Focusing on your core strengths for your keyword strategy plays a critical role in executing a successful eCommerce strategy. 

Especially since targeting your core strengths allows you to better market and brand your business by beating the drum of your specific area of expertise.

Maximize what you know best!

Staying in your wheelhouse also allows you to distance yourself from the competition. 

Remember, there is NO ONE who knows your proprietary process better than you.

Capitalize on Scaling Your Proprietary Process where you have the tools, resources, equipment, machinery, staff, experience, as well as a system in place to tackle customer needs.

Especially as a custom manufacturer where you make parts for other companies such as OEMs as well as provide components that go into a finished good.

As a result, focusing on these specific parts and products provide much greater ammunition for you with your keyword strategy.

Related Article: Hey Manufacturer, Let’s Scale Your Proprietary Process with eCommerce

Core Strengths = Keyword Strategy 

So we have determined that plenty of potential customers would greatly benefit from your expertise who simply do not know that you exist

Not yet anyway. 

The fix?

Start promoting your proprietary process as a proprietary product.

So, how can you convert your proprietary process into a proprietary product?

You may find it difficult to pick a direction or one specific process.

Many of my clients find it challenging to pick one process from their menu. It is like picking your favorite child.

You feel that each area of your business is vital.

However, let’s take a look at your top process.


Do a SWOT on various areas of your company.

Where do your core strengths exist?

Another critical consideration, what does the market NEED?

Many entrepreneurs (including me) confuse what we THINK the market wants as opposed to the market actually NEEDS.

Let’s break down each category to explore possibilities.

First, identify the industries that your customers service.

In addition, is there another industry that purchases components that you produce? Or something similar?

What is the name of that part? Do other industries use another name for that part?

Scale Your Proprietary Process with eCommerce Formula

Therefore, below includes a very simple “Scale Your Proprietary Process with eCommerce Formula” that is full proof: 

Experience + tools + equipment + staff + suppliers + raw material + resources = Your Proprietary Process 

To take it one step further: 

Your Proprietary Process + eCommerce = Scaling Your Proprietary Process with eCommerce 

As we work on your keyword strategy, starting thinking about all of the terms that an ideal customer (soulmate) would type into a Google search. 

That’s the direction we need to head. 

Related Article: Hey Manufacturer, What’s on Your Menu? Perhaps a Plate of eCommerce?

Keyword Strategy for Custom Manufacturers 

To make a comparison for manufacturing, let’s consider a keyword strategy for your company.

For example, if you want to rank for “custom manufacturer” we would face an uphill battle.

Google shows over 600 million webpages for “custom manufacturer”.

“Job shop” produces over 3 BILLION webpage results on Google.

More importantly, that is such a broad phrase any leads that you do attract would likely not fit what you actually do.

We want to promote your specific proprietary processes.

“Custom manufacturer” just isn’t going to produce positive results.

To dig deeper, let’s say you fit a specific industry.

Generic Keywords Will Likely NOT Drive Healthy Leads 

Take a look below at each industry and the number of Google webpage results:

  • CNC Shop = 132 million webpages 
  • CNC Machine Shop = 83 million webpages 
  • Sheet Metal Manufacturer = 213 million webpages 
  • Metal stamping = 394 million webpages 
  • Metal Fabrication = 1 billion webpages 
  • Tool and Die = 2.5 billion webpages 

If you want to rank organically on Google for any of these phrases above, good luck. 

You have a massive mountain to climb. 

Sorry to be pessimistic, “half-empty” or discouraging. 

We just want to take a much more productive and impactful strategic approach that will generate quality leads, sales and ultimately profits. 

Now you might think well, we are a “CNC shop” and that is what we need to target. What do I do now “Mr. Negative”?

First, typically broad keywords are outrageously expensive on Google Ads. Trust me, Google possesses plenty of cash and does not need your donations by implementing a wasteful keyword strategy. 

Secondly, unless you hire a world-class SEO firm, landing a first-page ranking on Google organic search for generic terms seems highly unlikely. 

Additionally, these terms are so broad that you are most likely to receive plenty a bad leads even if you did show up on Google search results. 

We need to narrow the category. 

Finding your sweet spot of expertise allows you to target that specific keyword to help you dominate search.

Related Article: 8 Steps to Conquer the “Job Shop Challenge” with eCommerce

Wrapping It Up 

Thanks for reading this post. 

Hopefully, you found this helpful for your eCommerce journey. 

For additional information, please click links below: 

Another exciting benefit with Manufacturing eCommerce Strategies includes selling directly to the end-user. Yes indeed, “Manufacturer Direct!”

So, what crosses your mind when you hear “Manufacturer Direct”? 

Huge savings by skipping the middle man.  No additional costs, fees, or added margins. 

Essentially, dealing directly with the folks who actually hand-crafted your product. 

Both the manufacturer as well as the consumer greatly benefit from “Manufacturer Direct”. 

Well, eCommerce certainly presents that exciting opportunity for a manufacturer to sell directly to the end-user. 

Most importantly, eCommerce opens up this new avenue of revenue, effectively and efficiently. 

Let’s further explore. 

Related Article: Once again, eCommerce Saves the Day! No More Cold Calls

No Middle Man

The first and the most obvious benefit includes that all additional costs and add-ons are eliminated when selling direct

Especially since no middle man in the picture keeps prices low.

As a result, think about all of the overhead costs and staff involved when a retailer makes a purchase from a manufacturer.

  • Purchasing agent
  • Receiving department
  • Warehousing staff
  • Utilities
  • Insurance
  • Inventory management system
  • Shelving
  • Picking the order
  • Packing the order
  • Shipping the order
  • Carrying a receivable
  • Accounting
  • Finally, the president of the company hoping to keep their membership to the local golf course 

All of that additional overhead requires significant added margins to the end-user. 

Skipping that step pays big dividends for you and your customer. 

Increases Competitiveness with Low-Cost Imports 

Going “Manufacturer Direct” provides a huge competitive advantage while keeping prices as low as possible.

For years, the reality of U.S. manufacturers competing with cheap imports kept becoming less and less realistic. 

In many cases, raw material alone costs were higher than cheap imported finished goods. Even with all of the broker fees and transportation costs. 

Unfortunately, this has been a long sad trend for U.S. manufacturers. 

However, with new trends such as tariffs and foreign labor costs increasing, the playing field looks more attractive. 

In addition, with imported products, multiple hands touch that product adding an additional cost each time. 

Therefore, companies that struggle competitively with low-cost imports now potentially create a level playing field by selling “Manufacturer Direct”.

Shortens Supply Chain 

Next, skipping the middle man also ties right into shortening the supply chain. Hot off the press. The product is produced and shipped right out to the person using the product. 

The product isn’t on the ocean Freightliner in a container somewhere in the middle of the Pacific. 

“Manufacturer Direct” invites the opportunity for the manufacturer to ship the product quickly and efficiently to the eagerly waiting customer. 

With a renewed sense of urgency for domestic products, while also maintaining a healthier flow of goods, “Manufacturer Direct” shortens and strengthens the supply chain. 

Market Research: Feedback for New Product Ideas

With “Manufacturer Direct’, the amazing opportunity to engage directly with the end-user also offers instant market research at your fingertips. 

Communicating directly with those who use or consume your product delivers incredibly valuable information.  

This plays a similar role and along the lines of a made-to-order restaurant. 

If people keep ordering something, not on the menu, maybe it’s time to expand or add that item to the menu. 

However, staying ahead of the customer plays a critical role in your success as well. The ability to predict or anticipate solutions to customer problems certainly provides a winning edge. 

Henry Ford famously stated, “If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.”

Yet, for those of us that do not possess the uncanny business acumen of Henry Ford, we need to communicate with customers. Frequently. 

The key to success? Listen! 

“Manufacturer Direct” offers the incredible opportunity to not only listen but also react. 

Even welcome complaints. The saying, “Complain TO me, not ABOUT me”, pays huge dividends. 

Honest feedback from those painful complaints helps you improve your products and services. 

Strive to be the best!

Customers will guide you on a path to The Promised Land (shout out to Bruce Springsteen). 


Customizing products also lends an enormous competitive advantage. 

Especially when a customer can purchase customized products that fit their exact specifications. 

Being the manufacturer creates an environment of flexibility to accommodate and respond quickly.

With the menu analogy, if a customer requests changes to their meal, how quickly can the kitchen react? 

Hold the pickles and tomatoes? No problem. 

Add onions and cucumbers which are already in stock? Absolutely. 

Being agile and flexible separates you from the competition. 

Providing added value to your products and services creates that unique customer service that they cannot find elsewhere. 

Related Article: Hey Manufacturer, What’s on Your Menu? Perhaps a Plate of eCommerce?

Control Your Brand 

Additionally, “Manufacturer Direct” with eCommerce allows you to control your brand. 

Especially with fighting against cheap knock-offs for foreign competition. 

Dealing “Manufacturer Direct” also helps build your authority and trust. 

Authority and trust certainly play as constant buzzwords that every business speaker and consultant preach. 

However, building trust just can not be overstated. 

Building your business reputation with eCommerce takes time, energy, as well as intentional effort. 

Related Article: Hey Manufacturer, Let’s Scale Your Proprietary Process with eCommerce

Wrapping It Up 

Thank you for reading this post. 

For additional information to help you on your eCommerce journey, please click links below: 

“Manufacturer Direct”! It certainly has a nice ring to it, right?

As a manufacturer looking to diversify, many exciting options exist for you to consider. 

Especially when it comes to selling direct to end-users or consumers. 

However, today we are going to discuss a couple of options to NOT consider. 

As an eCommerce evangelist, let’s take a look at two paths to avoid. At all costs. 

Related Article: 3 Step Approach To Scaling eCommerce for Manufacturers

Options for Selling “Manufacturer Direct” (NOT!)

no more cold calls

Prior to the internet or eCommerce, a manufacturer wanting to sell direct to end-users required heavy investment in a printed catalog strategy. Otherwise, they needed to open physical retail locations. Yes, brick & mortar. 

Hmmm…print or brick & mortar? 


Either option sounds about as appealing as…..A root canal without novocaine…Bamboo shoots under fingernails…Swimming with piranhas…Dipped in honey and jumping into a mound of fire ants…..Replaying the scene in “Raiders of the Lost Ark” with tarantulas crawling on your back…..

Ok, I think you get the point. 

Printed Catalogs? 

Seriously, why am I even typing about this?

Let’s not spend our time discussing all of the negatives surrounding a print catalog strategy such as the enormous cost of printing, postage fees, finding addresses of actual buyers, as well as all of the trees killed in the process. 

Therefore, I promise not to belabor the point to death on the colossal waste of time, money, energy, and resources involved in printing catalogs. 

Additionally, find a mistake after the final print of a catalog? Tough. You will have to wait until the next run. 

I definitely will not mention the fact that eventually 100% of the printed catalogs find themselves in the garbage. In fact, 99%, find their way to the garbage without a single reading. 

Also, can you imagine calling a vendor who you eagerly want to place an order with, and the response goes “we just dropped a catalog in the mail. Give us a call next week when it arrives to place an order.” WHAT?!?! 

In conclusion, you have my word that I absolutely promise not to continue on and on and on about why printing catalogs belongs in a conversation at least 30 years ago. 


The Retail Apocalypse 

So with that, you also have my promise not to hammer the list of reasons why opening a retail store for manufacturers seems like a poor investment as well. 

As retail stores continue to close by the dozens or even hundreds, opening a retail store certainly looks as an unwise business strategy. 

Ok, who are we kidding? It’s a horrible idea! 

Especially since the “Retail Apocalypse” is upon us. 

An expected 75,000 retail stores will close by 2026 according to a report by investment firm UBS

Opening a retail store requires heavy overhead with vast capital investment. Staffing issues. Inventory management. Additional utility expenses. Crazy retail hours. High rent. Theft and shoplifters. Store fixtures. Fees, licenses, and permits. Additional business insurance for liability (what if someone slips on your slippery floor). Lastly, lots of expensive marketing and advertising to attract human beings with credit cards in hand to walk through the door. 

I also promise not to mention the crazy seasonal demands during peak seasons and holidays. 

Finally, you have my word that I will not go on and on over what a colossal waste of resources, time, money, and energy that opening a retail store requires. 

eCommerce Comfort Zone

Phew! Thankfully that rant is behind me and I am back in my eCommerce comfort zone. 

Next week we will explore all of the tremendous benefits that “Manufacturer Direct” with eCommerce offers for you and your customers. 

Wrapping It Up 

Thank you for reading this post. 

For additional information to help you on your eCommerce journey, please click links below: 

Randy McNeely, who owns the title “Kindness Champion” and also serves as the executive producer of “The Kindness Hunters” TV Show recently shared this thought, “I prefer not to use the phrase ‘social distance’. As social creatures, we are ‘physically distancing’, not ‘social distancing’ thanks to the fact that we live in a digital world.” 

Wow! What else would you expect from someone with the title “Kindness Champion”?

This came across as an incredibly positive and “half-full” outlook as we all strive to gain a new normal through these extremely troublesome times. Especially since at one point, business seemed to be changing not only by the day but literally by the hour. 

While enduring these current challenges as well as “physical distancing”, maintaining an active level of digital communication brings numerous benefits to you and your team. 

Thankfully many options exist for maintaining healthy communication with business and social connections. 

As a matter of fact, this is a fantastic opportunity to tackle a new venture for you and your business. 

That new venture: Blogging.

Related Article: Seeking Soulmates: Does Your Website Attract Dream Customers?

Blogging Reduces “Social Distance”

Blogging creates an opportunity to share with your staff, customers, vendors, and even your community on how things are going for you and your business. 

With a new sense of urgency for virtual and digital engagement, creating a solid blog strategy helps thrust you ahead of the game. 

Blog posts can be short and sweet and right to the point.

On the other hand, take advantage of this time to dive into details on steps that your company uses to battle current challenges. Other business owners might find your strategies and tactics extremely valuable. 

Plus, a blog also offers the opportunity to basically journal your experiences during COVID-19. Years from now you can look back and think to yourself, “how on earth did I survive that global crisis?” 

Blogging can be the voice of your younger self sending messages to your older and wiser self. 

The bottom line, blogging offers tremendous value to you, your company as well as your customers. 

Once our world returns to health and no longer finds it necessary to “social distance”, you will cherish the fact that you started blogging as a content strategy for your business. 

Therefore, let’s dive into potential blog topics to help you get started. 

Blogging for Small Business Owners and Manufacturers 

Blogging plays a critical role with any B2B marketing strategy.

One major challenge though: Where to start? Creating blog topics that readers find helpful and educational certainly is not an easy task.

Additionally, many small business owners question the value of blogging for their company.

Especially for small business owners and manufacturers.

Common questions asked during discussions with small business owners and manufacturers who are considering blogging:

  • Who has time to actually blog?
  • In particular, as a manufacturer or small business owner, what the heck do you blog about anyway?
  • Does a business truly benefit from blogging?
  • More importantly will blogging connect with new customers?
  • Lastly, will blogging actually generate sales?

Truth be told, blogging delivers powerful results for many reasons including the following:

  • Tremendous SEO Value
  • Customer engagement
  • Educate customers
  • Inform potential prospects on your company, products, and services
  • Convert content from blogs into social media posts
  • Share community activities and events 
  • Offer case studies, success stories, white papers, and resource guides 

Related Article: Hey Manufacturers, Being the “Best Kept Secret” is No Longer an Option 

Where to Start?

Social Distance

Actually there are tons of blog topics to consider for your customers.

Yet, taking the time and energy to actually sit at a computer and type these thoughts out sounds overwhelming. Daunting. Seems like a waste of time.

I get it. You are BUSY! Constant fires to put out. You have a steady list of issues that need addressing.

Stopping to type out a blog post typically does not make the priority list for most small business owners.

Especially those who lack the experience in creating content. Let alone the desire.

A common response to blogging, “if I wanted to be a blogger, I would have gone to journalism school”.

However, the great thing about blogging, anyone with a computer, laptop, cellphone, or mobile device can now create a voice.

Stepping out of your comfort zone to put your thoughts out on the World Wide Web or the Internet of Things can be intimidating for many.

So, wondering where to start?

For example, find a topic that you are an expert in or where you share a deep passion. Then sit down and just start typing.

Still questioning what blog topics would create the most impact for your business?

The goal here is to help you achieve your goals.

Blog About What You Know Best

A consideration when determining blog topics, pretend your dream customer is standing in front of you (six feet away, of course).

What would you say? How would you describe your business? Can you paint a clear picture of how you can solve their problem?

Otherwise, another scenario, let’s pretend a customer is taking a tour of your facility (six feet apart as well).

During a tour, you will demonstrate why you are the BEST option to provide the solution that this particular customer is seeking? You will show off your amazing team, equipment, machinery, and resources. Well, that’s another potential blog post. Actually, an entire series of blog posts.

The internet makes everyone’s lives more efficient. 

Especially since it is unrealistic to stand face to face with every prospect while maintaining a “social distance”

To turn it around, when you are the buyer seeking a new vendor, where do you turn?

In the past, you had to go to trade shows to find the best vendors.

However, conducting a Google search or connecting with new vendors on social media works so much more affordably and efficiently.

Blogging helps you make those valuable and profitable connections. 

Related Article: Captain Your Ship! eCommerce Helps You Stay in Your Wheelhouse

Blog Topics for Your Business

Finally, let’s dig into blog topics to launch your blogging journey:

  1. How you started the company
  2. Why you chose entrepreneurship
  3. Explain the benefits of outsourcing the products and services that you offer
  4. Information about your community
  5. Start a blog series on your proprietary processes or products
  6. Reviews on the equipment and tools that you use
  7. Meet the Team: Profile your amazing employees
  8. Case studies
  9. Customer Service Questions – FAQ’s are excellent blog topics
  10. Benefits of Made in USA
  11. Recycling
  12. Safety concerns in your industry
  13. New equipment purchases
  14. Updates or improvements on your website as well as progress with internet marketing
  15. Engineers in your industry
  16. Influencers in your industry
  17. Customer testimonials
  18. Historical figures in your industry
  19. What is (Blank)? — describe the parts that go into your products
  20. Explain how your products are made
  21. Point out industries that use your products
  22. Book Reviews
  23. Videos, Videos, Videos – start creating How-To videos of your expertise as blog posts
  24. Create Resource Guidebooks
  25. Company announcements such as new hires, new efficiencies, new products

Bonus Round of Blog Topics During “Social Distance” 

  1. Heroes in your community 
  2. Steps you took to battle challenges due to COVID-19 
  3. Team wins 
  4. Supply chain solutions 
  5. Experience with PPP (Paycheck Protection Program) 
  6. Work from home tips
  7. Managing a remote team 
  8. Essential businesses instituting “physical distancing” in the workplace
  9. New digital marketing strategies 
  10. Zoom: the new gateway of communication for your business 

FREE Blogging Resources

Lastly, below includes several outstanding free blogging resources to help you get started:

Wrapping It Up 

Thank you for reading & we wish you tremendous success with your blogging journey!

For additional information, please check out these helpful posts below as you continue your eCommerce journey: 


Today, we are going to discuss: “Get Offensive” to escalate your eCommerce strategy. 

Not the same type of offensive as your Uncle Charlie at a cookout. 

As well as the drunk co-worker at the annual Christmas office party (hopefully we’re not talking about you). 

Rather, this “Get Offensive” refers to you aggressively letting the world know you offer amazing products and solutions.

Remember, “This ain’t no party!” (My shout out to the Talking Heads). 

Our 3 prong approach to Scaling Your Proprietary Process with eCommerce includes:

  1. Make a great 1st Impression (aka Webpression)
  2. Dominate Search 
  3. Get Offensive

So this post addresses the 3rd step with the Scaling eCommerce Strategy at B2Btail: Get Offensive

Start connecting with companies that NEED your product who unfortunately at the moment simply do not know that you exist. 

We are eliminating the “Best Kept Secret Syndrome” as well as the “Job Shop Blues” with eCommerce. 

So, let’s tie everything together. 

You now have a website that makes an incredible Webpression (aka: a fantastic first impression). 

In addition, your team is also working diligently to Dominate Search

Well, the time has arrived to go on the offensive with these new tools. 

Keep in mind, an explosive offense hits home runs, makes plenty of baskets, puts the puck in the net, and scores lots of touchdowns.

Therefore, we need to do the same. 

Related Article: You Have Only One Chance to Make an Outstanding First Webpression

Get Offensive 

Get Offensive

Parlay your “Dominate Search” strategies to escalate your “Get Offensive” attack. 

With a narrowed focus for your business, eCommerce plays the perfect partner for you to go out and start seeking new customers. 

Above all, let’s think about any and every industry imaginable that needs your expertise and solutions. 

In particular, companies facing a serious void where your area of expertise perfectly fills the gap. 

On your quest to Scale Your Proprietary Process, landing on the radar on buyers of your products plays a critical role.


Connecting, engaging as well as delivering value offers a winning hand to both parties. 

For example, a number of “Get Offensive” strategies include:

  • Send out product samples 
  • Share blog posts 
  • Email out a white paper that you created
  • Connect with buyers on LinkedIn 
  • Follow dream customers (aka “Soulmates”) on social media platforms 
  • In addition, engage with these dream clients social media posts 
  • Put out How to Videos of your products and proprietary processes 
  • Also share videos of your machinery and equipment 

As a result, the expert who commits themselves to solve problems builds trust as well as realizes huge dividends.  

Related Article: Hey Manufacturer, Let’s Scale Your Proprietary Process with eCommerce

Offensive Teammates 

Part of your Get Offensive approach includes analyzing companies ranking for your keywords. 

As you recall from our Dominate Search strategy, your keywords represent your proprietary processes and core capabilities. 

This is a fantastic opportunity to team up with these “competitors” and potentially turn them into customers. 

For example, when you conduct a search for your products, do any online companies or brick and mortar companies appear? 

Partnering with online retailers supports your cause on both fronts of our Dominate Search strategy as well as Get Offensive. 

These particular companies certainly play their part with Dominating Search.

As you go on the offensive by partnering with these companies, your business tremendously benefits by possessing real estate on Google search results as well as on these websites. 

The goal is when a buyer conducts a search for your product, they find your product regardless of which website they land on. 

This strategy supports the opportunity to Dominate Search simply by listing products on as many valuable partner sites as possible. 

Below includes a number of companies that are prime targets to team up with on your quest to Get Offensive and also Dominate Search. 

Online Marketplaces (the 800 LB Gorillas) 

First, let’s Get Offensive with the 800 LB eCommerce Gorillas:

These companies need no introduction, yet offer incredible opportunities for your business. 

Placing your products on these online marketplaces brings instant credibility as well as millions of shoppers. 

In addition, these companies potentially already bid on your keywords which provides you with another avenue for customers to find you quickly.  

Auto Retailers 

In the case that you manufacture parts or components for the auto industry, plenty of amazing options exist for you to pursue. 

Below includes a list of national auto parts retailers: 

Also, start exploring all of the thousands of car dealerships, auto repair shops, and mechanics who would greatly benefit by connecting with you. 

Electronics Suppliers 

Manufacturers of electrical parts, products or components also participate in a vast market that includes a host of companies to partner with on your Get Offensive quest. 

Prominent players in electronics include: 

Industrial Suppliers 

Do you manufacture industrial parts? 

Hopefully, you’re licking your chops at the enormous number of industrial suppliers that offer great potential as well. 

Of course, the 800 LB Gorillas here include Home Depot and Lowe’s. 

However, PLENTY of other options play on this field. 

Ocean of Opportunity 

This list simply represents just a tiny sampling of the wealth of opportunities available to you.

Most likely, your mind is swirling with ideas, industries as well as potential customers that need your solutions, NOW. 

There is truly a huge ocean completely full of options waiting for you. 

However, fish typically fail to jump out of the water on the hook or right into the net. 

It takes effort. Tremendous effort. 

Yet, it is up to you to throw the first cast. 

Your “Get Offensive” strategy with eCommerce helps land plenty of fish and you never know, you might even land a whale or two. 

Wrapping It Up 

Thank you for reading this post. 

Hopefully, you found this helpful. 

For additional helpful information as you begin your eCommerce journey, please click on the links below: 




Let’s talk about your CTA problem. Wait, what is CTA? So glad you asked. CTA = Call to Action.

As we continue our series on making that outstanding first Webpression, this post addresses the CTA on your website.

This is not a reference to the latest and greatest video war game.

A clear and strong Call-to-Action means the difference between a prospect leaving your site immediately versus the client intrigued enough to learn more about your company.

Barbara Corcoran of Shark Tank fame says attractive traits for investment include: “Save me time, make me money or make me prettier”.

Do you save your customers time, money, or at the very least make them prettier?

You solve problems every day for your customers. Your company brings years of experience and a seasoned staff ready to tackle any challenge.

Yet, how can you communicate a powerful message in 5 seconds or less on your website?

Think about your elevator pitch as you are actually riding an elevator with that true dream customer.

In other words, your soulmate.

How can you deliver a compelling website pitch, quick and effective in order to capture their full attention?

Related Article: You Have Only One Chance to Make an Outstanding First Webpression

Strong Call-to-Action Buzzwords 

Simply put, what action do you want a customer to take once they land on your website?

Browse? Buy? Call? Email? 

As we all know, trying to be everything to everyone typically leads to being nothing to no one. It creates confusion and frustration.

Therefore, make sure your website offers a clear and concise direction.

Quickly guide potential customers to the necessary information on your website to help them make a buying decision.

The goal with your website should always be that a potential customer has enough information to make a buying decision on Saturday night at midnight without needing to wait for you to open on Monday morning.

Remember, your website serves as your 24/7 sales rep. Communicate as though you are at a trade show in a room full of potential leads.

Avoid confusion. I have a saying, if you have to explain a joke, odds are it is not funny (which describes a majority of my bad jokes).

If you need to explain to a prospect how to use your website, odds are it is confusing.

Healthy communication plays a vital role with your website. Be short and concise with guiding users. 

Below includes a list of buzzwords in order to entice a potential customer to take action:


Related Article: Like It or Not, Your Website is Your 24/7 Sales Rep

Call to Action Headlines 

Call to Action

Below includes several helpful examples of possible headlines to encourage users on your website to take action. 

CASE STUDIES THAT WILL BLOW YOUR MIND: Check out these incredible case studies. The results not only blew away our customers, we were even taken back ourselves. 

DOZENS OF OUR HAPPY CUSTOMER RECOMMEND THIS PRODUCT: Committing significant investments and resources to our proprietary processes delivers the highest quality products in the industry. 

SAVE 18% WITH THIS POWERFUL TECHNIQUE: With our 30+ years of industry experience, we have discovered that your company saves you 18% on your Cost of Goods Sold with our state of the art equipment and unrivaled proprietary process. 

ARE CUSTOMERS HAMMERING YOU ON PRICE? WE HAVE YOUR BACK!: Hopefully, you are sitting down for this. We converted our proprietary process into a custom product line offering the lowest prices on the market. 

DRASTICALLY INCREASE INVENTORY TURNOVER & PROFITS: Inventory turnover improved dramatically for our customers joining our inventory management control system. 

99.9% QUALITY CONTROL RATINGS: Learn more about our 99.9% Quality Control Ratings and how our expert staff manufactures and delivers superior products.  

FREE QUOTES WITHIN 24 HOURS: Our team is deeply dedicated to your success. We know your time is extremely precious and at a premium. Submit your drawing here for a free quote. Turned around within 1 business day. 

SIGN UP FOR OUR EMAIL NEWSLETTER (we will even throw in a few jokes for you as well): Receive powerful tips and guidance for your business during these challenging times. 

RECEIVE OUR INDUSTRY RESOURCE GUIDE: With 30+ years of industry experience, our expert team created several Industry Resource Guides to improve throughput and workflow drastically increasing profits.

Related Article: Hey Manufacturer, Let’s Scale Your Proprietary Process with eCommerce

Take Action with Your Call-to-Action 

Below includes an example of a clear Call-to-Action. 

This a page for buyers at Falconer Electronics looking for a Braided Ground Strap

Click here to view the Falconer Electronics Instant Ground Strap QuoteBuilder 

Call to Action

The orange button drives the Call-to-Action, “Get A Quote Fast!”.

In addition, the video offers a guide to answer any questions.

Bullet points address other potential questions:

  • Are you fast and efficient? – Yes! NO RFQ Wait Time * Takes 60 Seconds or Less 
  • Will you save me money? – Yes! Buy Manufacturer Direct! NO Middleman! NO Additional Markups! 
  • Where is the product made & how long have you been in business? – Made in the USA Since 1985 
  • Do you offer many options? – Yes! Wide Variety of Lengths and Sizes
  • Is the product guaranteed?  – Yes! Lifetime Manufacturer Product Warranty 

As a result, this page plays the role of a 24/7 sales rep. 

The information provides a simple and clear message allowing a customer to make a buying decision completely on their own. At any time of day and any day of the week without help. 

No waiting for a returned email or phone call. The customer creates their own product as well as receives pricing immediately. 

Most importantly, customers find the tool fast, simple, and easy to use. 

Fortune 500 companies, manufacturers, machine shops, and industrial businesses all utilize this extremely efficient and helpful software tool. 

Wrapping It Up 

Thanks for reading this post. Hopefully, you found this helpful. 

For additional information to assist you with your eCommerce journey, please click links below: 




“We prided ourselves as being the “Best Kept Secret” for decades. However, the internet changed everything. Now what?”

Unfortunately, I kept hearing this comment over and over from manufacturers. Especially from custom manufacturers. 

Many manufacturers actually wore the “Best Kept Secret” status as a badge of honor. 

However, what do you do when being the “Best Kept Secret” is no longer working?

Well, an incredible cure for “Best Kept Secret” status, “Manufacturing eCommerce Strategies.” 

The goal here is to produce ideas, tips, and suggestions for you to expand and grow your manufacturing business. 

Amazing opportunities lie ahead. For example, a powerful strategy for you to gain a competitive edge: Scale Your Proprietary Process with eCommerce. 

So, when is it the best time to stop being the “Best Kept Secret”? 

Probably right now!  

So, let’s begin your eCommerce journey. 

When the Party Started 

First, think back for a moment to when you launched your business. 

Possibly you worked for someone else and felt you had a better method that was more effective and efficient.

Therefore, the burning desire for entrepreneurship simply blazed much greater as opposed to continuing to work for someone else. 

As a result, you jumped in with both feet and took a shot. Your best shot. 

Your relentless entrepreneurial drive helped build the amazing business you own today. 

As a custom manufacturer, you produce amazing products as well as provide incredibly valuable services to your customers. 

By manufacturing certain parts and components, you pull a particular proprietary process off of your customer’s plate.

You simply perform this task much better than your customer can as well as anyone else for that matter. 

Customers value the tremendous benefits received by partnering with you. In particular, the OEM.

You worked tirelessly to build expertise in this area.

Something that just doesn’t make sense for the OEM to do themselves.

Especially since you have perfected your craft.

You purchased the necessary machinery, tools, and equipment. Developed an experienced and educated team.

However, the problem is outside of your current customers, you still exist as the “Best Kept Secret”.

Witness Protection Program

Unless you are in the witness protection program, keeping a low profile due to a jilted lover or hiding some other skeletons in your closet, continuing on as the “Best Kept Secret” is no longer a healthy business strategy. 

Sadly, this problem is too common.

Yet, for many manufacturers being the “Best Kept Secret” served them extremely well for many years. 

Consequently, dealing with just a handful of select customers certainly offers many benefits. 

For example, manufacturers typically do not deal with a wide range of customers in the same manner as a retailer or restaurant. Therefore, dozens of emails don’t flood the inbox as well as phones are not ringing off the hook. 

In addition, handling fewer customers helps avoid all of the drama and high maintenance that goes along with handling the needs and demands of hundreds or even thousands of consumers.

However, if you lose a single customer in retail or at a restaurant, it most likely represents only a tiny percentage of your business.

On the other hand, with manufacturing, losing one customer can speak for a significant loss of sales.

As a custom manufacturer, you serve as an extension of your customer. In some ways, you almost play the role of a business partner.

Unfortunately, for many custom manufacturers, a single customer can represent 50-60% of sales. Scary.

That is just the nature of the beast.

When you are so busy and consumed with that one large customer or even just a handful, it can be challenging to think about aggressively marketing your business.

However, there must be a better way. 

Longing for Olden Days 

I cannot tell you how many times I heard a small manufacturer say the internet doesn’t impact our company.

“We are ‘old school’. Our industry is primarily word of mouth.”

Well, we all now know that is not the case anymore.

Exploring growth invites many new challenges. Especially since marketing, including eCommerce and digital marketing, is not a top priory for many manufacturers. 

They are widget experts who know their product better than anyone. Inside and out. 

Unfortunately, they just struggle with how to market themselves in the digital age. 

Yet, the tradesperson says, “I am a widget expert, not a digital marketer.”

This is the case for millions of tradespeople including plumbers, contractors, electricians, etc.

Even individuals in the financial sector such as stockbrokers, financial advisors, and insurance salespeople.

In the “olden days” (as my daughter likes to refer to yesteryear) a business owner took out an ad in the phone book, sponsored a local Little League team, bought a placemat ad at a restaurant and they were all set.

It was an extremely passive approach.

Once you took out the ad, you could sit back and hope the phone would ring.

Of course, a deep commitment to customer satisfaction is the most powerful means of advertising.

Word of mouth keeps customers coming back and cash flowing.

This formula for success worked for years. 

Well, from a marketing standpoint, the world has changed. Dramatically.

The old passive approach is risky. Also, it is tough to just survive just on word of mouth.  

The same goes for manufacturers. 

However, they continue with frustration that the phone doesn’t ring anymore. 

URGH!! CAN’T I JUST GO BACK TO TAKING OUT A PHONE BOOK AD ONCE A YEAR?! (Every millennial just asked, “what is a phone book?”). 

Digital marketing now rules more than ever before. 

However, many manufacturers say “I would gladly pay someone to help but have no idea where to even start. How can I get my website ranked on Google? By the way, what on earth is SEO?”

Cure for the “Best Kept Secret” 

As a result, if you are not relentlessly connecting online, then you risk continuing on as the “Best Kept Secret”.

Not only do you wish to discover new customers, just think of potential customers who need you just as badly.

For example, they have a problem that needs solving.

A particular problem that you possess superior expertise in.

Yet, your paths never cross. They cannot find you since you are the “Best Kept Secret”.

To make matters worse, they find themselves with a bad supplier who offers high prices as well as misses deadlines and keeps stumbling in an area that you thrive.

The fix?

Manufacturing eCommerce Strategies helps exploit opportunities within your area of expertise as well as offers a cure for being the “Best Kept Secret”. 

Manufacturers that embrace eCommerce open themselves to incredible opportunities. 

To get started on your eCommerce journey, click these helpful links below: 



Market Your Manufacturing Facility Like a Five Star Resort. 

Well, that’s certainly an interesting concept.

Many manufacturers found themselves in manufacturing due to the fact that their passion for creating and producing incredible products led them down this path. 

The machinery, equipment, the burning desire to solve problems. 

However, plenty of manufacturers did not enter manufacturing based on their savvy marketing expertise. 

Especially when it comes to eCommerce and digital marketing. 

Well, times have drastically changed. 

Check out this interesting story. 

Your website was SO bad, I almost did not come to visit

I had a client. An absolutely outstanding company. They employed well over 100 employees.

Manufactured massive welding products. In particular, for military and transportation projects. Their projects typically land in the six to seven-figure range.

However, they completely ignored their website. It just was not a priority. They were running at full capacity. Therefore marketing took a back seat.

They just felt in their industry, the website basically served as a business card and really did not matter. Until it did matter. A lot!

They had a potential customer from the midwest that stumbled on their website.

The potential customer contacted them. After long discussions, the customer was impressed enough to jump on a plane and make a site visit.

As you well know, discovering a solid new vendor is just critical to your success as finding new customers.

So this particular customer, he was extremely excited to connect.

During the site visit, this potential customer was “WOWED” with what he saw on the tour.

As a result, the potential customer eventually became a paying customer. Another major contract landed.

However, upon the site visit, the customer shared with my client, “I almost did NOT visit your facility because your website was SO bad”.

A disaster avoided. 

Therefore, that is how this manufacturer became my client.

Related Article: Like It or Not, Your Website is Your 24/7 Sales Rep

New Sense of Urgency 

A new sense of urgency developed with the thought of missing out on a six-figure customer simply due to the fact of owning a horrible website.

The thought hit them like a ton of bricks. What if that new customer never picked up the phone? 

Ignoring your website which serves as the face of your business is certainly dangerous.

Can you imagine a single person missing out on their soulmate due to a lousy profile on a dating site?

A bad photo. Poor description. No passion.

In the same regard, missing out on a six figure contract due to a poor web presence definitely hurts. An Epic Fail of major proportions! Ouch!!

Though this particular client avoided disaster (this time), how many other potential customers simply never reached out? 

Taking the time and spending the money necessary to maintain a healthy website is crucial.

No excuses.

Related Article: Seeking Soulmates: Does Your Website Attract Dream Customers?

Bring Your Manufacturing Facility TO the Customer 


Business success relies on pleasing the customer. 

Dedicating yourself to making your customer’s life easier, better and more efficient certainly creates a winning formula. 

Considering the fact that trade shows are incredibly expensive and travel budgets are tight. 

In addition, face to face visits or site tours are commonly not viable options. 

Therefore, to build a healthy competitive advantage or even just to be in the game, your website needs to be an absolute top priority. 

You need to BRING your manufacturing facility TO the customer. 

In other words, make that incredible first Webpression. 

So a question to ponder: what is your business?

In other words, what is the actual service that you provide?

Let’s think about this for an analogy. 

You are a hotel. A five-star resort.

Wait, what?

Stay with me on this one. 

Manufacturing Facility = Five Star Resort 

Yes, consider your manufacturing facility as a five-star resort and that you need to market yourself as such. 

At least we need to move in that direction anyway. 

So, what actually occurs when you stay at a hotel?

The hotel has accumulated an arsenal of amenities that you “rent” during your stay.

You are basically renting a home for the evening or a short period of time. 

Would you consider going on vacation without doing some due diligence?

It is hard to imagine staying at a hotel or resort without at least looking at the website.

Checking the amenities such as the: 

  • Beds 
  • Bathroom
  • Pool
  • Restaurants
  • Fitness center
  • A room with a view (beach, mountains, city landscape)
  • Sights in the surrounding area
  • Activities for the kids 
  • Wi-Fi access 
  • Parking availability 

Provide a Magical Experience 

Digital marketing and eCommerce play a critical role in the travel industry. 

Especially with hotels and vacation resorts. 

Therefore, a hotel or five-star resort works extensively to bring their property to you on your computer or phone.

It is certainly in their best interest to show you every amenity and benefit of their facility. 

Showcasing all assets that they possess ensuring that you will thoroughly cherish and enjoy your stay.

If you are traveling for pleasure, what are you truly buying? An experience. Better yet, hopefully, an amazing experience and a trip full of lifetime memories. 

For example, a child traveling with Mom and Dad on a magical trip to Disney or the ocean for the first time.

Spring break with college friends. Otherwise, a romantic honeymoon consummating a marriage and beginning a life together. Taking your family to a new city or an exciting adventure.

The hotel or resort are both just physical assets.  

Yet, what are they actually selling? 

The resort provides much more than just a roof over your head for an evening or short period of time.

Comfort. Restoration. A relaxing getaway. An escape. A bond with your family or travel mates that you will cherish for a lifetime. 

Well, your potential customers are doing the exact same thing.

They go to your website to check out your “amenities” to determine if you are a worthy business to depend on and trust. 

Your Customer is “Renting” You & Your Manufacturing Facility 

Manufacturing Facility

So as a custom manufacturer, what does this have to do with you?

What is your customer doing?

A customer is basically coming to your facility to “rent” your manufacturing facility and everything that comes with it such as your knowledge, expertise as well as your years of experience.

Your amenities include: 

  • Machinery 
  • Equipment 
  • Engineering
  • Tools 
  • Testimonials
  • Customer Success Story 
  • Meet the Team 
  • Knowledge 
  • Experience 
  • Expertise 
  • Access to vendors and raw material 

Just like the five-star resort, take full advantage of your website by showing off all of your amenities and capabilities.

Brag a little here. Display your strengths and greatest assets

Take the opportunity to reveal why you are the best at what you do. 

Let the customer take a tour of your facility and operations while they are comfortably on their computer or phone. 

Make it as easy as possible for a potential customer to make a buying decision. 

Treat your website as if it is a booth at a massive trade show. 

You need to make an incredible first impression (or as we like to call it, Webpression). 

The more pleasant and comfortable the stay, the more satisfied the customer.

Demonstrate your experience and expertise. Share all of the strengths and assets that your company possesses. Tell the new prospect about your amazing staff.

Stop being the best kept secret.

You ARE the soulmate that your customer is seeking.

Related Article: Captain Your Ship! eCommerce Helps You Stay in Your Wheelhouse

My Manufacturing Facility as a Five Star Resort? Seriously?

So you are in a 100 year old factory building asking how do I market like a five star resort?

If you are located in Milwaukee and just received a sales lead from Seattle, what do you do?

Think about the vacation example.

Why do we take so many pictures and videos on vacation?

When you get home and tell someone about the trip, the other person will use their imagination based on your words and description.

However, showing pictures and videos drastically reduces the reliance on the other person’s imagination. A picture and especially a video makes you feel like you were there.

The same works here for your manufacturing facility.

Bring your amazing business to the customer. 

What if you could walk the prospect in Seattle through your manufacturing facility with a video tour?

For example, do quick intros on key staff. 

Show photos and videos of machinery and equipment in action.

This removes the imagination. A priceless opportunity to show your competitive advantages, company resources s well as why you are the best fit and most equipped to tackle this project.

You might be asking, “wait I’m in a dirty old warehouse. There is nothing sexy or exciting about my facility, equipment or machinery. We definitely not a five-star resort!” 

Well, to the buyer, your “dirty old warehouse” might just be the dream vacation they are seeking. 

Let’s explore further.

Selling a Trip of a Lifetime 

So what do you offer? Do you cut steel? Bend metal?

Custom design products for others? Are you part of the process of someone else’s proprietary product?

More importantly, you sell and deliver valuable solutions that help increase your customer’s profitability. 

A customer watching one of your machines in action could be a beautiful sight. Music to their ears. 

You might possess just what the doctor ordered. The right equipment. The necessary tools and resources.

Your team might provide the necessary experience and expertise that this new customer lacks.

For example, let’s say you show a video on your website showing one of your machines running. 

That video might seem like a minor move on your part but could represent major dollar signs for a new customer.

Especially if this new customer envisions you filling a critical order for them.

Better yet, they may view the video as you printing money for them. Pouring out profits.

Now you just demonstrated that you provide five star service! 

Just remember, you’re selling a trip of a lifetime. 

Wrapping It Up 

Thanks for reading this post. 

Hopefully, you found this post helpful. 

Also, check out these helpful posts below as you continue your eCommerce journey: 







Wouldn’t it be great if your company could Dominate Search?

Wait, Dominate Search? Seriously?

Yet, isn’t that the dream of every small business owner and search marketer?

Just think if each and every time an ideal customer or your “soulmate” is searching for the products or services that you provide, there you are, hanging out at the top of search results.

Front and center on Google just waiting to be clicked. 

Especially with a customer who is eager and ready to place an order.

It could be a top organic ranking on Google, as well as an image, a video or a paid ad.

Ahh……If only dreams could come true. 

If it was 2005 this might be a realistic goal. Yet, today the competition is fierce.

You are competing with gazillions of other web pages for top rankings (btw – is gazillions an actual number?).

How important is an aggressive online marketing strategy?

If I told you there was a trade show going on next door to you with hundreds of buyers looking for your product and processes, what would you do?

You would bust down doors to get in that room. Handing out business cards, company literature, and product information to as many people as possible. Like speed dating. Fast and furious.

Well, that is exactly what the internet offers.

One giant trade show of potential customers searching for vendors.

Looking to buy a product with money burning a hole in their pocket to make purchases.

But you are nowhere to be found.

However, there is hope. 

It’s time to start your quest to Dominate Search. 

Let’s explore. 

Related Article: Seeking Soulmates: Does Your Website Attract Dream Customers?

Not Found in Search = Not in the Game 

Dominate Search

If you cannot be found on a search, you are simply not in the game.

What does it take to achieve top rankings?

Since 1995, I have worked tirelessly to figure out how to capture traffic and more importantly buyers by gaining top rankings on search engines.

I can attest first hand, it is not easy. Or cheap.

“Getting eyeballs” to a website was the buzz phrase in the 1990s. Eyeballs as well as credit cards to close the sale.

This was especially difficult during the pre-Google days.

Once Google arrived, millions of small business owners made a ton of money with eCommerce.

Google solved a massive problem with bridging the gap by playing matchmaker for a buyer and a seller.

Today, the same holds true.

You must be found when a buyer or potential customer conducts a search for your products. Somewhere. 

However, many options exist beyond just Google such as social media sites, videos as well as online marketplaces. 

Let’s dig right in. 

Related Article: 3 Step Approach To Scaling eCommerce for Manufacturers


3 Pronged Attack with Manufacturing eCommerce Strategies

Dominate Search

First, you need a plan.

Even though plans rarely go… planned, we still need a direction.

With Manufacturing eCommerce Strategies, let’s continue discussions on our 3 pronged approach: 

  1. Dominate Search
  2. Make a Great First Webpression
  3. Get Offensive

This post we are going to primarily discuss how to Dominate Search.

Dominate Search?

Is that even realistic?

It depends.

What is not realistic?

Well, one example would be if you insist on earning #1 organic Google ranking for the keyword “Shoes”.

Unless you own Nike or have an equivalent marketing budget, we most likely need a different strategy.

When clients say they want a #1 organic ranking of highly competitive or popular terms, my response goes as follows: “you have a better chance of seeing me with hair”. In other words, that’s simply never going to happen. 

However, don’t be discouraged. We simply need to focus on alternative routes. 

Plenty of fun and creative strategies to achieve your goals lie ahead waiting for you.

In many cases, there are plenty of tremendous opportunities to capture top search rankings, especially for manufacturer’s niche keywords.

Related Article: You Have Only One Chance to Make an Outstanding First Webpression

Search Your Keywords

For starters, what are your keywords?

If this new to you, keywords are the products and services that you are absolutely best at. 

In other words, your products, proprietary processes, and core capabilities all represent your keywords. 

Let’s do an exercise. 

When you Google your keywords, does your company appear in the search results?

Do you show up at the top of the 1st page on Google? 

Otherwise, do you show up at all anywhere on the first page?

If not, this is a major concern. 

Are you ok with this or does this make you angry?

Even worse, did you notice the names of the other companies that do show up?

For example, any competitors on the first page?

Companies that you are well aware of but had no idea that they were tech savvy and Google friendly.

Next, let’s click on the sites that do show up. Especially since they are your competition.

How do those sites look?

Comparing yourself to these websites, how do you stand?

Are you in decent shape? Holding your own? Does your website look better than the competition?

If the answer is no, are you frustrated? Feel behind the curve?

Deeply concerned? Even mad? Good!

Related Article: Top 13 Reasons Why Manufacturers Struggle with eCommerce

Hopefully, You Are Mad

Anger is an excellent source of motivation. 

If you are indeed mad, it’s now time to get in the game.

Get on the field as soon as possible. Throw a block. Make a tackle. Get dirty.

It is definitely not too late. Now is the time to take action.

A vast majority of my clients are digital immigrants. What is a digital immigrant?

Well, if you just asked yourself that question, you are probably a digital immigrant. Digital immigrants are those of us born before 1980.

Many digital immigrants in manufacturing claim they have spent years “flying under the radar” and “being the best-kept secret”.

Sound familiar?

Gaining customers and building your business through word of mouth. 

Well, now the time has come where you need to stop being the “best-kept secret”.

Many manufacturers are experts in their field who say if they can just get a client on the phone or engaged, they know they can close the sale.

Well, the challenge now, how does a company that has intentionally ignored technology and search engine strategies get into the game quickly, affordably as well as painlessly?

Dominating Search is Marketing 101

If you are not capitalizing on search, what are you doing? How can a potential customer find you?

Especially if a buyer is a digital native.

Think about this, Facebook was founded in 2003. College students who were early adopters to social media at that time are now well into their 30s with some reaching 40 years of age.

These individuals are business owners, professionals, purchasing agents, buyers as well as in management positions. 

They are entering positions of power and authority.

Where is the first place they go to make a buying decision?

They are researching Google, social media sites as well as online marketplaces. 

If you are nowhere to be found, you are in trouble. They are not going to page 5,6, or 7 of Google hoping to find you.

What do we do?

Let’s roll up our sleeves and get you in the game.

Don’t be overwhelmed. We are not “eating the elephant”.

You may feel years behind. Yes, it would be nice starting the “Dominate Search” party like its 2003.

But it is not 2003. No need to dwell on the past. You are here now and ready to take your business in a new direction.

This is a long term plan. A lifestyle change. We are creating new habits.

We are running a marathon not a sprint. 

The finish line is way out in the distance. The push forward.

“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.”

Starting Points to Help Manufacturers Dominate Search 

Below includes several starting points on our quest to Dominate Search that we will discuss throughout this post: 

  1. Establish a List of 10-20 Critical Keywords: Your core products and capabilities (be specific)
  2. Blogging
  3. Post Videos (educational, how-to, informational, explain processes, describe machinery) 
  4. Consistently post on social media sites (LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube) 
  5. Set Up Google Business Profile
  6. Google Ads 
  7. Business Directories: List your business on all relevant business directories 
  8. Place products on online marketplaces (Ex: Amazon, Walmart, Zoro)

Related Article: Like It or Not, Your Website is Your 24/7 Sales Rep

Share Your Vision to Dominate Search With Your Web Designer

First, let’s create a team and circle the wagons. 

Surround yourself with experts to help you achieve a successful strategy. 

Just the same as your customers come to you because of your expertise.

Your efficiency. High quality products. Timeliness. 

Above all, customers trust you. Otherwise, you would not already be this successful. Right?

Of course, let’s not forget about your likability and the fact that you are pretty darn cute as well. 

Hopefully, you feel the same about your web designer (maybe not the cute part). 

As a business owner, it is critical to surround yourself with professionals who have your back.

It is said it takes a village to raise a child, well it also takes a village to raise a business. 

As a small business owner, you throw on many hats. That’s just in the first hour of the day.

For example, you need an outstanding accountant, a reliable payroll service, a trustworthy insurance agent as well as a rock-solid attorney.

Well, you need all of these qualities in your web designer as well.

In order to take steps towards our Dominate Search strategy, you need support.

This post is not a guide on how to do everything on your own. Which is certainly great if you have the time, energy and stamina to do so.

I strongly encourage you to partner with individuals who see your vision and are eager to jump on your “Dominate Search” train.

Dominate Search Starters 

Therefore, this list includes several absolute top priorities to discuss with your web designer:

  • Purchase SSL Certificate: a digital certificate that provides authentication for a website as well as enables an encrypted connection.  
  • Set up Google Analytics
  • Make website speed a top priority
  • Responsive and mobile-friendly website (critical)
  • Set up an eCommerce store
  • Add products and services to your site
  • Add content (and lots of it)
  • Did I mention videos? (and lots of them)

Creating Content 

Are you sick and tired of everyone telling you to “create content”?

Does your web designer keep suggesting that you start blogging?

By the way, who on earth has time for blogging? 

Especially if you are in manufacturing. You make stuff. You are a widget expert.

If you wanted to “create content” or blog you would have gone to journalism school, right?

Does the thought of “blogging” and actually typing out an article to make your skin crawl?

Who has time to sit down and type out a 600-900 word blog?

You have orders to fill and fires to put out.

Even if there was time to blog, who is going to actually read the blog.

More importantly, how would they even find it.

Well, let’s start small.

Think of a topic about your business that you could recite in your sleep.

Is there a product, process, item that you just can not stop talking about?

Blogging Helps You Dominate Search

I recall sitting with a client and their team. They said “there is nothing really to discuss. What would we actually blog about?”

Since then, they eventually created hundreds of blog posts and now posses dozens of First Page Google Rankings on their keywords.

All thanks due to a change in attitude while also building an aggressive approach to blogging. In a year’s time, they increased website traffic by over 1000%.

Attracted a tremendous amount of new customers as well as substantially increased online sales.

More importantly, the company discovered newfound energy and excitement with this exciting new direction.

Below shows the search results for one of their core products, Electrical Ground Straps

As you can see, they possess the coveted Google Featured Snippet position. 

Featured snippets are special boxes where Google pulls information directly from a website showing the descriptive snippet first. In addition, this is a FREE position costing the winner of the snippet spot absolutely nothing. 

Gaining the Google Featured Snippet position is certainly challenging and comes with no guarantees to maintain that position. 

However, it is a nice victory for your company to earn this top spot.  

Dominate Search - Ground Straps

Create a Blog Series

Think of topics that would evolve into a series. Make it educational as well as fun for your customers.

A few suggestions include:

  • Break out a case study into sections – client first contacted you – how you bid the job – won the job – improved quality – saving them time and money
  • Do a series on you entering eCommerce – people love to root for the underdog
  • Why “Made in the USA” is best
  • Why Onshoring is better than offshoring
  • Benefits of outsourcing to a custom manufacturer
  • Machinery or equipment reviews
  • Tariff impact on your industry
  • Steps or Advice on how to outsource
  • Latest industry trends
  • Case study on how you saved a client time and money
  • Questions to ask during the quoting process
  • Meet the Team
  • How (and why) you started your company

Still stuck? Hate to type.

Grab your cellphone. Click on the video. Hit play and just start talking about your business. Your products. The process that separates you from the competition.

You don’t need to be salesy. 

Be educational. Explain your proprietary process. Teach the listener something new that you gained over your journey of perfecting your process.

Related Article: 25 Blog Topics for Manufacturers Eager to Start Blogging

List of Blogging Benefits for Manufacturers 

Blogging benefits for manufacturers include: 

  1. Take Your Website Beyond a Business Card 
  2. SEO  Value                           
  3. Build Brand Authority 
  4. Demonstrate Your Expertise 
  5. Use blogs as Social Media Post 
  6. Turn short content into long 
  7. Turn long content into short 
  8. Link Building 
  9. Increase leads 
  10. Educate your customers and prospects 
  11. Share Your Passion 
  12. Be Your Charming Self 
  13. Start a newsletter 
  14. Promote offers 
  15. Show off your team – machinery – equipment 
  16. Announce new products – machinery – equipment – 
  17. Highlight staff & their expertise 
  18. Create Checklists and other helpful purchasing  information to assist with buying decision 
  19. Address common questions with FAQ


Additional thoughts to consider on your quest to Dominate Search include the letters E-A-T. 

When you hear the letters “E-A-T”, you naturally think of food. 

Typically a favorite time of day. Breakfast, lunch or dinner. Something nutritious to provide you with needed energy. 

Hopefully something scrumptious and delicious. 

Well, Google has another interpretation for “E-A-T” that also satisfies hunger. 

In this case, Google helps cure your hunger for new customers. 

“E-A-T” nows plays a critical role with your company obtaining top rankings on Google. 

What does E-A-T stand for according to Google? 

E = Expertise 

A = Authority 

T = Trustworthiness 

Google certainly has evolved over the years and continues to do so. 

Search results today rely heavily on expertise, authority, and trust 

Just as you strive to deliver an excellent customer experience, Google owns the same mission. 

Google works relentlessly to provide valid and accurate information in search results. 

Google is determined to provide a high level experience as well as high quality search results with trustworthy content. 

In other words, no fake news. 

Check out this helpful article from Path Interactive’s Lily Ray on “What Does It Mean to Have Good E-A-T?”

Lily Ray explains E-A-T as follows:

Google’s algorithms identify signals about pages that correlate with trustworthiness and authoritativeness. The best known of these signals is PageRank, which uses links on the web to understand authoritativeness. ~ What Webmasters Should Know About Google’s Core Updates, 2019

E-A-T More

Focus on creating content that helps the buyer make a buying a decision while building your online authority. 

  • Educational articles
  • How-to videos
  • Instructional information
  • White papers 
  • Case studies 
  • Create Resource Guides 

Connecting buyers with these resources help to build your credibility. 

The bottom line, be the widget expert and consistently display your authority while building trust with your online strategy. 

This is truly nothing new and an age-old strategy. 

What has changed now is striving to communicate this message with your online presence. 

As mentioned previously with earning the Google Featured position, committing to the E-A-T strategy pays healthy dividends. 

Especially when Google views your company as a trustworthy resource for your core capabilities, proprietary processes, and products. 

Dominate Search with Your BFF Google 

Google offers an arsenal of powerful tools and resources to help you achieve your goals.

It is virtually impossible to Dominate Search without a deeply dedicated Google strategy. 

Below includes several Google family members that each play a critical role in your quest to Dominate Search. 

Google Ads 

Looking for quick results to get in the game immediately requires a few dollars of inventment.  

Google also offers a pay-per-click model where you pay to play called Google Ads. 

As an eCommerce dinosaur, I started using paid search ads in the year 2000. 

Previous to Google Dominating Search, Yahoo was the top player in search when they purchased Overture in 2003. 

Sadly for Yahoo, they completely dropped the ball allowing Google to become…..well…….Google. 

The rest is history. 

A Google pay-per-click ad works exactly as described. It does not cost a penny to obtain a paid ad position such as #1. It only costs you money once a user clicks your ad. 

In addition, if your keywords are popular, the bidding price per click can be quite expensive. Therefore, Google ads add up quickly so watch your budget closely.

Below shows the search results for Google Ads. Whenever you see a Google search result, take note of the word “Ad”. That means someone is bidding for that location. 

Click here to explore Google Ads

Google Shopping 

Just like Google Ads, Google Shopping works as a pay-per-click auction model. You never pay to show up in a search. However, you pay each time a user clicks your ad. 

The difference, Google shopping displays an image of your product as opposed to just a text ad. 

Google Shopping offers a powerful solution by allowing the buyer to see a product along with a price. 

The image helps prevent unwanted clicks as well as offer the opportunity for higher conversions. 

Google Shopping is a new product discovery experience. The goal is to make it easy for users to research purchases, find information about different products, their features and prices, and then connect with merchants to make their purchase.

Below shows an example of Google Shopping search results. 

To learn more about Google Shopping, click here 


Dominate Search - Ground Straps

Google Business Profile 

Google offers Google My Business as a means for your company to appear in local search results. This including showing up on Google Maps. Google Business Profile allows you to engage with customers on Google for free.

With a Google My Business account, you get more than a business listing. Your free Business Profile lets you easily connect with customers across Google Search and Maps.

To learn more about Google Business Profile – click here 

Google Analytics 

Google Analytics gives you the free tools you need to analyze data for your business in one place. If you love data, you will love Google Analytics.

Check out this guide on Google Analytics from SEMrush: The Beginner’s Definitive Guide to Google Analytics

Google Analytics offers key information such as: 

  • Number of unique visitors to your website
  • Which pages are the most popular on your website 
  • Website speed 
  • Referring websites (where is traffic coming from) 
  • Mobile vs PC visitors 
  • and much more…

Click here to learn more about Google Analytics 

Google Search Console 

Another valuable tool for you includes Google Search Console which helps you measure your site’s Search traffic and performance, fix issues, and make your site shine in Google Search results.

The tools and reports on Google Search Console play a vital role in improving website traffic and user experience. For example, Google Search Console allows you to track other websites linking to yours, index each landing page and also inspect each page as well. 

Click here to learn more about Google Search Console 

NJG = Not Just Google

Let’s not ignore alternatives on your quest to Dominate Search. 

Google certainly plays a critical role when a potential buyer conducts an online search. 

However, plenty of other options exist to expand your reach. 

  • Social Media: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Tik Tok, Twitter, YouTube
  • Industrial Trade Mags: Examples include Modern Machine Shop, Assembly, Engineering 360
  • Medium: A free publishing platform. Post all articles and content on Medium 
  • Reddit: Join relevant groups on Reddit. Post all articles and join discussions. However, do NOT be salesy on Reddit. 
  • Online Marketplaces: such as Amazon, Digi-Key, eBay, McMaster-Carr, Walmart and Zoro (We will dig deeper into pursuing online marketplaces on step 3: Get Offensive).

Helpful Resources to Help You Dominate Search

As you dig into this process, you will hunger to learn more about how to Dominate Search. Especially once you achieve that first eCommerce sale. Capturing eCommerce sales truly becomes addicting (in a good way). 

Below includes a list of helpful resources from experts with years of experience to help you with the process:

Wrapping It Up 

Thanks for reading this post. 

Hopefully, you found this information helpful. 

Please click below for additional helpful articles as you begin your eCommerce journey:  



So you hate making cold calls? 

Join the club. 

Well, eCommerce perfectly suits the individual who loathes spending their time making cold calls. 

Especially for those manufacturers who are introverts. 

In many cases, a manufacturer or business owner is the widget expert

They thrive on operations and production. 

Give them a problem to solve, they are on it. No one tackles these issues better than a manufacturer. 

Let them speak freely about their business, no problem. 

They could talk for hours about the solutions they provide. 

However, hand them a phone and ask them to start making cold calls, this leads to a completely different story altogether. 

Yet once again, eCommerce saves the day! 

Embracing an eCommerce strategy delivers another powerful benefit for manufacturers, no more cold calls. 

Related Article: Seeking Soulmates: Does Your Website Attract Dream Customers?

Dreaded Cold Calls 

No More Cold Calls

It certainly takes a rare breed that welcomes making cold calls for a living. 

For example, think about all of those reasons that people dread making cold calls anyway:

  • Time restrictions 
  • Uncomfortable 
  • Unproductive  
  • Fear 
  • Nervous 
  • Rejection
  • Humiliation 
  • Lack of confidence 
  • Inability to locate the gatekeeper or decision-maker
  • Discouraging
  • Poor sales pitch 

Cold call success becomes a numbers game. 

For example, take all of the cold calls that you receive in a week or even in a single day. 

Cold calling industries typically include stockbrokers, insurance, and payroll services.   

These cold callers represent interruption. 

Not many of us sit around longing for an unscheduled caller to sell us something. 

On the other hand, can you think of an actual cold call that did indeed convert you into a customer? 

The sales reps that you currently work with at some point in time were new to you. 

How did they break through to earn your business? 

An introduction had to be made somewhere, by someone, at some time. Maybe even a cold call?

Though some industries still utilize cold calls to drive sales, it is different for manufacturers. 

For example, every business needs insurance and most likely payroll services as well. 

However, only specific businesses or industries need your product. 

Reaching your dream customers comes with challenges. 

Therefore, this is where eCommerce steps in to make your life easier by replacing those dreaded cold calls. 

Related Article: Two Options for Custom Manufacturers Implementing eCommerce

Stay on the Radar 

Though you add massive value, you need to discover methods to land on the radar of potential customers. 

Otherwise, you simply remain as the “Best Kept Secret”. 

Most importantly, implementing an eCommerce strategy narrows your focus and allows customers to find you. 

Especially companies that would greatly benefit from unearthing your incredible product line. 

Executing a coordinated eCommerce strategy combined with an aggressive online marketing campaign helps eliminate the need for making those dreaded cold calls. 

With an eCommerce website, you immediately create the opportunity to attract warm leads. 

However, as important as it is to locate quality leads, your eCommerce strategy also helps prevent bad leads as well. 

Google plays the role of a matchmaker as well as also helps screen customers that just do not fit your formula. 

Targeting your keywords and your specific core capabilities open lines of communication for healthy engagement with business owners and buyers seeking your products. 

It creates a conversation. Breaks the ice. Gets the party started. 

Remember, your eCommerce store also serves as your 24/7 sales rep. 

Dreading making cold calls certainly serves as a strong motivator to go full throttle with eCommerce. 

Kind of ironic, isn’t it? 

With eCommerce, customers cold call YOU! 

Related Article: Like It or Not, Your Website is Your 24/7 Sales Rep

Wrapping It Up 

Thanks for reading this post. 

Hopefully, you found this helpful. 

For additional information to assist you with your eCommerce journey, please click links below: 



Scale Your Proprietary Process!


With eCommerce. 

Let’s discuss further. 

eCommerce Answers the Call

Proprietary Process

Yes indeed, eCommerce allows you to Scale Your Proprietary Process.

However, before we discuss eCommerce, let’s take a look at your business. 

For years, possibly your business’s entire existence, as a custom manufacturer you have made parts or products for other companies.

Similar to most businesses, there are significant pros and cons to this business model.

For instance, a custom manufacturer or job shop typically works with a limited number of customers. 

Unfortunately, many contract manufacturers rely too heavily on just a handful of customers who represent a large portion of revenues.

Time and time again a small job shop lives at the mercy of one or two big customers.

In some cases, a single customer potentially speaks for more than 50% of revenues. 

As a result, the custom manufacturer exists facing a rather large vulnerability.

Meanwhile, the job shop becomes an extension of their customer’s business. Partners if you will.

As a manufacturer, you invested heavily in all of the necessary tools, equipment, and machinery.

Additionally, skills and expertise are developed along with creating a highly trained staff.

Produced these parts and widgets over and over.

Actually, you and your staff could make these products blindfolded. In your sleep.

Suddenly at absolutely no fault of your own, the business dries up.

That one large customer goes away. Vanishes.

What happened? Could this have been avoided?

Did you see this coming?

Otherwise, were warning signs ignored?

Your accountant or business advisor points out this vulnerability over the years and begs you to diversify.

Everyone in the company knew if this particular customer ever packed their bags you would be in deep trouble.

Unfortunately, when that painful day arrives, now what? 

Related Article: 8 Steps to Conquer the “Job Shop Challenge” with eCommerce


Exploit Your Proprietary Process 

Marketing is typically not a strength for many custom manufacturers. 

Especially in the digital age. 

Selling to a handful of customers creates an environment where marketing for custom manufacturers is commonly not a top priority. 

Mainly due to the fact that a majority of energy, resources and time are all exhausted on nurturing the handful of existing customers. 

To overcome being at the mercy of serving just a few customers, many custom manufacturers long for a proprietary product. At least a majority that I encounter. 

That is to say, a proprietary product that they can call their own.

However, inventing a new product line or creating a better mousetrap comes with many risks. 

Especially with the high cost of engineering, new product design as well as the expense of attempting to market a new product. 

Excitingly, another option exists.

Above all, this solution keeps you in your wheelhouse and allows you to exploit what you do best. 

Scale Your Proprietary Process!

In other words, convert your proprietary process into a proprietary product line

So, something to strongly consider: Are your current customers the ONLY businesses that need your product?

Also, would your business be much better if you had your own product line to manufacture?

A product line where you could narrow your focus.

Capitalize on the expertise that you and your team have built over the years.

Capture economies of scale.

Create new opportunities and open new doors. 

Maximize your machinery to full capacity.

Most importantly, focus on selling your existing products to new customers in other industries.

Thus diversify to help broaden your base while drastically reducing a major vulnerability.  

Related Article: Captain Your Ship! eCommerce Helps You Stay in Your Wheelhouse

Steps to Scale Your Proprietary Process with eCommerce

Let’s take a look at steps to Scale Your Proprietary Process: 

1) Identify your greatest strength: Identify the product where you deliver the highest value as well as possess the strongest competitive edge over your competitors.

2) Narrow the menu: You cannot be everything to everyone. For example, use the 80/20 Rule. The 20% that generates 80% of your sales plays a critical role as an excellent starting point.

3) Create a product line: Once you identify the products that make the most sense and most importantly, most potential cents, create a product line. As the manufacturer, you can add dozens of products to your eCommerce website without actually producing a single unit. Just-In-Time is alive and well. 

4) Calculate Customer Pricing: The same procedure had a customer submitted a new RFQ. 

5) Add eCommerce to your existing website: Talk with your web designer about adding an eCommerce shopping cart to your current website. 

6) Take Product Photos: Make up a few products that you decide to start with. Take photos of these products to place on the website. You can even use your phone. 

7) Detailed Product Description: Provide all detailed product specs. For example, sizes, dimensions, raw material, as well as any certifications. 

8) Accept Credit Card: One of the many amazing benefits with eCommerce, no receivables. Scaling your proprietary process with eCommerce offers the opportunity to be paid before products are shipped. 

9) Market the heck out of your website: Study, learn and grow into a guerilla marketer. Otherwise, team up with an aggressive online marketing firm. 

10) Join Online Marketplaces: For example, Amazon, Digi-Key, Walmart, Zoro could each become your new best friends. 

11) Test: Test, test, test. Explore, experiment, learn as well as grow while discovering your sweet spot. 

Congrats! You are now an eCommerce Rock Star! 

Wrapping It Up 

Thanks for reading this post. 

Hopefully, you found this helpful as you begin your eCommerce journey. 

Also, check out our eCommerce Checklist: eCommerce Checklist: Manufacturing eCommerce Strategies

Lastly, for additional helpful articles, please click these links below: 


Are you a custom manufacturer or contract manufacturer? Otherwise, known as a job shop. 

Well, most custom manufacturers find great difficulty conquering the “Job Shop Challenge”. 

What exactly is this particular “Job Shop Challenge” that I am referring to? 

So glad you asked. 

First, let’s take a look at the incredible business that you built up over the years. 

As a custom manufacturer, you possess expertise at a proprietary process.

In other words, you and your team mastered a specific phase of the manufacturing process.

Therefore, your company creates and manufactures a product that eventually ends up in a finished good.

As a result, you make awesome products for other companies.

Typically for an OEM (original equipment manufacturer) who counts heavily on your experience, knowledge, and expertise. 

Most importantly, your company plays a critical role behind the scenes for the OEM as an extremely valuable partner and extension of that company. 

Subsequently, what does it take to build a successful business as a custom manufacturer?

Above all, you dedicated a great deal of blood, sweat, and tears to build your business from scratch. 

Training. Learning. Asking. Educating. Also, experienced a great deal of trial and error along the way.

Spent hours upon hours committed to perfecting your trade.

Striving to be the best.

No one does it better than you.

Put together an all-star team of employees.

Purchased all of the necessary equipment, tools, and resources. 

The bottom line, you built an amazing business.


However, you still confront a major hurdle as a custom manufacturer.

Overcoming the “Job Shop Challenge”: (Hint: Think Easter Bunny) 

Related Article: Top 13 Reasons Why Manufacturers Struggle with eCommerce

The “Job Shop Challenge” = Too Many Eggs in One Basket

Job Shop

As a custom manufacturer, odds are you struggle with the “Job Shop Challenge”.

The dreaded, too many eggs in one basket syndrome. 

The “Job Shop Challenge” could also be referred to as the “Job Shop Curse”. 

You know where this is heading. 

Lacking a diverse customer base. 

In other words, the huge vulnerability of one or two customers representing a majority of your sales.  

Every custom manufacturer that I have met shares the enormous stress that comes with being a custom manufacturer.

They have mastered a particular proprietary process, yet only service a handful of customers.

The demands of making products for the OEM brings a great deal of stress. 

Especially in the case where just one single customer represents 50% of the entire revenues. Possibly even more. 

This places a substantial weakness on custom manufacturers. 

For example, many custom manufacturers have suffered that devastating day when their #1 customer decides to part ways.

The customer who represents a majority of company revenues either takes their business elsewhere or goes out of business. 

Sales cut in half literally overnight.

The consequences are typically disastrous.

Sales plunge. Cash flow vanishes. Immediate layoffs. Machinery sits idle leaving unfilled capacity.

Fixed expenses, sadly, do not go away.

In addition, bank debt stares business owners right in the face.

Bankers who you thought were your friends, become much less friendly when cash flow dries up.

Unfortunately, customers vanish even if that business relationship seems rock-solid. 

What if that customer goes away from no fault of your own?

Culprits include (Not Your Fault):

  • OEM Mismanagement
  • New ownership
  • New technology
  • Product production moved to Mexico or China
  • New management or a new buyer
  • New competitor steps in

Even worse, what if losing the customer was indeed your fault?


Culprits include (Oh, Oh. It is Your Fault):

  • Complacency
  • Missed delivery deadlines
  • Quality issues
  • Poor customer service
  • Outdated processes 
  • Ignoring technology 

You ask, how did we get here?

Was this honestly unpredictable?

For years, you have thought the company needs to diversify to reduce this vulnerability. 

Exciting news! 

A wonderful solution exists. 


Related Article: Hey Manufacturer, What’s on Your Menu? Perhaps a Plate of eCommerce?

Conquering the “Job Shop Challenge” with eCommerce


Seizing an eCommerce strategy helps conquer the “Job Shop Challenge”.  


Tremendous benefits open up with embracing eCommerce. 

Below includes a list of powerful advantages that eCommerce offers to you and your company. 

Click links below to help Conquer the “Job Shop Challenge”:

1) Like It or Not, Your Website is Your 24 Hours a Day Sales Rep

2) Seeking Soulmates: Does Your Website Attract Dream Customers?

3) Eliminate the Cumbersome RFQ Process with eCommerce

4) No Receivables: Manufacturing eCommerce Strategies Benefits Cash Flow

5) Another Incredible eCommerce Benefit: No Major Capital Expenditures

6) Captain Your Ship! eCommerce Helps You Stay in Your Wheelhouse

7) eCommerce Allows You to Test Market New Products & Ideas (Cheaply)

8) Seeking Soulmates: Does Your Website Attract Dream Customers?

Wrapping It Up 

Thanks for reading this post. 

Hopefully, you found this helpful. 

Lastly, if you find yourself in the beginning stages of your eCommerce journey, please click on this eCommerce checklist to help you get started:  eCommerce Checklist: Manufacturing eCommerce Strategies