My Embarrassing Story of “Push Yourself VS Pace Yourself”

Push Yourself

Well, here is my embarrassing story about rather to “Push Yourself vs Pace Yourself”. 

I had the privilege of being one of the worst rugby players to ever play the game.


I joined the Ohio State Rugby team in 1987 and played through 1990.

Steve Finkel, a 2017 U.S. Rugby Hall of Fame Inductee was our coach.

An amazing man. Passionate. Fierce. Intense. He defined carrying yourself with a relentless attitude.

My senior year our team made it to the NCAA final four of rugby.

It was an incredible honor.

During one of our brutal practices, we were running a tough drill.

Sprinting from one station to the next.  

That is when, I made one of the biggest blunders that I have never forgotten.

We were running in packs of four and within my group I made the comment, “Pace yourself Boys”, thinking that this was a welcomed statement.

Well, it was not.

We were blessed to have a rugger from England on the team.

It is a huge help for an American rugby club to have a few foreigners on the team, especially from England.

When we completed the drill, the team came together.

Coach Finkel started giving a motivational talk.

As I recall, the Brit spoke out and completely lambasted the person who made the comment to “Pace yourself”.

He continued on that we should NEVER pace ourselves and ALWAYS “PUSH ourselves to the limit”.

Well said, my friend!

Though I deeply regret saying those words, that would have denied an incredibly valuable lesson and priceless learning opportunity. 

Max Out & Push Yourself 

So strictly speaking for myself, “Pace Yourself”  leads to complacency, slacking, missed opportunities, and disappointment.

I have coped with a lifetime of mistakes and failures. 

However, the chances not taken, going status quo and not PUSHING MYSELF to the limit serves as a much greater blunder.

Ever thankful for how lazy you were or for under-achieving? Push yourself.

Thankful for watching that entire season of reality TV? Push yourself.

Spending every weekend watching meaningless sporting events with teams that you have have no connection. 

Exhaust yourself on social media arguing over politics on Facebook or Twitter.

Could your time have been better spent focusing on your business or family?

Don’t pace yourself! Push yourself.

Critics can point out the threat of burnout.

Loss of a healthy life balance.

If you casually workout at the gym, will you see the positive results that you want?

If you pace yourself and your competitor is relentlessly pushing themselves, who is going to win out?

Be the absolute best outside of work or business. 

Equally push yourself to be the best spouse or significant other. 

Push yourself to be the best family member, parent, or friend.

Be the best board member, weekend warrior, workout partner, bridge player, quilt maker or whatever stirs your heart and drives your greatest passion. 

Just remember, we are not here for a long time, so might as well push ourselves to have a good time. 

Wrapping It Up 

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