Is it time for you to pick a cause and launch a crusade? 

What am I referring to? 

So glad you asked!

As an entrepreneur, you constantly face new opportunities (aka, need to make tons of tough decisions). 

So, how do you pick and choose the best direction?

Being creative and a visionary can be viewed as a blessing and a curse.

Especially when the challenge includes choosing the correct path.

Hindsight is always 20/20.

So, when facing a fork in the road, which one do you select?

If you find difficult to make those tough choices, consider committing to a cause. 

One cause. 

When you are crystal clear on your mission and your cause, decisions can be reached much easier. 

For example, one of the biggest reasons that companies resist change, no one wants to make the big mistake. 

What if the new, super expensive technology is a total bust? 

How about when the new vendor that you select completely drops the ball? 

Playing it safe can keep you under the radar. 

However, playing it safe also keeps you as the Best Kept Secret

As the famous saying goes, time either makes you a genius or a fool with typically nothing in between.

Actually I just made that up. 

Picking a cause helps you to tackle these tough decisions with clarity and confidence.  

Pick a Cause That Drives Your Passion

Let’s take a look at the many decisions that you face on a regular basis as a relentless entrepreneur. 

For example, do you hire a new person?

Make a big investment in the company?

Attend a trade show? 

Hire a new marketing firm?

If so, when will you see a return on investment?

More importantly, will you see a return at all?

Should you diversify?

Do you enter a new market?

Carry a new product line?

Put the business online and tip your toe into eCommerce?

Picking a Cause Avoids FOMO 

FOMO is a popular term these days.

FOMO = Fear of Missing Out

With entrepreneurship you just have to pick one cause which helps eliminate the Fear of Missing Out on the next shiny object. 

Make a decision and just go for it.

More acronyms to consider…

GEYG = Give Everything You’ve Got

BITZ = Be In The Zone

GOTF = Get Off The Fence

POTB = Put On The Blinders

Write your cause down on paper and then put it on your bathroom mirror.

On the back of your bedroom door.

Also on the steering wheel of your car. 

Tattoo it (wherever you find appropriate).

Many years ago, I thought it was a great business decision to be “diversified“. Wrong!

Come to find out, I was terrible as a multi-taker doing a bunch of things horribly instead of kicking butt at one specific goal.

Become the right knee guy or gal (aka – become the renowned expert in your field).

So what is your goal?

My close friend, sales guru Wesleyne Greer preaches how critical it is to have a solid concrete goal ahead of you. 

A clear and concise top line revenue goal. 

Another goal would include your deliverables such as the number of customers that you will impact. 

Most importantly, the number of lives that will be changed thanks to your superpowers as well as your service and solutions. 

In other words, without a specific goal, how will you know the amount of time, energy and resources necessary for you to reach success? 

So, bottom line, “What is your cause”?

Pick the one cause. 

THE Cause that just feels RIGHT!

Then go for it and Give It All You Got! 

Wrapping it Up 

Lastly, thanks for stopping by. 

Check out these additional articles to help you on your entrepreneurial journey: 

Niche Down Til it Hurts…So Good

Ladies & Gentlemen, It’s All About the Right Knee Guys & Gals

Ready to Stop Being the Best Kept Secret

Ever sat through safety instructions on a flight?

Of course you have. 

Try to count the number of flights you have taken. 

That tally equates how many times you have witnessed a flight attendant delivering a flight safety check. 

So, let’s put ourselves in the flight attendant’s shoes. 

How many safety instruction presentations do you think they have performed? 

Even in just a given year. 

Every flight.

Basically every working day.

Probably multiple times a day. 

Over the career of a flight attendant, the average number of times they have conducted safer instructions is…well I just know it is a lot. 

Guess what. 

Those days are winding down. 

At least the flights I’ve been on. 

Eureka! Airlines now offer safety instructions video. 

How efficient.

Cutting edge.



Time saving. 

Cost effective. 

Let’s add up how many millions of dollars a year the airlines just saved by simply converting this task to video. 

They average flight safety speech lasts probably 3-5 minutes.

Then multiply that times the number of flight attendants on the flight. 

What are flight attendants doing instead?


Even if they only kicked back and caught their breath for a sec after loading all of us challenging and demanding passengers.

Yes, we are both included here.

With our carry-ons, crazy demands, bad moods and especially our bad breath. 

This example below would be my prefer version of safety instructions video of course: 



Flight Safety Instructions and Manufacturing? 

Safety Instructions

What do safety instructions on a flight have to do with manufacturing?


Well, kind of…

How often does your customer service team answer the same question?

Over and over.

How many times does your sales team address the same issues?

Over and over.

Ever say to yourself, “Gee, I wish I could just hit the play button to answer these same questions, over and over.”

Guess what?

You can. 

You should. 

Actually, why haven’t you?

Let’s look at another example…

Do you ever hire new employees?

Do you have an on boarding process?

How about training a specific job, task or machine?

If you are training someone new on a machine, that means you are busy. Great!

Otherwise, it means the person who typically runs that machine is leaving. 

Either temporarily on vacation or worse, permanently. 

To train that person consistently by your in-house subject matter expert takes an enormous amount of time and money. 

Additionally, you could potentially fall into the inconsistency trap. 

Where different people instruct in a variety of ways. 

Offering the the training on video delivers powerful results. 

Especially since the trainee will now hear a consistent step by step process as opposed to a variety of ways to perform a task. 

Plus, the trainee can now hit rewind when questions or challenges pop up. 

So next time you are on a flight, and it’s safety instruction time, admire and soak in the efficiency and massive time savings gained. 

More importantly, think about how this powerful strategy could work for your company. 

Above all, strap on your seat belts and enjoy the flight.

Final Thoughts 

Here is another hysterical version of safety instructions for you:


Check out these additional fun blog posts: 

Please Leave Keys in Car! (Help Your Customers Win the Day)

So How do YOU Spell Succes? 

Stop Being the Best Kept Secret 


Have you heard about Otter.AI? 

Well, there is a new tool in town that can be a total game changer for you. 

It’s efficient. 



Delivers high level solutions. 

Best of all…

It’s FREE!

Who is this super hero that is going to save your day?



This thing is awesome. 

I now use Otter.AI daily. 


It’s Efficient.  


Delivers powerful solutions.  

Best of all…

It’s FREE! 

What is Otter.AI? 

Otter.AI is a recording and transcription software tool. offers the best automatic live transcription and note-taking experience for virtual and in-person meetings.

Sales call with a client? Not the best note-taker? Invite Otter.AI. 

Bad memory? Otter to the rescue.

Facing a conversation that requires accountability? Otter has your back.

Disorganized with notes and can’t remember what went on at a meeting from six months ago? 

Also, tired of digging in the trash or flipping through old notebooks trying to find relevant customer information? 

Yes, you guessed it, Otter’s has you covered. 

Record all conversations and important meetings. 

Capture conversations by record a Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, and Cisco Webex. 

Transcribe and save. 

It’s that simple. 

Blogging Made Easy  

It’s also a fantastic resource to help you create content. 

Wish you could create a killer blog post but just don’t have time? 

Does the thought of sitting at the computer typing out 500 words make your skin crawl?

Guess who can help?


Our clients now create fantastic blog posts by simply recording the internal subject matter expert. 

Maybe that expert is YOU! 

Walking the dog, strolling on the beach, going for a run, marching down the aisles at the grocery store while being hit by a tidal wave of ideas and creativity can cause panic. 

How to capture these priceless thoughts and strategies that would typically be lost and disappear? 

Whip out your phone. Then head over to the Otter app on your phone and start recording your thoughts immediately. 

Check out these blog posts that where recorded conversations, transcribed and then dropped a hearty and healthy pieces of content: 

Ever dream about finally writing that book that you have inside you but never had the time or discipline to actually do it? 

How do you make it happen?


Well, in case you haven’t picked up on my subtle hint, I am a raving fan of Otter.AI and encourage you to sign up today (click here). 

Did I mention it is FREE?


Check out these additional fun blog posts

Please Leave Keys in Car! (Help Your Customers Win the Day)

So How do YOU Spell Succes? 

Stop Being the Best Kept Secret 

Please Leave Keys in the Car! 

Typically, we hear the opposite advice here. 

Usually it’s “Please DON’T leave keys in the car”. 

So where does this unorthodox advice come in handy?

At a car rental agency drop off. 

Recently while returning a rental car, I took note of all of the signs declaring “Please leave your keys in car”.

As I was leaving the rental parking lot at the Atlanta airport, I struck up a conversation with an employee there. 

He said people run off from dropping off their rental car and take the keys with them ALL THE TIME.

He said it happens literally every day. Multiple times a day. 

Just think of the total inconvenience for the employees of the rental agency stuck with a car at the parking lot in a line of multiple other cars…that cannot be moved. 

A car rental company flips cars like a busy restaurant flips tables. 

Keep the inventory turning is the name of the game, right?

Well, a car without the keys is simply…in the way. 

A barrier. 

Dead weight. 

A total liability. 

Then what happens?

The car rental company immediately contacts the customer asking them to return the keys.

What a complete hassle and waste of time for everyone. 

Simply due to the fact that customers are busy and distracted. 

Their minds are thousands of miles away. 

With keys in their pocket, they head out to conquer the next challenge. 

Wealth creation tip opportunity: If you are innovative and creative, solve that problem for car rental companies and you will make lots of money. Just saying.

Please Leave Keys in the Car 

Let’s have a brutally honest and candid chat about your company as well as your customers

Yes, those customers

You know the type. 

Those customers that are insanely hectic. 

Running 10,000 miles an hour. Barely on fumes. 

Throwing on multiple hats all day, every day. 

Putting out their own constant flow of fires and crises. 

The reality?

They are busy. 

Crazy busy. 

Too busy to slow down or stop and try to figure out your system, your processes, let alone follow your rules, policies and regulations.

How often do you feel your customers are simply dropping off their rental car, sprinting out of the parking lot while you are trying to chase them down to recover the keys. 

You’re mad and frustrated. 

The customer is embarrassed and beyond irritated. 

They were in a rush to begin with, now they need to go all the way back to the car rental to drop off the keys. 

That is the definition of lose-lose. 

Do you have any “Please leave the keys in car” challenges at your business?

Where constant lose-lose situations exist. 

How can we flip the script?

Let’s focus on helping your customers win.

To avoid customers feeling like a fool with your parking lot jammed with unmovable cars. 

Then, needing to overnight the rental key, just like Debra needed to in this pic below. 

Keys to Avoid Leaving with the Keys 

Tips to help create win-win relationships: 

  • Offer how-to videos on your website and YouTube channel
  • Step by step nativities on how to use your product and service 
  • Break down your process in small palatable bits 
  • Analyze your processes & systems to eliminate the situation that a customer could walk out the door with a key still in their pocket. 
  • Dedicate yourself to delivery high level solutions.
  • Transition your customer service team to the customer success team. 
  • Visit customers in person 
  • Listen with the intent to understand as opposed to listening to respond 
  • Understand their challenges, needs, goals and frustrations 

Let’s commit ourselves to our customers success

No longer blaming customers for being busy, distracted as well as absent-minded. 

We have no idea what bumpy roads they might be facing. 

Do everything possible to prevent them from running out the door with the keys in their pocket.  

Most importantly, help them win the day.

Wave, smile, and wish them safe travels. 


Stop Being the Best Kept Secret 

Can you identify the profit killers in your business?

Unfortunately they creep up everywhere. 

These Profit Killers also play the role of Profit Thieves embezzling YOUR time and money everyday. 

Killing the chance of building a thriving business. 

If cash flow is tight or goals are not being met, can you identify what is the cause?

Chances are these profit killers sit right in front of us and we are too blind to identify them. 

In addition, how did those dreaded Profit Killers sneak into the schedule anyway?

It is not always easy to determine the difference between being busy vs productive.

Diagnosing where the profit killers lie within a business certainly can be challenging.

Time is the one thing that no one has a competitive advantage over another.

We all have the same 24 hours a day and 365 days a year to accomplish our goals.

The difference strictly falls on what we do within those 24 hours.

Therefore a few questions to chew on: 

  • So what is denying goals from being achieved?
  • Are you maximizing your time and efficiency as well as all resources?
  • Could profit killers be in the form of an unproductive employee that we hang on to too long?
  • When looking at the great entrepreneurs such as Jeff Bezos and Warren Buffett, what traits do they posses that delivers astronomical success?
  • Why is it that uber-successful entrepreneurs maximize their time so well?

One of the 10 Commandments states “Though shall not kill”.

Post a sign in your office, on your computer, on your bathroom mirror that says, “Thou Shall Not Kill My Own Profits”.


Profit Killers can be disguised in the form of an actual asset on the balance sheet.

In other cases, profit killers come in the form of customers who are simply too high maintenance to service. Those sales from customers that beat us up on price where profitability is sacrificed.

Let’s take a look at potential profit killers roaming our businesses: 

  1. Spending valuable time trying to collect receivables
  2. Writing off too much bad debt from customers
  3. Overstaffed
  4. Too much inventory causing waste and spoilage
  5. Inventory theft: Internal or external
  6. Mismanaged time
  7. Inefficient system and antiquated processes
  8. Prices too low
  9. Hanging on to a bad hire: Unwilling to cut that toxic employee that hurts the business.
  10. Hanging onto unprofitable customers
  11. Ignoring technology
  12. This is how we have always done it”
  13. Unnecessary meetings (that go on WAY too long)
  14. Outdated machinery
  15. Low morale: Unhappy & unmotivated employees
  16. Top Heavy: Too many Chiefs burning the bottom line 
  17. Outdated facility or poor layout
  18. Bad location
  19. Poor marketing execution
  20. Overlooking price increases from vendors
  21. Production mistakes causing repairs and rework as well as unhappy customers
  22. Poor communication – internally and also externally
  23. Overinsured 
  24. Employee turnover
  25. Poor employee attendance
  26. Under bidding quotes
  27. Over paying suppliers and vendors
  28. Poor negotiating skills
  29. Trying to service too much bank debt as well as choking on interest
  30. Taking on projects and customers that fall outside of your wheelhouse 

In conclusion, let’s commit to banishing these dreaded profit killers so you can thrive and continue delivering amazing solutions to your customers. 

Wrapping it Up 

To learn more about Manufacturing eCommerce Success, please check out these helpful links: 

Please Leave Keys in Car! (Help Your Customers Win the Day)

So How do YOU Spell Succes? 

Stop Being the Best Kept Secret 



Profit Thieves. UGH!! 

Nearly every business faces them and needs to consistently fight off Profit Thieves. 

Protecting yourself against Profit Thieves plays a critical role to your success.

Especially for small business owners.

So let’s take a hard look.  

When you dissect your business, think about any products, services and solutions that you wish would simply vanish. 

Start by identify any products, services or solutions where you feel stretched. 

Tasks that drain precious resources from your company. 

Thus, hurts your bottom line. 

We need to capture those profit thieves and banish them from the premises. 

Time wasters, energy drainers and money losers. 

Additionally, think about those customers that you dread servicing. 

Yes, you most likely have customers that are indeed NOT Soulmates

Those fun folks where you and your business would be so much better off without them. 

On the flip side, odds are they are not entirely thrilled with you as well. 

Here is a helpful suggestion and a healthy means to shed those non-Soulmates. 

Align yourself with a resource partner that delivers powerful results in any areas that fall out of your wheelhouse. 

Related Article: Let’s Build a Thriving Referral Network with Your Soulmate 100 

This is where Niche Down til it Hurts…So Good comes into play. 

Identify the areas of your business and customers that no longer fit your formula. 

Introduce and connect them with a trusted, valued partner who hits the ball out of the park with that product of service. 

It’s like finally breaking up with that awful boyfriend or girlfriend that you just did not have the heart to do so. 

This strategy finally creates the opportunity to make a clean and overdue break. 

Set them up with a friend. Problem solved. 

The conversation would go like this…

“You know, things just aren’t working out any longer.”  

“Are you breaking up with me?” (sniff) 

“Hey, It’s not you, it’s me. I’m a hot mess and no longer a good fit for you. However, you know who thinks that you are absolutely AMAZING and would love to chat. Actually they can’t stop talking about you. They said YOU are their SOULMATE.” 

“Really, they said that? I had no idea.” 

“Yes, you are going to be SO MUCH happier with them.” 

Problem solved. 

Piece of cake, right? 

Let’s take this one step further…

For those customers that you wouldn’t wish on your worst enemy…You would do yourself a huge favor by politely parting ways and sending them to your competition. 

The customer who constantly pays 90 days or later. 

Demands a Lexus quality on a Pinto budget (Google it). 

Keeps you up at night. You cringe every time they reach out.

Guide these folks to your competition so they can suck THEIR time, energy or resources.  



So how do you spell succes? Seriously?

I ask, due to the fact, for some reason I am unable to spell succes.


Ready for a hysterical story?

Here we go…

I enjoy putting out articles. 

My goal, or attempt anyway, is to create articles based around business, eCommerce or other motivational situations that cross my path.

This includes fascinating books, individuals, accomplishments, strategies, processes and succes stories. 

The articles find their way on my weekly blog

Then, the intention is to eventually post that blog on LinkedIn as an article. 

Well, one particular Friday, at six in the morning, I decided to post a recent article on LinkedIn

Due to other priorities or distractions, I had not posted on LinkedIn for nearly a month or so. 

As I pop onto LinkedIn to post an article, I notice that users can create a LinkedIn newsletter


That sounded interesting. Wonder how long this will take? 

So, I start the process. 

It is super simple and literally takes a couple minutes. 

WOW, I could not believe how fast and easy that was. 

I don’t remember the exact order but it went something like this….

I grabbed a recent article and decided for SEO purposes to alter the headline. 

The original headline was “Pull Your Finger Out of a Glass of Water and What Happens?” 

Well, it dawned on me, there are lots of immature guys out there just like me who might reply with a “Pull My Finger” comment. (Google “Pull My Finger” if that didn’t hit home).

Anyway, I decided to change the title to “When You Remove Your Finger from a Glass of Water, What Happens?” 

Manufacturing eCommerce Succes

I then created the LinkedIn newsletter which required a title. 


Well, it quickly hit me that everything we do is based around our tagline “Manufacturing eCommerce Success”. 

Our LinkedIn Live program, webinars, DWY training and even in my book “Stop Being the Best Kept Secret“, the term “Manufacturing eCommerce Success” is used. 

Basically, Manufacturing eCommerce Success is our mission, purpose, passion and war cry. 

Therefore, that was an extremely quick and easy decision for the title of the newsletter. 


It literally took 3-4 minutes to add the article and create the newsletter. 


Hit publish. 


Wow! What a nice sense of accomplishment. 

Move on the the next item on the agenda for the day and truth be told, creating the newsletter was even not on my mind for that morning. 

That was an extra bonus for the day. 

However, within two or three minutes a LinkedIn friend from England drops a note. 

“Hey Curt, Thank you for sending me the request to join Manufacturing eCommerce Success which I have done. However, I noticed that the title of the article on the glass of water has a typo in it.  I believe you should remove the “of” in the title so it scans correctly. Kind regards”. 

When I changed the title, I accidentally left an extra “of” in the new title so it read like this: “When You Remove Your Finger from of a Glass of Water, What Happens?” 


It is such a gift and blessing to have friends who have your back. 

After thanking this dear friend,  he replied, “I have spent my whole life watching for errors in my own work.  I have become very observant when I see it in others.  I would not have said anything if I did not class you in my close circle.” 

Oh boy, did I appreciate that! 

He is super busy, yet, took the time to point out an embarrassing mistake. 


Now time to move on with the day after the sweet taste of humility. 

Slow down. Process. Proof your work. Focus on quality. 

Then it hit me, how did he realize so quickly that I created the newsletter? 

Soon after comments started hitting the post on LinkedIn. 

One of comments stated, “Thank you for the invitation to subscribe to your LinkedIn Newsletter.” 

WAIT A SEC! Hold the phone!! 

I did not send out an invitation. 

Lo and behold, once you create a newsletter, LinkedIn sends out an invitation to your ENTIRE network. 

More Embarrassment 

Well that wasn’t the end of my embarrassment for the day…

After completing a fun-filled Friday and ready to hit the weekend another email pops in with the headline, “Your LI newsletter has Success spelled as Succes”


Hi Curt,

Happy Friday! Thanks for the invite!

I noticed that “success” is missing an “s”.

Just wanted to let you know.

Hope to talk to you soon!


Then after laughing hysterically at my blunder with “succes”, I immediately pop into LinkedIn to once again fix another error. 

However, this was after discovering that LinkedIn does not allow you to change the title of your newsletter. 

After chatting directly with LinkedIn while also following up several times, as of this writing, Manufacturing eCommerce Success is still spelled with “Succes”. 

As of this post, several weeks later and numerous requests, my mistake still shines bright. 

So seriously, how do you spell Succes? 


The question of the day: Are you Zarfing your customers?

Wait, what on earth is “Zarfing”?

So glad you asked! 

Let’s start here…

Does the morning kick-start with your favorite coffee?

Ah! Your morning cup of Joe. 

When you go through the drive-thru or walk into your favorite coffee shop, you are thrilled to get your cup of heaven. 

Your favorite cup of coffee delivers that satisfying, friendly and familiar jolt of awesomeness! 

However, one tiny negative about your delicious hot cup of coffee.

Well, it is hot!  

Sometimes too hot that could burn your hand. 

Yet, a high tech solution saves the day. 

Ever notice that little piece of cardboard wrapped around your cup of coffee? 

What an absolutely brilliant idea!

Don’t you wish that we would have thought of that one? 

A simple piece of cardboard to protect your hand from 3rd degree burns. 

Just think of the millions of pieces of cardboard wrapped around a coffee cup sold on daily basis. 

That piece of brilliance was founded back in 1991, simply as a preventative from burning your hand as you drink your favorite cup of coffee.

According to the Smithsonian Magazine, Jay Sorenson invented the cardboard coffee cup cover in 1991

Therefore, another question for you…

Do you have any idea what the name of that actual product is?

What is that “Cardboard Thingy” Called? 

According to the Cambridge Dictionary and Wikipedia, the “Cardboard thingy” around a cup of coffee is called a Zarf:

zarf is something that helps you hold a hot cup without burning your fingers. Don’t leave the coffee shop without your zarf!

Let’s throw on our Google Search Hat on for a second. 

Especially to help your customers and prospects. 

If you were searching for that “cardboard thingy” on Google, what would you type? 

Maybe something like, “Little piece of cardboard that prevents you from burning your hand”? 

Especially since very few people are familiar with the term Zarf. 

In addition, several other names represent this “cardboard thingy”. 

When Jay Sorenson founded his hand-saver, he called it the “Java Jacket“. 

 Other possibilities of names that you might type include: 

  • Coffee Cup Sleeve 
  • Coffee Cup Cardboard Cover 
  • Coffee Cup Jacket 
  • Burnt Hand Preventer 
  • Hot Coffee Finger Saver 

Check out this article: The Humble Story Behind The Ubiquitous Coffee Sleeve

How to Avoid Zarfing Your Customers

Let’s go back to the original question, are you “Zarfing” your customers? 

In other words, are you focused on the title of your product or service when your ideal customer is simply trying to solve the problem that they currently face. 

Do your customers actually know the name of your product, your services, and your solutions?

Those common everyday product names to you very well could be completely foreign to a potential customer or prospect.

Are you absoltuely certain what terms prospects are typing? 

Because if not, you might be “Zarfing” your customers.

So start asking your customers as you speak with them, how did they find you? What did they search on Google? 

Pay close attention to the problems that they have that need solved.

So next time you are thinking, “WOW! I love this cup of coffee!” 

Send thanks to the innovative Jay Sorenson for protecting your fingers from being burnt. 

Lastly, thank Jay for helping you to avoid Zarfing your customers. 

Prevent being burnt with a bad keyword strategy by focusing on the problem that your customer currently faces and desperately needs you to save the day. 

Bottom line: When you Stop Zarfing your customers is also a great way to Stop Being the Best Kept Secret


Niche Down til it Hurts So Good 

Once you niche down, yes, niche down til it hurts so good, now you can speak the right language to the right buyer. 

For example, once going through the buyer persona exercise with a client, they spent an exhaustive amount of time describing their ideal customer.

Their soulmate

The persona described loved motocross. Down and dirty off-road motorcycle racing. Mud flying everywhere. A young persons sport. Fearless. Doing jumps and flips. 

However, when you landed on this manufacturer’s website, what was the front page image? A Lamborghini. 


Total disconnect. The product that they sold had nothing to do with a car let alone one of the most expensive vehicles on the planet. 

The website spoke the wrong language. 

You must make an incredible 1st Webpression

Love at first sight. 

On the other hand, when you niche down until it hurts another tremendous benefit falls on your lap. 

Clearly speaking the right language to the right buyer helps prevent bad leads. 

What am I talking about? 

So glad you asked…

When you try to be everything to everyone, you become nothing to no one. 

Yet, casting a wide net will indeed attract some inquiries. 

Including folks that you simply cannot help or serve. 

Speaking the Right Language Helps Avoid Frustration  

Another example, while working with a large manufacturer in the packaging industry, the customer service team shared an interesting problem. Actually they divulged a strong complaint and concern. 

They consistently received leads that fell outside of their capabilities or expertise. Nearly on a daily basis. 

The customer service team was frustrated. The customers that called were frustrated. 

A mutual lose-lose. 

While checking out the company website, the problem shined crystal clear. 

Significant information on the website spoke the wrong language to these folks. 

In the quest to be everything to everyone within packaging, the one-stop shop they were attempting to be caused internal chaos and created a negative impact. 

An awful experience. A bad taste in their mouth. 

As a consumer, you know how frustrating it is when a business wastes your time and energy. 

Plus it works both ways. 

The company misdirected company resources with these bad leads. 

These contacts were not a potential customers and would never be a customer. 

It there an opportunity to pull them into your world or product line? Maybe. 

Could you establish a referral network or affiliate relationship to convert that contact into a potential revenue source? Possibly. 

That was not the case here. 

Stay laser focused on what you do best. 

Speak clearly on your website. Concisely. 

Less is more. 

Avoid the “shiny object” syndrome. 

Focus on only one “Call-to-Action” per landing page. 

How many times do you find yourself on a website, next thing you know you’re watching a video on Youtube that is completely unrelated to your original search? 

Then you ask yourself, “what on earth was I looking for to begin with”? 

They do not know your product line like you do. 

Assuming that they do just makes an…well…you know what happens when we assume. 

Remember, your customers are simply easily distracted as well.

Hold their attention as long as possible. 

Let them know you care. 

Make it clear that you are an expert who has their back. 


Ready to Stop Being the Best Kept Secret






When the words left my mouth, “This is how we have always done it”, I knew I was doomed. 

I just entered the danger zone! 

In other words, my business was doomed with my leadership. 

It was time for me to move on. 

Not only did I need to move on personally.

More importantly, the business needed to step away from me. 

Ever have your business speak to you? 

It is your baby, right? 

Well at some point, kids speak back to parents. 

Sometimes loved ones give us tough love. 

Words that we NEED to hear even when we do not want to hear it. 

They day I blurted out, “This is how we have always done it”, the sad reality sunk in. 

I was completely out of fresh ideas as well as out of gas. 

No longer possessed the skillset, talent or wherewithal to take this business to the level I had hoped. 

THANK GOD an angel was waiting in the wings to take the business to new heights. 

It was time for me to step aside to help serve others 

My eternal gratitude goes to my eventual business partner, Susan who then purchased the business

Remedies for This is How We Have Always Done It 

Below includes a helpful list of suggestions and remedies for:

  • Get Courageously Uncomfortable 
  • Niche Down Til It Hurts So Good 
  • Venture into the unknown
  • Become the “Right Knee” Guy or Gal 
  • Identify weaknesses that need improving immediately
  • Align with experts that can hold your hand through positive change
  • Create new systems and processes
  • Explore new technologies
  • KISS = Keep It Super Simple 
  • Tackle challenges with confidence and positive energy
  • Dedicate yourself and your team to a constant state of continuous improvement
  • Open your mind to new ideas
  • Research
  • Listen
  • Stay in the know & in the zone
  • Identify bottlenecks and constraints
  • Connect with a rigorous mentor
  • Find an accountability partner who keeps you on track
  • Take courses online or at local university
  • Find companies in other industries that have accomplished similar goals you seek and discover how they did it
  • Do competitive intelligence on your competition especially if they are using technology and techniques that you covet
  • Finally, tell yourself, “I embrace change, I embrace change…”

Just Keep Moving Forward

Always Done It

Most importantly, when it comes to change, take manageable bites. Just keep moving forward.

Remember, over analysis creates paralysis. Just keep moving forward.

One day at a time. One step at a time.

Just keep moving forward.

Take note of 3-4 things that you absolutely hate about your business or organization.

Those dreaded burdens or tasks that you deem as profit killers.

Processes or systems that you know hurt your business. Yet, no one knows how to change them.

The thought of changing is so overwhelming that nothing gets done.

Instead of creating a manageable plan, you keep doing things as they have always been done.

Sacred cows do not go away easily.

I once was on a successful team where our motto was “what are we doing today that we could make fun of six months or a year from now”.

You know the type.

Either a technology or process where down the road you look back and say “can you believe this is how we used to do this?”

To look back and say, “what a colossal waste of time when we did THAT”.

Thank God we had the stamina and courage to take the leap and improve. Take on the new technology. Embrace a new system.

Just Keep Moving Forward.


Ready to Stop Being the Best Kept Secret

A question to consider, What if the What If Syndrome kicks in? 

It’s tough to making a path when facing multiple options. Especially with those big life decisions. The “WHAT IF” Syndrome kicks in.

What is the “WHAT IF” Syndrome? 

So glad you asked. 


…I pick the wrong college? 

…end up dating the wrong person? 

…I select the wrong career? 

…Wear white after Labor Day? (just asking for a friend) 

In business, the “WHAT IF” Syndrome might look something like…


…I hire the wrong person? 

…Carry the wrong product? 

…Partner with the wrong person? 

…Offer the wrong product or service? 

…Buy too much product? Too little? 

…Sign the wrong lease? 

…Hire the wrong accountant or attorney? 

…Sell sushi to help diversify our pizza shop? 

Offering TOO MANY products and services that are too diverse will lead to trouble. 

Yet, picking a clear path or selecting the right cause is tough. 

FOMO kicks in. UGH!!! 

That’s right! 

The dreaded Fear of Missing Out on the party. 

Then the “WHAT IF” Syndrome becomes ISHOULDHAVEITIS. 

That darn phrase “I Should Have…” 

I Should have bought Amazon, Apple and Netflix stock in 2002. 

I Should have bet the house, the farm, the dog, my watch, my coveted 8 track collection (Google it) and every other possession I own on Bitcoin. 

Oh, the humanity. 

So many choices. 

So little time. 

Conquering the “WHAT IF” Syndrome 

what if syndrome

How on earth do we know when or if we are making the right decisions? 

We don’t. 

That’s what makes life SO MUCH fun and exciting. 

Making the right decision and picking the correct path can mean the difference between building the largest eCommerce business on the planet vs not building the largest eCommerce business on the planet. 

What am I talking about here? 

Let’s take a look. 

Jeff Bezos and I both launched an eCommerce business the exact same year. 

Somewhere along the way Jeff and I both took drastically different paths. 

Jeff Bezos had incredible vision as well as placed insanely wild bets on his business. 

I am typing this up in my pajamas, in my 200 square foot basement on my MacBook Air.

Something tells me Jeff Bezos is not hanging out in his 200 square foot basement wearing his pajamas. 

Well, maybe he is…

Anyway, we just simply do not know how the story is going to play out. 

Think of your all-time favorite movie. Did you just say the title out loud? 

WHAT IF you knew the ending beforehand? BORING! 

That’s why we get so mad at someone when they tell us the end of an amazing movie or book before we have watched or read it. 


We long for the end.

Sitting on the edge of our seats. 

The Thrill of Hope. 

In business, our Thrill of Hope falls on the knowledge, smarts, gumption, insight, as well as gut instinct to make the accurate choices. 

Bottom line: Go with you gut.  Stay focused and give it everything you’ve got! 

You Bet on You. 

Just think, WHAT IF you succeed beyond your wildest dreams? 


Wrapping It Up 

Lastly, thanks for stopping by. 

Check out these additional articles to help you on your entrepreneurial journey: 

Niche Down Til it Hurts…So Good

Ladies & Gentlemen, It’s All About the Right Knee Guys & Gals



Let’s try a test. Grab a glass. Fill it up with water. 

Then place your finger in the glass of water. 

Now pull your finger out. 

What happens? 

Not much. 

Hardly anything really. 

A slight ripple. 

Then shortly afterwards, literally within moments, the glass of water completely forgets the finger ever existed. 

OK, let’s compare that same example to your current role or position. 

Either at your job, your business or even a volunteer role such as serving on a non-profit board. 

Are we just taking up space where once that seat is vacated, a slight ripple occurs?

Will anyone realize that you have left the building? 

On the other hand, will folks feel a major void or gap? 

Let’s set egos aside and be completely honest here. 

Our ego says, “absolutely”!

This place couldn’t survive without me. 

In reality, are we truly making a difference?

For example, Steve Jobs moved on to another life in 2011. However, Apple continues going strong. 

Life simply moves on. 


Broken Glass

So how about your role? 

When you leave your job, voluntarily or if asked to leave, will anyone notice? 

For business owners, if you closed it down today, who would care? 

Would customers notice? 

Or would they simply move on to the competition? 

Think deep and be honest with yourself. 

Who would REALLY feel a deep void with your absence? 

Like, “WOW! What happened”? 

Otherwise, who might not notice for weeks or even months? 

“Hey, what ever happened to (Fill your name in here)? 

Let’s go back to placing our finger in the glass of water example. 

What if on the other hand (yes pun intended) you put your entire fist in the glass of water? 

Total disruption – major waves – water displaced – the glass might even break. 

You might take on a few scrapes and cuts (hopefully no stitches or trips to the emergency room). 

How about smashing the glass to leave a distinct mark.

You have GREATNESS within you! 

Don’t we have a daily obligation to expose and maximize our God-given talent to the fullest extent possible? (Thank you Winnie Benjamin for that slice of brilliance).

You have skills, talent, passion, experiences, and expertise to share with your Soulmates as well as the rest of the world for that matter. 

So, are you ready to completely smash the glass? 

Cause lots of waves and total disruption. 

Why settle for mediocrity? 

Stop Being the Best Kept Secret by niching down til it hurts. 

We will get bloody and bruised along the way, no doubt. 

However, there is nothing more rewarding in professional life than entrepreneurship. 

The point here, inaction or playing it safe could be your worst enemy and greatest competition. 

We have only one life to live. 

Therefore, let’s hit it as hard as possible.

We are not here for a long time so let’s make it a GREAT time. 

Especially since pursuing your dream, passion and expertise creates enormous possibilities. 

Deliver your products, services and solutions with an unapologetic commitment and tenacity.  

So, when it is finally time for you to pull your finger out of the glass, make darn sure that the water knows that you were there.