind. 

I paid $324 because I am an idiot and have to pay $324 for 20 minutes worth of THEIR expertise. 

Yet, these guys were awesome! 

Fun, friendly, and efficient. 

Most importantly, they were kind and gracious to my deficiency in home repair. 

KISS Because No One Wants to be the Fool 

So how do you treat customers when those “dumb” questions come your way? 

Another perfect example…Men hate asking for directions!


We hate looking like a fool.

God forbid we don’t know where we are going. Our precious egos are pathetically fragile and delicate.

Thank God for technology.

As a result, we no longer need to stop at the gas station for directions to actually admit, “I am Lost”. 

Mark Twain famously stated:

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt” . 

Instead of treating a customer with a dreadful condescending attitude, what if you delivered engagement with the passion and enthusiasm as your favorite teacher or coach growing up? 

No eyes rolling.

By the way, for any of you currently raising teenagers or in the past, you know full well that you can hear eyes roll. Even when they are standing behind you. Just saying. 

Anyway…another example…

The patient and understanding adult who LOVES when the five year old asks WHY for the 80th time. Yet, still responds with an unapologetic fever and devotion. 

You possess a passion and expertise to a situation that your customer has yet to experience. 

Be grateful that there are people on this planet that are…putting this as politely as possible…not as smart as you. 

Where is the restroom? 

Do you see the sign above your head? 

Well, customers are busy and distracted. 

Customer looking at the menu. “Do you have X?” 

You want to say, “Do you see X on the menu?” 

You have the menu memorized and know it in your sleep. 

Be grateful that this person feels comfortable as well as vulnerable enough to ask for your expertise. 

Most importantly, thank them for asking questions.

Make Your Customers Feel Like a Genius

To sum up, just be as efficient as possible with answering those questions ahead of time which make your process scalable. 

Put those answers on your website. 

Make a video. 

Create a blog post. 

Work on a thorough FAQ page (frequently asked questions). 

Make is as easy as possible to do business with you. 


Thanks for stopping by. For additional fun, check out these articles: 

Warning: You are Entering the “Courageously Uncomfortable” Zone


Stop Being the Best Kept Secret




Nearly 100 years ago (or close to it) I had the honor and privilege of playing high school football for a coaching legend, Coach Wally Huckno. 

Coach Huckno’s accolades include: 

  • 3 New York State Championship Titles for large schools
  • Greater Buffalo, NY Hall of Fame. 
  • Coach of the decade for the western New York high school sports publication in 2000
  • New York State Coach associations coach of the year in 1994 & 1995 and 2000
  • New York State Sportswriters Association coach of the year 1996
  • Overall 159-47-1 record

Coach Huckno was relentless.

He created a culture of discipline and winning.

With one exception…my senior year. 

I had the unfortunate honor of playing on his ONLY losing season in over 20 years of coaching.


Our team simply stunk. No excuses. We were just bad.

We lost 5 games by the total of 21 points. Each game was a heartbreaker.


It truly takes a special breed to become a hugely successful coach.

Especially since a typical high school coach makes pennies per hour when you break down the amount of hours they dedicate to the sport, the players and the program.

Think of all of the coaches that actually volunteer and are paid nothing.

Enduring all of the challenges that comes with managing boosters, parents, games, administration, not to mention the players themselves. 

Next time you hear a parent ripping apart a coach, consider that they certainly have plenty of other things that they could be doing with their time rather than coaching their kids.

Tolerating all of the hassle, drama as well as frustration.

To become a successful high school coach, you need extremely thick skin as well as maintaining a laser focus on the big picture goal.

Most importantly, the ability to ignore the noise and clutter of critics.

Especially those Monday morning quarterbacks second guessing your every move.

 The same goes with entrepreneurship.

You need thick skin. 

Avoid the noise and critics.

Stay laser focused on your goal.

Be true to your convictions.

Well, Coach Huckno taught a profound strategy that still resonates today that I would like to share with you. 

Walk Up to the Line of Scrimmage & Reveal the Play  

One of the greatest takeaways from the experience of playing for Coach Huckno was this fascinating concept…

Coach Huckno preached, you should be able to walk up to line of scrimmage, tell the opponent across from you exactly what play we are running and still bury the player across from you into the dirt.

If you don’t….his philosophy was it was from lack of preparation and concentration.

You didn’t hit the weights hard enough during the winter and spring workouts.

Didn’t participate in off-season training.

You didn’t run sprints hard enough at practice.

Plays were not studied thoroughly. 

You didn’t study video of your opponent close enough.

You were too busy watching the cheerleaders during the game (Yes, I ended up marrying one of our cheerleaders).

There were plenty of factors that causes you to not beat your opponent.

Even if they are bigger, faster and stronger.

Technique and strategy as well as thorough preparation allows each victory at the line of scrimmage. 

Reveal the Play in Entrepreneurship 

This philosophy carries into our business philosophy as well. 

Unless you posses the Google algorithm, the Coke formula, the secret sauce of McDonald’s Big Mac, work for the Pentagon or possess some other type of “I’d tell you but I’d have to kill you” type of information. Simply put it out there.

Wait, you might be thinking, what if my competition finds out?

Then ask yourself, do potential customer’s have the ability to easily find you as well as additional relevant information about your company?

Is the proper information about you, your company, your skills, the problem you solve, the years of experience you bring to the table, your ability to help your customer benefit from your product or service readily available?

On the other hand, are you the best kept secret?  

If you are struggling to attract ideal customers, maybe it is time to ask yourself, is it better to have your wonderful attributes, assets and solutions hidden or should we reveal the play? 

Since you are SO GOOD at what you do, then go for it!

Walk up to the line of scrimmage, tell the competition exactly what play you are running and still bury the opposition?

Share your processes, prices, key executives, as well as all of the other powerful solutions that you deliver on a daily basis. 

Coach Huckno will be extremely proud of you! 


Related Article: What Happens When Manufacturing Meets eCommerce? Magic Happens!!

Manufacturing Meets eCommerce!

Sounds like a classic monster movie.

Not the King Kong vs Godzilla type of movie. Though they were great.

However, let’s go real “old school”. True classics.

I’m talking about “Abbot and Costello meet Frankenstein.”

“Abbot and Costello Meet The Invisible Man.”

Another classic, “Abbot and Costello Meet The Mummy”  (How on earth did Rotten Tomatoes give it a 27%?).

Sorry to digress. 

Anyway, to get back on topic.

Let’s discuss Manufacturing Meets eCommerce.

So, what exactly does that mean?

Most importantly, it means that when Manufacturing Meets eCommerce, new doors open with brand new profit opportunities appearing for you.

According to the National Association of Manufacturers, three-quarters of the 251,774 U.S. manufacturers employ less that 20 employees.

Many of these companies have limited resources.

Especially when it comes to executing eCommerce and Digital Marketing strategies.

Let alone employ the necessary staff with experience tackling the ever-changing demands of maintaining a healthy online presence.

eCommerce Opens New Doors

Manufacturing Meets eCommerce

Executing eCommerce strategies allows manufacturers to open new doors.

Explore new markets.

For example, you can connect directly with end-users. Even consumers.

Shrinking the supply chain is essential to conquering the viscously competitive global market.

Ever lose a bid or a customer to a country with cheaper labor costs?

Taking on an eCommerce strategy provides the path to increased competitiveness.

Yet, where do you even start though?

If you are new to eCommerce, it can be daunting?



However, eCommerce offers incredible possibilities. 

First, it takes time and money to build a strong online presence and profitable eCommerce strategy.

Small manufacturers with limited time and resources face an uphill battle.

Unfortunately many then get discouraged.

Finally to just simply give up.

Especially since many websites start out costing in the tens of thousands of dollars. With no guarantee of a single penny of ROI.

Another option, spend very little on a new website only to see poor results.

Either way, it is tough to justify the investment unless profits follow.

There is another way though. 

When Manufacturing Meets eCommerce

Fast fact for you…

There are incredible resources to tip your toe into the eCommerce waters. 

For example, here at B2Btail, our daily passion includes connecting manufacturers with expert web designers, internet marketers and eCommerce providers.  

We also offer a wide array of FREE educational tools and resources to help you create a positive experience. 

Above all, when Manufacturing Meets eCommerce your company gains a competitive edge.

As a result, eCommerce offers the opportunity for an entirely new strategic shift in the business.

Lastly, eCommerce creates the opportunity to Scale Your Proprietary Process OR convert your Proprietary Process into a Proprietary Product.

Just remember, when Manufacturing Meets eCommerce, magic happens.


Do you suffer from the dreaded “Entrepreneurial Curse”? 

You’re most likely thinking…”Wait, what is this “Entrepreneurial Curse” you speak of”? 

So glad you asked. 

The “Entrepreneurial Curse” goes as such… 

Trying to be EVERYTHING TO EVERYONE which leads to being NOTHING TO NO ONE. PERIOD (or exclamation point)!

That darn Shiny Object Syndrome where entrepreneurs keep chasing butterflies. 

A tremendous blessing for many entrepreneurs includes possessing amazing skills and talents such as creativity, innovation as well as being a true visionary. 

Entrepreneurs are idea machines. 

Generators of brilliance. Massive problem solvers. 

Brainstorming and developing tons of awesome products and services while also creating powerful solutions for all sorts of challenges. 

However, sometimes too many. 

Expanding and widening the scope of the current menu creates options and choices. 

Forks in the road. 

For example…

“Our customers LOVE food.”

“We LOVE making food.” 

“We will capture MORE customers by giving them more options.”  

“Since we make awesome pizza, how about we start selling sushi, BBQ and peanut butter & jelly sandwiches at our pizza shop?”

Shiny objects anyone? 

Forks in the road provides choices. 

Yet, the inability to select a clear path at the fork either creates distractions or even worse, profit killers. 

One leg goes this way, the other leg goes the other way. Interesting visual, right? 

Having choices and options are great.

However, the inability to pick the clear path spreads out your time, energy and resources.

Pulling us in different directions. 

Ever try chasing two rabbits? 

Being too diversified instead of giving everything you’ve got to being the best in a specific area, field, topic, product or solution,  slips into the dangerous zone of trying to be “Everything to Everyone”. 

Examples of the Entrepreneurial Curse  

Let’s explore several additional examples of trying to be everything to everyone. 

Lots of “Jack of all trades, master of none.” 

For example, let’s say we launch an awesome line of air purifiers.

Who is our target customer? 

Anyone who breaths must be our target customer, right? 

Probably not!

How about this amazing line of pet products that we sell?

Everyone who owns a pet is our customer, right? 


If we just take a shotgun blast approach we should pluck a few customers. Right? 

Another example, just to beat the point to death, “We sell soap! Therefore, everyone who has skin is our customer.” 

You get the point. 

Many manufacturers also struggle horribly with the Entrepreneurial Curse. 

Trying to please everyone when we end up pleasing no one. 

When asked to describe their Soulmate or ideal customer, they typically respond…

We bend metal for everyone. 

We cut steel for anyone. 

Sure! We can 3d print anything for any company. 

Absolutely! Anyone that needs plastic injection molding is our customer. 


When you talk to them long enough within 15 minutes they will share with you that they serve a specific industry within targeted sector. 

They already live in an extremely narrow niche operationally. 

The disconnect hits with sales and marketing efforts. 

The moral of the story, narrow down the menu. 

Unapologetically commit to one thing.  

Stay ferociously focused on your solution and giving everything you’ve got leads to dynamic results. 

Separates you from the competition. 

Creates advantages that your competitors could only dream of doing. 



Check this out: Niche Down Til it Hurts…So Good

Warning: You are Entering the “Courageously Uncomfortable” Zone



Ladies and gentlemen, please allow me to introduce you to a new term: “Courageously Uncomfortable” 

Well, it was new to me anyway. 

Maybe you found it new as well.

Anyway, this wonderful phrase and slice of inspiration comes from my dear friend April Schmidt

April Schmidt is woman of high integrity as well as a fierce advocate for workplace mental health. 

In conversations with April, you quickly discover that she is brilliant and passionate while also possessing a wicked sense of humor.

Simply put, April is awesome!

Well, April taught me this term about stepping out on the ledge and becoming “courageously uncomfortable”.

As April and I were exploring collaboration opportunities together, I found her passion and enthusiasm for creating a healthy workplace completely contagious. 

Captivated with her message, I invited April to join me on a LinkedIn Live interview to discuss her niche and expertise. 

However, public speaking consistently ranks as one the greatest fears by many people.  

Here I thought most of us still feared those horrifying monsters under the bed (just asking for a friend). 

Well, jumping on the virtual stage to conduct a live interview can be terrifying for many folks. 

Here was April’s post on LinkedIn sharing her thoughts about conducting a Live interview:

“Sometimes you get presented an opportunity that is really exciting. You know you want to do because it will be an amazing experience but you have hesitation because it pushes you out of your comfort zone. There’s that decision point-do what feels safe and say “thank you but no” opting to stay in the no growth zone or “yes, I will” opting to lean into the discomfort and the experience to grow?

Doing a live interview, requires taking a risk-there’s no pause button, no reset, no ‘can we edit out that comment’, no ‘can we record that again before launching it.’

I will be getting #courageouslyuncomfortable doing a live interview with Curt Anderson! I opted for the growth zone over comfort zone.”

Well, it takes courage to step out on the ledge and get “Courageously Uncomfortable”. 

As April points out, conducting a live interview brings a great deal of risk. 

What if I stumble? 

Make a fool of myself? 

Also, what if someone is offended by comments? 

Unfortunately these things most likely WILL happen. 

So to avoid taking that chance, you can stay in your comfort zone or as April coins it the “no growth zone”

On the other hand, take that leap of faith and throw caution to the wind. 

What areas fall into your “Uncomfortable Zone” that you need to shove off to the side? 

How can we reverse our very own fears and “Uncomfortable Zone”?

April is fearlessly conquering the “No Growth” Zone and also leading the charge into the “Courageously Uncomfortable” Zone.

Let’s take a page out of April’s book and smack that Fear in the backside with such force that the “No Growth Zone” completely Fears YOU. 

April, you are a TREMENDOUS inspiration! Well done my friend!! 


Check this out: “Out-Sacrifice Your Mate” Builds Rock Solid Relationships

Do you like to be lazy? 

Before you answer, stick with me for a quick funny story…

Nearly 100  years ago, I owned an eCommerce business. 

Well it feels like it was nearly 100 years ago. 


What a thrilling experience!  

As the company grew, we endured lots of growing pains (which is a wonderful problem). 

On the other hand, instead of looking at it as growing pains, more realistically, I just became a pain. 

Once the company reached a point that exceeded my skillset, it was time to call in the experts for help. 

I decided for the company to grow and also scale, we needed to move the business to a fulfillment center.

So after long due diligence process, we found a partner who seemed like a great fit and would help us reach our goals. 

It was a smaller company with a wonderful team. 

Unfortunately they also encountered running into challenges and growing pains. 

Things quickly started slipping through the cracks.

After talking with the owner of the company, we mutually decided that we need to need to hire a manager. 

Somebody that could take ownership of our project as well as champion our whole program to get the ship turned around.

So I received a phone call one day from the owner and he shares that he found a perfect candidate to manage our account.

He asked me to visit the facility to interview this new candidate. 

So I show up for the interview.

We kick off the interview with the cordial “tell us about yourself.”

Her response…

“I’m Not the Sharpest Tool in the Shed and I’m Really Lazy” 


SCREECH!!!!!!!  Needle off the record. Hold the phone.

“I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed and I’m really lazy?!?!?!”


I just sat there trying to register what I just heard.

My immediate thought, “Did I just hear that correctly or am I hearing things?” 

We’re in a job interview and this person just said, “I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed and I’m lazy”. 

I was absolutely captivated!!

She continues by scooting up in her chair, looks me dead in the eye and says…

“I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed, so I need things as absolutely as easy and simple as possible. If it’s not  easy and simple and I don’t understand it, how on earth could I expect my team to understand it?

That’s number one.

Number two, I am really lazy.

For example, why on earth would I put the slowest moving goods near the shipping lanes and the fastest moving goods in the back?

I want things as efficient as humanly possible to minimize the workload because I’m lazy. I want to manage as few people as possible and maximize our resources. That’s how we are going to make the company money.” 

Drop the mic!!  

She won us over instantly. 

We hired her immediately. 

She was absolutely awesome and a total rock star.

She completely turned things around within a month. 

So our running joke, let’s be lazy as humanly possible.

In other words, why do unnecessary tasks?

How can we eliminate all those profit killers and dreaded time wasters?

Things that are just consuming and absorbing your precious time and preventing you from hitting your goals?

Being “lazy” allows you to laser focus on what you want to accomplish in order to move the needle as fast as possible.

So go out there and GET LAZY!! 


Check this out: What is Every Person’s Favorite Word? Hmmm…

Ready to Circle the Bases with Your Soulmates? 

Wait, what the heck does that mean? 

So glad you asked. 

Let’s dig in.  

By chance, are you a baseball fan? 

Good, same here! 

Ok, so now let’s circle the bases with your Soulmates (your ideal buyers).


By placing your Soulmates/ideal customers into buckets on each base. 

Where to start? 

Picture a baseball diamond. 

Then start running the base paths and drop each particular Soulmate (Buyers) at each base. 

Who are you singles, doubles, triples and home runs?

Let’s take a look…


Related Article: Discover Your Soulmate: Yes, Those Ideal Buyers Are Waiting for You


Scoring Runs as You Circle the Bases 


Singles – Solid customers who you would take all day, every day. 

Having lots of singles in your lineup helps maintain a diverse customer list. 

Especially when you avoid relying too heavily on one particular customer or even a handful. 

Additionally, hitting a home run with every at bat is highly unlikely. 

However, hit over .300 (3 out of 10) and you are ending up in Cooperstown NY at the baseball Hall of Fame

Hitting for average plays perfectly into creating dynamic results for your long game. 

Additionally, a high batting average means you have built a stellar reputation as a clutch hitter. 


Doubles – How about those stand up doubles?

Hitting ground rule double is so rewarding.

A double means you are officially in “scoring position” when you land on 2nd base.

Sales from your doubles are significantly higher than your singles.

They are still relatively low maintenance.

Serving your “doubles” costs you virtually the same as your singles from an expense standpoint.

Therefore your doubles drive so much more to your profitability and success. 

In addition, those blessed doubles help you reach your goals so much quicker. 

Let’s say it together, “We Love the Doubles”!! 


Triples – To hit a triple, you need to hit the ball deep in the gap. Get a lucky bounce off the wall. Then run like hell.  It’s an absolute thrill when you make it to 3rd. 

Especially when diving head first, safely.  

Phew! That was exhausting.

You jump up to High five the 3rd base coach. Then you start wiping off all of the dirt on your uniform trying to catch your breath. 

Hoping someone can bring you home.

Lots of time, energy and hard work involved involved with landing a triple. 

Doesn’t happen often but certainly exciting and exhilarating when you find yourself standing on 3rd with a customer. 


Home Runs – Everyone LOVES a home run.

Brings the crowd to their feet.

You stand at the plate after a sweet swing admiring the shot flying out of the park.

You round the bases as the fans go wild.

The competition looks at you in disgust.

The opposing pitcher kicks the dirt and curses you out.

Your team greets you at the plate with hugs & high-fives. 

However, the crowd just sees the final result.

People don’t realize all of the hours at the gym hitting the weight room.

The hours of batting practice and thousands of swings that it took to hit that one particular home run.

How about the dozens of strike outs, pop ups and ground outs behind each home run? 

Tons of blood, sweat as well as tears. 

In business, this equates to all of the unanswered emails and ignored phone calls that led to the home run customer. 

Yet, as the ball clears the fence (contract is signed, order is complete, credit card is processed) it’s time to celebrate.

Embrace the victory. 

Running Home as You Circle the Bases 

Awesome job! 

All of your hard work is paying off. 

Treating your business as a baseball game helps simplify the process. 

Breaking customers into these buckets allows you to visualize each type of customer. 

Now you can focus on the amount of time, energy and strategies required to attract and nurture each type of customer. 

Most importantly, it’s time to Play Ball!! 


Pop Quiz: What is every person’s favorite word?


Believe it or not, every person on planet typically has one absolute favorite word. 

What could that word be? 

Free? Fun? Hope? Love? Money? 


Well, if you guessed the word “I” or that person’s name, you are absolutely correct.

That’s right, every person loves their name.

Above all, it is absolute music to their ears.

Dale Carnegie famously declared, “a person’s name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language

Using a person’s name is crucial, especially when meeting those we don’t see very often. Respect and acceptance stem from simple acts such as remembering a person’s name and using it whenever appropriate.” ~ Dale Carnegie 

For example, walk up to someone and call them the wrong name and see what happens. 

Unfortunately, we have all been there. Total embarrassment. 

We respond quickly, “I am SO SORRY!” 

Scrambling to find a justification for the blunder. 

As a result, feeling like a complete fool as we walk way. 

Take it one step even further. 

Even worse, try misspelling or mispronouncing a prospect or potential customer’s name and see how that works out. 

Let’s flip the script and put the shoe on the other foot. 

Think about this, how do you feel when someone reaches out for the first time misspells or mispronounces your name? 

Especially when a salesperson contacts you trying to sell you something. 

You are completely insulted and offended.

A typical reaction, “if you can’t spell my name correctly, why on earth would I do business with you”?


 If that person doesn’t take the time and care to get our name right, what else will they ignore or neglect? 

That person has immediately broken your trust. Correct?

Connection and relationship building is all about “know, like and trust.”

So a great way to make a HORRIBLE first impression is butchering a persons name. 

This kicks off the potential relationship at a deficit and a deep hole that is tough to climb out. 

Start by spelling or pronouncing the person’s name correctly. This is absolutely critical to make a great first impression. 

With that being said, since we do not know a person’s name when they land on our website or social media of choice, what do we do? 

As we recently discussed, our ideal buyers are thinking about themselves. All day, every day. 

Therefore, we want to avoid talking about ourselves. 

You especially want to avoid the “We-We Syndrome”

Furthermore, an excellent word to use to on your website instead of WE? 

The word, “YOU.” 

You can make it ALL about THEM by using the word “YOU.”

A few helpful lines to consider to make it all about Your Soulmate: 

  • Dedicated to serving YOU the highest quality 
  • Committed to delivering YOU on-time service 
  • Providing YOU THE BEST Solutions on the Market 
  • Working relentlessly to drive YOUR revenues and profits to unthinkable levels 
  • Not eating, sleeping or breathing until YOU Reach success 

In conclusion, make it ALL about THEM and YOU will be thrilled with the results.

Check out WIIFYS = What’s In It for Your Soulmate?




A pop quiz for you.

What is every person’s favorite radio station on the planet?


That’s right, every person has a favorite radio station that they listen to ALL day and EVERY day. 

Give up? 

The answer = W-I-I-FM.  

Odds are you are familiar with WIIFM.

You know, the old “What’s In It For Me”. 

A thank you to my friend Steve Melito from FuzeHub for shedding light on this gem. 

As a consumer, when we enter a business, an online store or any other establishment of commerce that is looking to separate us from our hard earned money, we want to know, “What’s in it for ME”! 

Which is exactly what we should be thinking. 


Therefore as consumers, we are thinking, “How can you help me”? 

For example, when we walk into a business, we are seeking solutions such as, can you feed me, cloth me, entertain me, or educate me?

On the business-to-business side of the world, we might ask questions such as can you save me money, make me money or make my business better? 

Bottom line: Please make my life better than before I walked into this business of yours. 

Even better, “WOW me” and my credit card can’t come out of my wallet fast enough. 

With all of the stress and challenges in life, don’t you deserve a stellar customer experience? 

Of course you do. 

Well, your customers expect and demand the same from you. 

So, let’s flip the script. 

When a customer walks into our place of business, rather a physical presence or online, let’s make it all about WIIFYS. 

What is WIIFYS? 

So glad you asked. 

WIIFYS = “What’s In It For Your Soulmate”

Related Article: Discover Your Soulmate: Yes, Those Ideal Buyers Are Waiting for You

Now maybe you pronounce WIIFYS either WI-FIES or otherwise WE-FEES.

Tomato, Tomahto. 

Either way, you get the point.  

So when you are prospecting your customers, your clients, your Soulmates, what are they thinking about all day, every day?


Unfortunately they do not care about us. At all. 


We possess information, experience or a solution to their problem at that very moment. 

So with your approach to your online presence, you want to make it all about THEM. 

It’s all about your Soulmates (aka Your ideal customers).

So, when you contact a customer, think of the stress, the challenges, frustrations, or problems that they’re trying to solve at that moment.

Everything that they’re going through, on a daily basis, whether it’s business or personal.

They’re constantly putting fires out.

When you reach out and you contact them, all you’re thinking about is how can I generate a quality lead? How can I close a sale?

Let’s take a different approach and make it all about them.

That’s exactly what you want to communicate with your online presence. 

Let those Soulmates know that you have their back.

Whether it’s a LinkedIn profile, your Facebook page, website, your videos, or any other online asset, think about how can you make it all about them.

When you dedicate yourself, your business, your mission to WIIFYS = What Is In It for Your Soulmate, that is where magic happens. 

Provide a superior product. Answer a question. Wow them with an amazing and powerful experience. 

Commit to solving their problem. Efficiently. Effectively. Painlessly. Affordably.  

Make them look like the rock star and super hero that they deserve.  

Deliver ridiculously high value. 

Save their day. 


Thanks so much for stopping by to hang out with us. 

We deeply appreciate you! 


Looking for more…

“Out-Sacrifice Your Mate” Builds Rock Solid Relationships