Clean up the “WE-WE” in Aisle 3 

Last week we introduced the concept from Allison DeFord with our post about the “Dreaded We-We Syndrome”. 

Let’s dig a little further…

You know who cares about us other than maybe Mom? 

Not many. 

Possibly a few other friends, family members and hopefully our pets. 

How about with your business?

Especially when it comes to our customers. 

Sadly, they could care less about where we have been, our past or any previous experiences for that matter. 

Including achievements, accomplishments, awards, sales growth, etc…


Your past experiences can help them. Right this minute!

You know what your customer’s care about? 

Solving their problem. 

They want to know, “can you help solve my problem, right now”?! 

Otherwise, they are thinking, “please step out of the way and stop bragging about WE, OUR, I and ME. You are preventing me from reaching my goal.”

Use messages to speak their language.

Sing their song. 

Communicate that you are deeply committed to solving their problems. 

Express how you work relentlessly to help customers reach their goal by delivering AMAZING products and solutions. 

You pull complicated and unwanted tasks off of their plate allowing them to focus on you and your business. 

 In turn, you free up time to help customers reach your goals. ASAP. 

More than Just “WE-WE” 

In addition to the “We-We” Syndrome, below includes other variants of this disease that might be negatively impacting your message to Soulmates (aka Ideal Buyers): 

  • “I-I”
  • “Me-Me” 
  • “Our-Our” 

In college, nearly 100 years ago, at least if feels like it…on the other hand it feels like yesterday, anyway…a lesson was taught that never left me. 

The lesson learned: NEVER use the word “I” for a business letter, cover letter or resume. 

Let’s explore an example of the “We-We” (or I-I) Syndrome. 

Have you received a cold email that went like this…

Hi There, 

I (WE) thought it would be great to put myself & my company on your radar. 

I (WE) have won TONS of awards. We are really THAT GOOD. 

I (WE) have serviced THOUSANDS of customers. Honestly, it is Shocking that you don’t already buy from us. 

I (WE) have the BEST products and services on THE PLANET. 

I (WE) enjoyed explosive growth last year. Over 10,000 %! 

I (WE) guarantee that you and your customers will LOVE us. 



At this point, are you thinking, “Please go away and stop emailing me”? 

On the other hand, are you thinking “On no, I have sent plenty of emails like this”? 

Let’s repent. Then keep moving upwards and onward. 

That was in the past. 

Avoid the We-We 

Your days of spraying “We-We” everywhere is over! (Spraying?!? Wow, that was gross! I could have used a different word there. Sheesh!)

Anyway, the person or company who suffers from the “We-We” syndrome makes the story all about themselves. 

Now, let’s think back to a time you were in public at a in-person networking event.

You meet somebody for the first time and during the entire conversation, all you hear is “WE” and “I”.

Most likely, you were completely turned off.

The next time you see that person you would probably cringe, hide and run away as fast as possible.

As entrepreneurs, this is the same challenge we face with our website and online presence. 

Especially when striving to make that great first Webpression.

 Using WE, OUR, I, and ME is making the story all about US instead of making it all about THEM.

What do we think about all day, every day? Ourselves! 

So when you’re talking to that ideal buyer, your soulmate, what’s going through their mind?

What are they thinking about? Themselves!

So the better that we understand our soulmate’s frustrations, goals, and challenges, the greater odds to build that trust they seek and long for. 

Now we can flip the script and get away from that dreaded “We-We” Syndrome. 

So let’s make a pact to clean up all the “We-We” on our website as well as on our social media platforms and make it all about them. Our Soulmates. 

That’s a powerful winning formula for you and for your business.

Bottomline: Clearly express how you’re going to help them achieve their goals.

That you are dedicated to delivering an incredible product and a winning experience. 

You are on a mission to help them reach success.



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